Nation-Building/Nation-Wrecking: Kosovo Gets Full Sovereignty
Posted by Socrates in Balkans, international Jewry, internationalism, Kosovo, Muslims, Muslims in Europe, NATO, Serbia, Serbs, Socrates at 6:09 pm | 
International Jew: “I’m sorry. We can’t allow a new Muslim state in the Middle East. That wouldn’t be good for Israel. But we can allow a new Muslim state in the Balkans – in fact, we’ll use NATO to create one for you!”
Muslim: “Gee, thanks!”
International Jew: “No thanks are necessary, the pleasure is all mine.”
3 July, 2012 at 6:43 pm
Hey Washington Compost, If Kosovo is swallowed up by the EUSSR and by NATO, then how will it be an “independent” country? No, this is all about destroying the remnants of Serbian power in the region. Aren’t the people of the Balkans getting tired of being manipulated by the Plutocrats in Washington and London?????
3 July, 2012 at 8:22 pm
Kosovo is run by Albright’s KLA appointed thugs. You may remember that after the dust cleared from the 78 day bombing campaign, Wesley Clark capitalized the on offer to open a casino in that country.
3 July, 2012 at 11:05 pm
The NA slagged Clark for being Jewish but I didn’t see the connection. On the other hand, Albania got a bronze statue of Clinton to the likes that the Poles have of Reagan in Warsaw. Reagan.. and for better reason.
4 July, 2012 at 4:24 am
We haven’t heard the last of this. Serbs have long memories and every school kid in Serbia knows Albanians are occupying a treasured piece of Serbia’s heritage.
There are many Albanian ‘refugees’ in the jewK, where they have gained a very bad reputation for their knifings, pimping and drug dealing. The dozy Brits are finding out the hard way that all featherless bipeds are not equal.
PS Wesley-don’t-call-me-kike-Clark had a jew grandfather. The bloodline has run true, he is a White hating globalist.
4 July, 2012 at 4:31 am
Kosovo will be partitioned among Serbs that receive Northern Kosovo and join Serbia and albanians that receive the rest of Kosovo and join Albania. Such are geopolitical realities, all other is the political performance for spectators.