The Trump Administration Wants to End the Chain Immigration Law
Posted by Socrates in Celler, Celler Rights Laws, chain immigration law, Hart-Celler Act of 1965, immigration, immigration bills/laws, jewed immigration policy, jewed law, nation-building/nation-wrecking, Socrates, Trump, Trump's policies at 2:16 pm | 
(Above: the Jew, Emanuel Celler, a nation-wrecker without peer)
Incredible: 50 years after the Jewish congressman, Emanuel Celler, birthed the 1965 immigration law that produced the horrible “chain immigration” mandate, someone is actually trying to stop it! This is great news. (The scary thing is how successful Celler was in his one-man war against White America: he was successful about 90% of the time; few White politicians had the balls to oppose Celler; they preferred to sell out their own people instead).
20 December, 2017 at 6:29 pm
With the open border insanity in place , there’s no way the USA will not fragment into pieces while under control of the jew demon race.
20 December, 2017 at 6:41 pm
Hot stock tip for all White Nationalists who have a few bucks in the bank:
Invest in companies that manufacture wood chippers and chainsaws, because I think the tea leaves tell us that those items are going to be put to good use in the very near future.
20 December, 2017 at 8:11 pm
I wonder if this jew bastard had any influence on Australian politicians dismantling “The White Australia Policy”, which was finally removed in 72′.
21 December, 2017 at 4:18 am
@Zerstorer – here’s a partial answer to your question – I copy and save lots of stuff, let’s see if I can re-post it here …
Everyone here should know that it was a Catholic priest who destroyed the “White Australia” policy in 1949.
How one refugee signaled the end of the White Australia policy
From – too many links in this comment – you’ll have to google it
Those influential in ending the “White Australia” policy included Cardinal Daniel Mannix, the Catholic archbishop of Melbourne. He was the one who (out of a sense of pathological altruism?) fought to allow Indonesian Annie O’Keefe to remain in Australia after WWII.
And here is the man who fought (and lost) to keep Australia WHITE !
The O’Keefe case – Arthur Calwell
from a webpage called calwellokeefecase – too many links in this comment – you’ll have to google it
Arthur Calwell was the federal Minister for Immigration 1945-1949,
He was the man who resisted allowing the first non-white to remain in Australia.
From the article: