14 August, 2012

Immigration: Then and Now

Posted by Socrates in Celler, chain immigration law, Hart-Celler Act of 1965, immigration, immigration bills/laws, jewed culture, jewed immigration policy, jewed law, Socrates at 9:52 pm | Permanent Link

Up until 1965, most immigrants who came to America were White. But the Jewish-created Immigration Act of 1965 (a.k.a. the Hart-Celler Act) reversed that trend. Today, most immigrants are non-White. Thanks, Jews (and thanks, Jew-loving gentile Lyndon B. Johnson).


  • 11 Responses to “Immigration: Then and Now”

    1. CW-2 Says:

      A very moving article by a fine German woman. Germans are amoung the most honest, hardworking and intelligent people on the planet. Which is of course why they are being exterminated, to make way for the globalists’ New World Order and ‘brown man’. The same is true for North America, Britain and France, the White people of those nations have served their purpose in destroying a resurgent Europe during WWjew, and are now themselves slated for mongrelization and extinction.
      A PhD in history isn’t required to figure that out, it is blindingly obvious. So why does the average White still support the system by voting, paying taxes and generally looking to public and religious figures for leadership? My guess is good-hearted Sally Soccermom and her husband have extreme difficulty recognising the long standing evil intent in our appointed ‘leaders’. The truth is, we have no leaders, only unprincipled whores who will do anything for their puppet masters.

    2. Zoroastro Says:

      The more negroes you have, the faster things go to wrack and ruin. (Occam’s razor)

    3. Tim McGreen Says:

      The Evil Empire invites turd world Mud invaders into this country and then deliberately settles them in all-White areas, like Maine and Minnesota. By nature I’m not a violent individual, but when the time comes the clergy, liberals, politicians and bureaucrats responsible for this mess will be the recipients of some rough justice….McGreen-style.

    4. will Says:

      Black Republicans enacted the first civil rights acts in 1866, 1870, 1871, 1875.

      The state platforms of the Republican party in the late 1860s were filled with glowing expressions of racial equality. Iowa’s Republican platform stated in 1866: “The first and highest duty of our free government is to secure all its citizens, regardless of race, religion, or color, equality before the law, equal protection from it, equal responsibility to it.” Minnesota Republicans declared that “the measure of a man’s political rights should be neither his religion, his birthplace, his race, his color, nor any merely physical characteristics.”

    5. Robert Cardillo Says:

      As usual, it is ALWAYS the combined efforts of both your kikes and sellout fellow Whites. If left up to me, I will kill the sellouts first. I loathe traitors to our race.

    6. Tim McGreen Says:

      You’re right, Bob, the Jews would be nothing and nowhere without lots of help from gentile traitors. Look at how wretched the Jews were before the Babylonians and Assyrians conquered their miserable little tribal kingdom in Canaan 2600 years ago. There are reports from that time that the Jews lived in rude, filthy conditions that would appall a caveman. Only by latching on to their goy hosts can the Jews thrive. And Jews, like their rodent cousins, thrive best in large, noisy urban environments. That’s why you only see Jews living in places like L.A., New York and other rootless, godless cosmopolitan rat-traps.

    7. Susan Says:

      That’s right, I always point out to people who are interested that immigration nowadays is almost always non White, from shit countries. Our government really isn’t letting in Whites from anywhere.

      I also tell people that before WWII we didn’t have that many jews in our country either. And I always tell Whites to look what jews have done to our country in just 100 short years: they’ve all but ruined it.

      Jews are the much hated liberal whites. They’re not liberal and they’re not White. They’re kikes and they hate Whitey. Period.

      And it was two jew lawyers who argued for Brown vs. Bd. of Ed before the Supreme Court.

      There were NO White men who wanted niggers to have full rights or access to White females.

      And if we actually had free speech in this country, we could talk about this stuff out in the open instead of behind closed doors and only in certain company or anonymously on free speech websites.

    8. The RED SKULL Says:

      Great Comments to All!!

      The 1965 Immigration Act was the Stake In the Heart of White America.

      May it be forever remembered as the most treasonous piece of jew-inspired Anti-White legislation ever conceived!

      That and the Fed Need to be repealed if we are to have a chance at surviving in the Country OUR FOREFATHERS FOUNDED FOR US!!

      This Country was not founded for millions of teeming (i’ll be nice here) black,brown,yellow and unidentifiable mystery meat hordes who happen to slither over here!!

      It was FOUNDED FOR US ___their Posterity!!

      The Founders were actually following the 14 WORDS –they just didn’t enshrine it as such and we are suffering because they didn’t make it clear enough—that it was for Whites only.

      Actually they Did–but it was ignored and overrode later.

    9. Howdy Doody Says:

      The RED SKULL Says:
      20 August, 2012 at 2:36 pm

      Great Comments to All!!

      The 1965 Immigration Act was the Stake In the Heart of White America.

      May it be forever remembered as the most treasonous piece of jew-inspired Anti-White legislation ever conceived!

      That and the Fed Need to be repealed if we are to have a chance at surviving in the Country OUR FOREFATHERS FOUNDED FOR US!!

      This Country was not founded for millions of teeming (i’ll be nice here) black,brown,yellow and unidentifiable mystery meat hordes who happen to slither over here!!

      It was FOUNDED FOR US ___their Posterity!!

      The Founders were actually following the 14 WORDS –they just didn’t enshrine it as such and we are suffering because they didn’t make it clear enough—that it was for Whites only.

      Actually they Did–but it was ignored and overrode later.=======================================================================================================================

      CA. is 40% White today. 1970 CA. was 90% White.

      Those numbers to change like that was not because of time, but because of a Willful aggressive anti White subversive conspiracy to do so, as the jooos snickered and gave US more b.s. movies, and talk controlled radio.

      Plus all OUR Manufacturing LIKE Machine and Die Tool business that were 72% of the World market in 1982 with high wage for skilled men and they brought in Billions in profit to the US, were stabbed in the Back by Wall Street high interest paying bonds to but them all out and move it to China.

      Hello !

      Young men with two children and are White do not want to know any thing.

      To be in your thirties and to NOT want to know history is proof of how good the media and our phucked up schools are !

    10. Howdy Doody Says:

      No joooish elected politicians in the regime have stepped and up and stated closed the borders, and deport.

      No, but give US more security and spying, and remove even the idea of the Bill Of Rights, which turd Worlder’s not could not care less about.

    11. archer Says:

      I’m afraid there were a lot of jews in this country, many held high office or had close relationships with presidents, Roosevelt is a good example. They are probably the real reason we went to war with Germany.