1 April, 2015

Why the West Will Go Under

Posted by Socrates in Socrates, William Pierce, William Pierce Wednesday at 3:27 pm | Permanent Link

by Dr. William Pierce.


“Yet there are trends, clearly observable in the West today, which, if not reversed, must inevitably dominate all other influences and bring about the demise of the West. Furthermore, certain of these lethal trends have already reached the point where they are, by any means likely to come to hand, irreversible.”


  • 2 Responses to “Why the West Will Go Under”

    1. CW-2 Says:

      Very depressing reading, and all the more depressing because of the prospect of hope that Dr Pierce dangles before our eyes in the concluding paragraphs.
      We all agree on the inevitable chaos and bloodshed when perhaps 80% of our kinsmen, both good and bad, will be killed, but after the chaos has exhausted itself what will prevent China or even India intervening and killing off the ‘saving remnant’? Also the likelihood of a nuclear war isn’t even addressed nor the prospect of ethnic specific diseases released against us.
      Also looking at present trends the non-white take over could be achieved without a sharp drop in economic performance as big jew will enable China to inherit our technical prowess while simultaneously killing us off, sort of like training and educating our replacements and successors.

    2. Tim McGreen Says:

      This spot-on commentary by Dr. Pierce was from 1980 but it could just as well apply to the current situation, except that the current situation is even worse. It seems unlikely that Whites will unify against the Jew/Mud onslaught. They will probably continue to either live in total denial of what’s going on or flee to ever more remote areas in hopes of escaping the rising level of sewage.

      Or in the case of people like Jill and Jim they will “return to the Scriptures”, which means total surrender and racial suicide.