“Conservative” South Carolina Senator Rejects Southern Heritage, Calls for Confederate Flag Removal
Posted by Socrates in Confederate flag, democracy, democrazy, political correctness, politics, Socrates, Southern heritage, Southern man at 1:56 pm | 
Democracy = getting elected and staying elected no matter what you have to do or say. Votes are the only thing you care about. Principles? Who cares about principles? As long as you win the next election.
22 June, 2015 at 3:20 pm
The 3d Reconstruction against the kinfolk states is officially in service. These people have decided the first act against the Southern Confederacy is to destroy the hated battle flag, bathed in blood.
22 June, 2015 at 10:36 pm
One of Dr. Pierce’s best and something timely to forward http://nationalvanguard.org/2015/05/confederate-flags-and-other-distractions/
23 June, 2015 at 4:34 am
Dr. Pierce wrote: “Forget about the Confederate flag.” That’s not a good line by someone who knows better. If Southern man is ask to toss his inheritance to the wind, where does it end? Maybe we could tear down all the Confederate memorials across the Southern country. And don’t forget about Stone Mountain: Davis, Lee and Stonewall are pictured riding across the Southern Confederacy. The Knights of Mary Phagan were sanctioned on Stone Mountain after the murder (2d era of the Klan). I’m certain sure the Dixie battle flag was presented at the ceremony. The federals are in readiness to bomb the infamous heroes carved on the face of the mountain. Who needs culture? It’s easier to crawl in silence under the military boot.
23 June, 2015 at 7:04 pm
Exactly who is that faggot Graham trying to suck up to, the niggers? They’re not going to vote for him, because even they have more brains than most White “conservatives” do.
10 July, 2015 at 1:43 pm
Cale Sparks July 9th, 2015 10:54 AM
Hysterical Hag Jenny Horne cries out for more nigger ass to kiss!
Republi**** Representative Jenny Horne cries & screams for yet more genuflecting to the holy nigger.
(from the article, below)
Republican Rep. Jenny Horne reminded her colleagues she was a descendent of Confederate President Jefferson Davis, and scolded fellow members of her party for stalling the debate with dozens of amendments.
She cried as she remembered Pinckney’s funeral and his widow, who was hiding with one of their daughters in a church office as the gunman fired dozens of shots.
“For the widow of Sen. Pinckney and his two young daughters, that would be adding insult to injury and I will not be a part of it!” she screamed into a microphone.
She said later during a break she didn’t intend to speak but got frustrated with fellow Republicans.
State Rep. Jenny Horne gives heartfelt speech on Confederate flag debate | Mashable
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I am for paroling the Carr brothers, if they promise to go to her home and thank her like they did the other brain rinsed Whites.
Whoa wait a minute this BCL insane bitch MUST have a kike in the closet or dirt on HER. What she did is not even the category of race traitor or a simple victim of life long media brain rinsing, no.
I say she is a 100% sciopath LOOKING FOR SUPREME attention and is criminally insane! She COULD NOT BE THIS STUPID in 2015. She is an enemy alien sciopath/psychopath. Even though I know she is unread she has malice for White men too, she is hateful and vengeful.
I bet she is divorced and or a dyke too!