16 October, 2013

Journalists and Canadians

Posted by Socrates in Socrates, William Pierce, William Pierce Wednesday at 8:22 pm | Permanent Link

by Dr. William Pierce.


“Do you think that any of these revelations will be of benefit to Canadians? Will the average Canadian say, “Oh, my goodness! I didn’t realize that one man, and a Jew at that, controls more than 60 per cent of all the mass media in Canada and is using that control to deceive Canadians as to what is happening in the Middle East. That’s terrible! We’d better have our lawmakers do something to break up this media monopoly, so that we will have a better chance to learn the truth about what’s happening in the world when we read a newspaper or watch a television news program.

What do you think? I think that about 98 per cent of Canadians won’t even look up from their ball games.”


For the audio version of this article, go [Here] and scroll down to “Journalists and Canadians.”

  • 3 Responses to “Journalists and Canadians”

    1. Tim McGreen Says:

      Good message as usual from WLP. I noticed that at the end of the message he did not plead with listeners to join the National Alliance so we can all fight the Jew menace together. That showed class on his part. Instead he simply challenged his racially conscious White audience to decide for themselves what they are going to do about the Jew menace.

      This story reminds me of how an even bigger Jew media titan, Lord Murdoch, has the power to influence the U.S. and U.K. governments, along with their politicians, and totally squash any kind of scandal relating to his News Corporation empire. Anyone remember that Murdoch-related News of the World phone hacking scandal two years back? Whatever happened to it?

      I also remember back in the 90s when Murdoch became an American citizen, not because of any love he had for this country but because by gaining U.S. citizenship he could also gain a much larger portion of the U.S. media market. I’m sure the Slick Willie Regime pulled a few strings to make sure Murdoch’s citizenship application sailed through with no problems. There’s nothing Slick Willie wouldn’t do for his Jewish masters. At least his angry lesbo wife Hillary occasionally puts up a fight. That’s why the Jews haven’t permitted her to become President.

    2. Tim McGreen Says:

      Canadians are even more docile and Jew-controlled than Americans are. I also have noticed that most of their PMs are colorless, faceless non-entities…..With the exception of the late Pierre Trudeau, that is. If anyone saw the current Canadian PM, Steven Harper, or whatever his name is, would anyone outside of Ottawa or the staff at CBC News be able to even recognize him?

      Of course our ‘Kwan Presidents enjoy a carefully manufactured Cult of Personality, as if they were Roman emperors donning the purple imperial robes. Needless to say such cults are not a good thing for supposedly democratically elected leaders to have.

    3. CW-2 Says:

      I have no wish to insult Canadians as there must be some proud strong Aryan men and women in Canada, but if the ones I have met are typical of that nation then they must be some of the most ball-less and conformist people on the planet. Actually I’m probably doing the average Canadian a disservice; the most blinkered and conformist White people to be encountered anywhere has got to be New Zealanders. To try and engage them in a discussion of race and serious politics is an exercise in futility. As soon as a ‘controversial’ or challenging subject is raised they mentally scurry off into their little bunker, lest any disturbing insight upset their shallow equilibrium.