24 April, 2014

When Western Countries Become Un-Western, This Happens

Posted by Socrates in black behavior, black behavior vs. white behavior, black crime, Britain, dispossession & destruction, Diversity, diversity is hate, England, Hitler, Socrates, Western civilization, Western culture, Western decline at 3:41 pm | Permanent Link

In Swindon, England, a woman was raped by 2 different negroes on the same night! Blacks aren’t Western, so why are they in England? Why are Blacks allowed to roam free and terrorize innocent White people? Somewhere, Hitler is laughing: “I told you this would happen! But would anyone listen? Nooo…”


  • 9 Responses to “When Western Countries Become Un-Western, This Happens”

    1. Topkea Says:

      Hitler’s masterful vision was undone by a judeo-slav conspiracy. Stalin working in cahoots with jew-controlled Churchill. Next time round we High Aryans will not make the same mistake.l

      Slavs are getting a bit uppity these days, claiming they’re as White as Nords…uh, no, you’re not. You’re mongrelized Untermensch who are lucky to be called White at all. All this Russian or Polish worship is pathetic.

      Where is your Germanic spine, White Man?

    2. A. Dwoker Says:

      Topkea, Slavs are Aryans too. Slavic is a branch of the Indo-European languages. Germanic is an other. Are you a Jew trying to exacerbate a rift between white Aryans?

    3. .308 Says:

      Squatters inside Detroit home being evicted

    4. .308 Says:

      you have read the the puny book JACKBOOTS to many times…
      don’t be a man of one book.

    5. fd Says:

      The Baltic states produced some of the best NAZI soldiers of WW2. The pictures of their officers are super White.

    6. CW-2 Says:

      Why are negroes in England? Big jew brought them in to destroy the White race, and according to the article in the Swindon newspaper they are doing their intended job rather well. Blacks aren’t much good for anything other than raping, mugging, producing mulattoes, and collecting welfare cheques.

      Incidentally, Swindon was a fine working class town making locomotives and all things necessary for the railroads. What, White men engaged in skilled and pride generating work! Big jew made sure that stopped. The factories were deliberately starved of investment and no government orders were placed for the hi-tech trains being designed.

    7. Vive_Caucasia Says:

      Not to make excuses for the Blacks, but there are no shortages of White girls who behave like this:


      I won’t accuse the English victim here of engaging in this type of behavior, I feel very bad that she had to endure such inhumane treatment in her own city, and that the Blacks and the Jew masterminds who made this crime possible will not be brought to justice. I simply want to remind that Whites are under attack from all fronts, the situation has never been this bleak, and I believe sooner or later something has to give.

      And as I recall, England was supposed to have one of the lowest violent crime rates in the world, even including crimes by immigrants. I wonder just how long before Western European crime rates begin to approach African and Central American levels.

    8. Tim McGreen Says:

      The problem is that the people of England and the rest of Europe have a long tradition of submitting to authority, whereas here in the USSA we have always had at least some freedom to speak up and speak out. So, in the UK, when niggers inevitably act like niggers the masses remain silent and inert. But here, not even threats from the Jew-controlled pigs, the Jew-controlled politicians or the Jew-controlled junk media can totally silence White anger.

      Unfortunately, when confronted with the question “What are you, some kind of racist?” I AM APPARENTLY THE ONLY ONE WHO HAS THE GUTS TO SIMPLY SAY “YES, I AM”. That response always leaves the liberals totally speechless, which is unusual for their kind. I wish other Whites would have the guts to be as honest, especially those who are bigger and physically stronger than I. It wouldn’t take very much effort, believe me. And no, contrary to what the Reds and Jews would have you believe racism is NOT against the law. But so what if it was?

    9. Howdy Doody Says:


      (Encouraging News summary)

      The modern Judaized, consumerist, Neo-Christian or ‘Marxist’ culture of the mass-media (83% of the media is Jewish-owned), education establishment, banks (92% of bankers are Jews) and political class (Jews are several hundred percent over-represented in government offices, Westminster and the EU) have continued to defile our folk in more ways than solely through immigration and cultural defilement and indoctrination but also through waging war against our folk on a basic biological, economic and behavioural level.

      It sounds far-fetched and quasi-scientific but its statistically proveable.