4 August, 2012

Open Thread

Posted by Socrates in open threads, Socrates at 11:41 pm | Permanent Link

Post whatever you want…

  • 32 Responses to “Open Thread”

    1. George Lenz Says:

      A new free speech web forum for republicans, nationalists, patriots, conservatives and fundamentalists, now with extended digital library:


    2. Topkea Says:

      Why am i still holding my fuckmeat after all teh phocking pit bull’s and colored’s got done at are the well phocking traitors and phocking liars boer power ripping off muh dicks.

      no phocking reason zimby coons slippin on manpants phocking traitors phocking pitbull’s in manpants traitors! Traitors! Gruesome grundy fraulein magruder.


    3. Tim McGreen Says:

      Another massacre in the Evil Empire today. This time it was a heathen Sikh temple in Milwaukee, of all places. 7 rag-heads liquidated. I wonder if the shooter was a pissed-off White guy, or some wog who wanted to get even with his fellow wogs? It was probably the latter, unfortunately.

      At any rate I certainly feel no sorrow for those muds who got killed. They are subhuman invaders who are not wanted or welcome here. Stay in your third world pest-hole and leave us alone, god dammit. If you have to infest someone elses’ country then try Ethiopia or Malawi instead.

    4. M. Kraus Says:

      I see these towel-headed Sikh assholes walking around in my city also. It disgusts me. What is this vermin doing in Wisconsin? Perhaps “building a better life for themselves”…so it’s OK. That’s what we’re here for–to provide a superior standard of living for anyone, anywhere, as long as they ask nicely. And pledge allegiance to the flag.

      I agree with Tim–there are no tears which I’ll be shedding for these useless eaters. Apparently President-King Soetoro expressed his grief about this, and mentioned how Sikhs have enriched us so greatly with their…religion, culture, whatever the fuck it is. Of course they have. Most White people probably can’t even pronounce ‘Sikh’, let alone define it.

    5. R CROSS Says:

      The “better life that they are building for themselves”is at the expense of yours,your children and your future are being sacrificed to thier wellbeing.

    6. CW-2 Says:

      The Sikhs are an interesting bunch of people. Their religion is comparatively new, it started about 1450 in response to both Hindoo-ism and Islam, and forged the Punjabi people into a distinct nation within India. All religious male Sikhs must carry or observe the 5 K’s, namely: Kes, uncut hair (the reason for the turban); Kagha, a comb (again an essential item); Kaa, an iron braclet; Kacchera, a sort of trousered undies; Kirpan, a small sword or dagger.
      So every male Sikh carries an offensive weapon as part of his religion. Are cops going to arrest them for concealed carrying??
      Of all the immigrant groups in the jewK, the Sikhs are the least anti-White. They are a warrior people and may be potential allies.

    7. fd Says:

      Another day at the office under the degrading yoke of federal supremacy.

    8. Leviticus Jackson Says:

      The press releases on the shooter revealed that he was ex-military and that he had had first worked on missile systems and then had switched to Psycops. He had never been posted overseas. Interesting how an obscure ethnic group such as the Sikhs were picked to be attacked in an Aurora style shootout. Most Americans including skinhead and so called neo-nazi groups have about as much familiarity with the Sikhs as they do about Siberian Eskimos. One thing I do know about the Sikhs is that they have had a very militant history and that their religion was created as a buffer to protect the Hindus against the Muslims around 500 years ago. In modern times they have had a relationship with Israel in as much as Israel has been supporting them in their independence movement against India. When the relations between Israel and India deteriorated, Israel gave more money to the Sikh independence movement. Incidentally, there was an airliner that went down over the Atlantic in 1985. It was filled with Sikhs from Canada on their way to India and the bomb went

    9. Leviticus Jackson Says:

      The press releases on the shooter revealed that he was ex-military and that he had had first worked on missile systems and then had switched to Psycops. He had never been posted overseas. Interesting how an obscure ethnic group such as the Sikhs were picked to be attacked in an Aurora style shootout. Most Americans including skinhead and so called neo-nazi groups have about as much familiarity with the Sikhs as they do about Siberian Eskimos. One thing I do know about the Sikhs is that they have had a very militant history and that their religion was created as a buffer to protect the Hindus against the Muslims around 500 years ago. In modern times they have had a relationship with Israel in as much as Israel has been supporting them in their independence movement against India. When the relations between Israel and India deteriorated, Israel gave more money to the Sikh independence movement. Incidentally, there was an airliner that went down over the Atlantic in 1985. It was filled with Sikhs from Canada on their way to India and the bomb went off just off the coast of Ireland. Another bomb connected with this incident went off in Japan and killed a Japanese luggage handler. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Air_India_Flight_182

