4 June, 2014

Gun Control: Not What It Seems

Posted by Socrates in Socrates, William Pierce, William Pierce Wednesday at 4:13 pm | Permanent Link

by Dr. William Pierce.


“Patriots need to understand this fact as well as their enemies do, and they must not be bashful about stating it plainly and forcefully. They need to drop the pretense that the purpose of the Second Amendment is to protect the rights of hunters, target shooters, and collectors of antique firearms. When Congressman Schumer or Senator Metzenbaum holds a semiautomatic rifle or pistol up for the television cameras and says that “no legitimate sportsman needs a weapon like this,” he is laughing up his sleeve at the same time.

The needs of sportsmen and hobbyists are utterly without importance or significance when compared with the two serious needs served by the private ownership of firearms: the need of the individual for weapons with which to protect his person, his family, and his property against the growing hordes of criminals in our disintegrating society; and the need of the patriot for weapons with which to keep governmental tyranny in check.”


[No audio available].

  • 4 Responses to “Gun Control: Not What It Seems”

    1. Tim McGreen Says:

      Well, let’s not romanticize the past too much. Walking the streets of ancient Rome after dark was very dangerous, a life-threatening adventure. The same could be said for London and New York in the 18th century. They had places in those cities with names like Murderer’s Alley and Robber’s Row. Or something like that. There were vicious thieves and cut-throats galore in our cities before street lighting and police forces. And those criminals were usually Whites. Even with the possibility of being publicly flogged or hanged if caught they would commit their crimes with impunity. So those must have been really desperate times.

      With Barry Soetero as president a lot of White Americans have realized the danger they’re in and have wisely purchased millions of guns. But Bolshevik Barry and his ZOG-Squad have purchased billions of rounds of ammunition, so that our guns are basically useless. I have to admit that was a smart move on Soetero’s part. But even if there was enough ammo available would today’s White America be courageous enough to fight back against the Empire? Not as long as they keep watching the JewTube, also known as TelAviv-Vision or TalmudVision. Turn that thing off and maybe the higher parts of your brain will be re-activated, honky.

    2. archer Says:

      In the latest shooting there were also 3 people killed first with a knife, the same old pols called for more psychiatric testing before being allowed to own a hand gun, but what about knives., shouldn’t the same hold true for them and hammers, there are twice as many people killed with hammers and fists than with rifles and shotguns.
      In a nation with well over a hundred million gun owners and probably close to 3 hundred million firearms our death toll is very low, about 35,000 on average, of these you have to dismiss the thousands of suicides and felons killed by the police or shop keepers and home owners which leaves the actual homicide numbers probably around 10 thousand, and of this number how many are killed by gang members in places like Chicago, Detroit or Philly. I remember Charlton Heston being asked by the press what he thought about our gun problem when he was president of the NRA, he said ” we don’t have a gun problem we have a race problem” the interview ended immediately.

    3. archer Says:

      I should have done some recent research on homicides by gun, I thing the 10,000 number may be high.

    4. Howdy Doody Says:

      Murder by rifle/pistol by straight non drug using White men is IMO not even 2 %.

      Murder by drunk/doped up messycan’s and other savage’s along with very painful or crippling life injuries have done more damage to YT’s perhaps than gun’s, I don’t have those numbers to know.

      Never forget the Hmong savage bastard who murdered six media brain washed White men and wounded two running teen in the back in WI.