10 October, 2013

An Awakening

Posted by Socrates in Socrates, William Pierce, William Pierce Wednesday at 12:23 pm | Permanent Link

[This week’s William Pierce Wednesday item is being posted today instead]

by Dr. William Pierce.


“It wasn’t long after I’d started writing and preaching to the public that I began to understand that most of the public is completely impervious to any message that doesn’t come to them through TV. The only thoughts they permit into their heads are thoughts that they believe are in the heads of their peers. These are the lemmings, and it simply isn’t worth while trying to talk to them until one can do it through a medium comparable in power to the media in the hands of the Jews.”


For the audio version of this article, go [Here] and scroll down to “An Awakening.”

  • 3 Responses to “An Awakening”

    1. Tim McGreen Says:

      The Jew-controlled press is as predictable as ever. The Jews ordered Barry Obongo to select Janet The Jewess Yellen as the new Fed Chairman, to replace outgoing Jew Benjamin Bernanke. All the press will say is that Mizz Yellen is the first “female” chairman of the Fed, or that she’s the first Democrat to hold that job since the 1980s. Nothing about the fact that she’s another JEW. Not one politically correct liberal anywhere has suggested that maybe a colored guy or a Mestiza should have been offered the job for a change. No talk of diversity when it comes to who’s going to be in charge of the Fed. Nothing but the meekest submission.

      What do you have to say about this, Alex Jones? Nothing? What a surprise. http://avaresearch.com/ava-main-website/ava/files/Alex%20Jones%20endorsed%20by%20ADL.jpg

    2. Robert Cardillo Says:

      Of course. My dear Tim. Alex JonesBURG wont because his wife is a Khazar as well as his little booger eaters are. His little nose pickers will have a better shot at doing that job too. Given that they belong to the same tribe. Meet the new boss lads same as the old boss. The bastards.

    3. fd Says:

      Good point about Alex Jones. A lackey to the Jews, actor Alex Jones knows who controls his air time.

      they’re going to put me in the movies……they’re going to make a big star out of me……