    10. archer Says:

      Sorry, another shooter with a psyops background of some sort, a relatively bright person who just goes nuts, was there really only one shooter?
      Just a coincidence that this happened right after Colorado?
      I once read a novel where a fictional detective, retired from a big city was trying to find out who killed his close friend and ex coworker, whicle pouring over some evidence he found in his deceased friends boat he thought to himself “this just could be coincidence, no I learned a long time ago there’s no such thing”. I believe the author of this book has it right.

    11. Genghis Khan Says:

      Just another ZOG false flag op to stir up the sheeple against evil “white supremists” and to hasten the day when they will round up all the nasty “neo nazis” and march us all off to the Gulag.

    12. archer Says:

      Here you go Genghis, it will come in stages if they have their way.

    13. Maynard Says:

      Evidently Mr. Page, the Milwaukee shooter, is a “white supremacist” and “skinhead” who played in a “hate band”, according to the jew at the Southern Poverty Law Center! He even had the nerve to buy some reading materials from the National Alliance in 2000. I cannot believe that the sheep still buy all of this hate nonsense that the jews report. Mr. Page is a man who the jews hate, that is the only hate involved here!

    14. Tim McGreen Says:

      Good job finding that information about Obongo’s plan to destroy the largely White suburbs, archer. It sounds like what the Khmer Rouge and the People’s Liberation Army would do, viz., force millions of people to relocate on foot from the countryside into the cities. Obongo is no Washington establishment liberal, he’s a White-hating Commie. It’s just that he doesn’t have the courage to defend his evil plans when confronted.

      “White supremacist”…”White supremacy”….Once again the Jews are guilty of “projecting” their evil and their arrogance on to others. It’s the JEWS who think of themselves as supreme, not Whites. To be a supremacist means you want to enslave and exploit others who are not of your kind. Well no decent White thinks of doing that. Most Whites simply want the Jews, the pinkos and the Muds to go away and leave them alone. It’s the Jews and their Judaized goy accomplices who want to exploit and enslave; THEY are the ones who consider themselves “supreme”. But I consider them to be nothing more than dog shit.

    15. archer Says:

      Tim, the gun confiscation is absolutely essential to their plans, that’s what this is all about.
      I read that at one time the old soviet union wanted to find out why the jews had such a strangle hold on this country, they started counting schekles and concluded the jew controlled central banks, rothchilds included were worth about 300 trillion. I have no way of knowing if this is true, but doesn’t seem to far fetched when you see what’s happened in recent years.
      In short they may be dogshit, but they’re dogshit with tons of money.

    16. Tim McGreen Says:

      The Obongo Regime would love to confiscate the 80 million privately owned guns in AmeriKwa, but that’s not a realistic plan. So what they’re trying to do instead is limit the amount of ammunition that is commercially available, especially online. After all, it’s….sniff!…for the sake of our children!

      The dogshitters do indeed have tons of money, but what is all that money (and gold) REALLY worth? In reality it’s worth NOTHING at all. The only value it has is the value that we imagine it has or let ourselves be tricked into imagining it’s worth. It’s all a Jewish scam, don’t you know.

      After we rid ourselves of the Jews and the capitalists once and for all we will need an economic system that is based on something of REAL value. How about chocolate?

    17. Skeeter Says:

      file this under TWLD of the Week: http://open.salon.com/blog/sacrob/2012/08/06/wade_michael_page_and_the_two_americas

      * TWLD = Typical White Liberal Douchebag

      “I don’t believe that the United States of America should be a white-majority nation, either in numbers or in political power. (Even when whites have only a plurality in terms of their population in a certain area, they still tend to wield majority political power in that area.)

      I don’t believe that the racial makeup of the United States of America matters. An American, to me, is anyone who lives here. (I’m not even concerned about his or her citizenship status.) I am not disturbed that racial demographics in the U.S. are shifting, so that whites increasingly are becoming a minority in the nation as a whole. (Whites already are a minority in many regions of the nation.)”

    18. Dave Says:

      you want to talk about feeling good White people. Head out to a ghost town and camp out in the woods. Take a nice American made revolver with you with a hand-crafted leather holster and feel the surroundings. Take a hike up a vertical path to discover some mining relics. That’s what I did last weekend. I feel good!

