Talking with the Ghost of Thomas Jefferson
Posted by Socrates in America, America's founders, Bill of Rights (first ten rights), constitution, constitutional rights, James Madison, Socrates, Thomas Jefferson at 3:12 pm | 
Me: “Hi, Mr. Jefferson. It’s nice to finally meet you.”
Jefferson: “Don’t ‘Hi, Mr. Jefferson’ me, little man. What the hell have you done to my country???”
Me: “Well…”
Jefferson: “Blacks and Jews running the government?? The Bill of Rights in tatters?? Police and judges with more powers than God himself?? The army fighting wars all over the world?? Are you insane or simply retarded??”
Me: “Well, those weren’t my ideas…”
Jefferson: “I don’t care whose ideas they were! America is ruined! Ruined!! And for the record, little man, the Bill of Rights only applies to White people. I should know. My great friend and fellow Virginian, James Madison, wrote it that way! He didn’t give ‘rights’ to negroes.” [1].
Me: “Well, what can we do to fix America, Tom?”
Jefferson: “Fix it??? That’s rich! (laughs). Well, you certainly aren’t going to vote yourselves out of this mess! What option does that leave you with? Think long and hard about that, little man.”
[1] Madison, like Jefferson, owned negro slaves, therefore he did not believe in human equality, and he developed the “three-fifths compromise” in the Constitution, making “3 out of every 5 slaves a person” for legislative representation purposes
26 March, 2018 at 8:13 am
Thomas Jefferson wanted to give freedom to the niggers.
He seriously Fucked Up when he didnt put the word “White”
In the sentence ” all men are created equal “.
Should read ” all White men are created equal ”
He didnt put that because they didnt consider
Negroes to be “men” and they assumed Whites
Would understand that they meant “all White men”
Because who composed their society and were the
Leading and ranking persons. When the Declaration
Of Independence was written nobody was thinking
Of Niggers and how we can include them in our society.
26 March, 2018 at 11:00 am
“all men are created equal” is a corruption of the Virginia Declaration of Rights: “That all men are by nature equally free and independent and have certain inherent rights . . .” Equally free doesn’t mean created equal. The scientist and the retarded person are not equal.
The megalomaniac politicians of that time trashed the Articles of Confederation in favor of Federal supremacy / Federal Constitution. The ruination of statehood. The first President was John Hanson. A virulent ant- federalist under the Articles of Confederation.
26 March, 2018 at 7:29 pm
Too few White Americans wish to hear or know the truth.
26 March, 2018 at 7:38 pm
And “Fd” as usual seems confusing.
26 March, 2018 at 8:43 pm
Everything I said is a fact. In 1787 anti-federalist Patrick Henry called the Constitution a “crazy magazine.” He said the states were in perfect security under the Articles of Confederation (sovereign states).
Equally free — no problem. Created equal — no such thing.
27 March, 2018 at 6:51 pm
I don’t look upon Washington as a “megalomaniac”.
27 March, 2018 at 7:03 pm
Some saw the big picture; they wanted to gain the entire continent for their posterity. …only possible thru strong unified effort. Others, like “fd” still don’t
even as the nation retracts.
27 March, 2018 at 7:58 pm
jayhackworth, the British were defeated while the Articles of Confederation was in service. Under the Articles, the states retained their sovereignty. Some people prefer confederated states to avoid central despotism. The so-called Federal Union is not voluntary. It’s a forced alliance. Obviously you prefer Central Despotism. You’re a 24 carat Yankee Lincoln marching unionist. To each his own.
No disrespect to the many great people of the Northern Section.
27 March, 2018 at 8:29 pm
Posterity? Federal tyranny “aint” much of a birthright.
27 March, 2018 at 9:35 pm
fd is right. The Constitutional Convention was a repudiation of the American Revolution. Patrick Henry knew this and would not sign. He predicted correctly the gradual increase in federal power and the the destruction of liberty that would ensue. A much better system of government would of been the Articles of Confederation and the banishment of all Jews like Alexander Hamilton from public office.
28 March, 2018 at 6:25 pm
No, would’ve been an east coast “confederation” of politically bickering “states” while other nations carved up the West. But yeah maybe your correct with your short sighted vision , because the west is lost anyway.
28 March, 2018 at 6:34 pm
Northwest Terrority , general relinquishment of states under the Constitution to allow the nation to expand westward the issue is at rest or was , keep harping about the past.
28 March, 2018 at 6:42 pm
and “fd: considers Washington a “megalomaniac”.
28 March, 2018 at 6:44 pm
fd wants white stagnation and extinction obviously
28 March, 2018 at 6:49 pm
Because what the USA is “was” would never have occurred w/o strong unified central government. “fd” hates this fact,
hate that whites aquired the continent. Enough said. fu I’m done.
28 March, 2018 at 7:54 pm
jayhackworth, thanks for the diatribe. Washington is Little Israel on the Potomac. The Federalists deigned a government that the Patriots fought to overthrow. Traded monarchial tyranny for federal tyranny.
We’re going to take the upward path while you stay mired in consolidated despotism.
29 March, 2018 at 11:27 am
Decentralization is generally preferred to concentrated power. Unless of course there is a communist insurgency to deal with. Then some organization is necessary for defense.
29 March, 2018 at 8:53 pm
The Red Skull says
Everyone Unite First For The BATTLE!!
We can argue about sectionalism vs federalists
Christians vs Pagans
If WE Survive as a People! !
One things for Damn Sure
That i think we can all agree is
We need to print Our Own Money!$!$!
Backed by something? ?!?
Not Run by Uncle Hiemies. Central Bank!!
29 March, 2018 at 11:31 pm
In Agreement with Tomas
The Federal ZOG Tyranny
Can really probably only be
Checked by De- Centralization of some sort.
Lets all take a closer look At
The Articles of Confederation
How They or Something like Them might
Work for Our People
After this FedZog Dragon has been slayed upon
Its own Poison Sword.
Not many Americans Realize
( of course they dont teach History for a reason)
That All the States and even Private banks printed
Their Own Money
Prior to The War of Northern Yankee Bank Aggression.
31 March, 2018 at 8:15 pm
fd- It’s a pity I know so little about such things, genius.
2 April, 2018 at 8:36 pm
Fd . Ice is cold, genius.
4 April, 2018 at 11:51 am
Great,but too short! Try to expand on it!