1 October, 2014

Shocking Differences

Posted by Socrates in Socrates, William Pierce, William Pierce Wednesday at 9:38 pm | Permanent Link

by Dr. William Pierce.


“The Jews, like the Chinese, have a fundamentally different way of looking at the world, and this difference is based in thousands of generations of separate evolution in a different environment.

I’ll give you just one example of this difference today. This is something I first noticed when I was a junior high school student in Dallas, Texas. The school I attended was in one of Dallas’ wealthier suburbs, and there were a number of Jews in the school. What I and several of my classmates noticed about the Jews was their uniquely Jewish sense of humor. One doesn’t expect much delicacy in the jokes told by 14-year-olds, of course, but the thing that made the jokes that appealed especially to the Jews stand out was their scatological content. Nearly every Jewish joke involved excrement in one way or another.”


For the audio version of this article, go [Here] and scroll down to “Shocking Differences.”

  • 4 Responses to “Shocking Differences”

    1. Sean Gruber Says:

      Pierce was awesome. I’m glad to revisit him here Wednesdays.

    2. Kevin in L.A. Says:

      Same here, Herr Gruber. I always look forward to William Pierce Wednesdays.

    3. Tim McGreen Says:

      I have to disagree with Dr. Pierce’s embrace of the old Hollywood Production Code. I thought it put a damper on the creative and intellectual power of film. I don’t like censorship. I don’t like someone else deciding for me what is offensive and what is acceptable. If some fool actually enjoys reading the “Diary” of Anne Frank or -ugh- watching inter-racial porn, who am I to stop him? If you ban a book or a movie it only increases the forbidden appeal of that material. Adults have to be allowed to make adult choices about what they want to see, read or listen to, as long as none of the material in question depicts actual crimes being committed.

    4. torrence Says:

      Why, what a liberal, NWO position to take, Mr. Green: Hyper-Individualism trumps a community with understood and accepted values. Each man a universe and moral self-arbiter unto himself.
      That is exactly what we see today.
      “I don’t like someone else deciding for me what is offensive and what is acceptable.”
      How it is then that you post your displeasures and contrarian opinions here over other’s behaviors, beliefs and conduct all the while maintaining the primacy of an individual’s right to such determinations is far beyond my ability to understand and accept
      I DO BELIEVE in superior standards and ideologies and the need to instill these into the world about me. And that means stepping on some toes.
      I am floored in disbelief, truly puzzled.

      “World history is made by minorities when this minority of number embodies the majority of will and determination.” –Adolph Hitler

      “This individuality stuff is a bunch of crap.” –from the opening speech of the film ‘Patton’