    19. Dave Says:

      Tim McGreen Says:
      7 August, 2012 at 2:15 pm

      Absolutely well said Tim !!!

    20. CW-2 Says:

      A few weeks ago I was helping a neighbor, an old guy, clear out his garage. He showed me a stack of Time Magazines from the late 60’s to the mid 70’s. An amazing time machine, but flicking through the pages the thing that struck me most strongly was just how the ‘news’ is manufactured and personalities created for public acceptance. John kike Kerry popped out of the woodwork way back in 1970 and peanut Carter was being boosted by the jew puppet masters in 1968, when he was barely known even to the good folks of Georgia.

    21. Tim McGreen Says:

      Dave, thanks for your kind words. I think I will follow your example and hike through Death Valley looking for Barker Ranch.

      What strikes me about flipping through those old Jewsmagazines is that you never see a dark Negroid face in any of the ads, just happy White people. In fact, with the exception of a Huey Newton or an Angela Davis you don’t see any coons anywhere in those mags, period.

    22. Tim McGreen Says:



      Right on! (clenched fist raised in the air)…….Too bad the militant Negro didn’t realize he was being manipulated by King Kike all along.

    23. A jewish stalking victim Says:

      Why do jews find shit, farts, naked men (as well as female mutilation) so amusing?

      “[Chinese] have different customs, and those different customs come from a different way of looking at the world, a different attitude toward life, and that different attitude evolved over the course of thousands of generations of living in a different environment from the environment in which our ancestors lived. ”

      So have jews.

      Watch Terror Firmer if you want to see some real jewish “art”


      It would not surprise me if the transsexual progtagonist of the film was one of the very 1st…or 2nd jews. Why do jews push faggot leads on nearly all their TV shows and commericals? Why are younger jews so unabashily efferminate. Jews are inbred freaks. See the Texas Chainsaw Massacre for the same idea (as Terror Firmer)

    24. Bigduke6 Says:

      Greetings and salutations to all the usual suspects. I have been off this forum as I have been in an intense study of white survival since my awakening. I can see Tim McGreen is in trrue form as always. Special greetings to Tim McGreen, Luke and CW-2. Wish I can meet you all some day.

    25. Tim McGreen Says:

      You’re too kind, Big D. And I like your idea about meeting each other. How about we all get together around noon this Wednesday at the 4-K Truck Stop in San Simon, Arizona, just off of I-10? I’ll be the guy driving a brown 1975 AMC Matador with no plates and wearing a David Faustino Fan Club T-shirt. You pay for the cheeseburgers and I’ll pay for the truck stop hookers.

    26. John Q. Republic Says:

      @ Topkea:

      Can you translate that incoherent mumbo-jumbo into actual readable English? I can’t make heads or tails of what you’re trying to say.


    27. shabbos s shabazz Says:


      Some confusion appears to exist regarding the use of pour and pore.

      Charlie complains that he has to pour through stacks of badly-written letters to the editor every day.

      In this context the word should be pore. The usual idiom is “to pore over.” Apparently the preposition “through” has entered into use, as in the above quotation, and as in this headline in the New York Times:

      Teachers Pore Through Stacks Of Possibilities

      The verb pore, with the meaning “examine closely,” may derive from two Old English words, a verb, spyrian, meaning “to investigate, examine,” and a noun, spor, meaning “a trace, vestige.”

      The noun pore, meaning “an opening in the skin,” is not related to the verb in the expression “to pore over.” The noun comes from a Greek word meaning “a passageway.”

      The verb pour, meaning to transfer water or some other substance from a container, came into English by way of Old French from a Latin verb, purare, “to purify.” In ritual practice, objects are purified by pouring water over them. The English word pure comes from Latin purus, “pure.” The Latin verb came from the Latin noun.

      Memory device:

      Lore is learning, knowledge, doctrine. To become well-versed in computer lore or the lore of magic, or the lore of religion, one must pore over learned tomes.

    28. Tim McGreen Says:

      Shabbos X Shabazz, our own version of Russell Baker. Does anyone know what I’m talking about? No? Then neither do I. Phooey on all of you.

    29. Bigduke6 Says:

      Your a riot, a real riot Tim McGreen. Laughing out loud.

    30. Howdy Doody Says:

      Or Edward Newman.

    31. Howdy Doody Says:


      TV was and is anti Western, even when they would foist some one as a grammarian.

      The other Newman is from the 1800’s.

    32. Howdy Doody Says:


      Her lips were the key for working on air.