10 June, 2019

Your Long-Lost Right To Marry a Man, Man! They Found It By Accident!

Posted by Socrates in "gay marriage", "gay pride", America, America-the-sitcom, constitution, constitutional rights, homosexual themes, homosexuals, Socrates, Supreme Court at 4:23 pm | Permanent Link

“The mayor is proudly gay and in a same-sex marriage. Yet the right to same-sex marriage did not even exist in this country until the Supreme Court discovered it a few years ago.”

Good point. All of a sudden, the high court found a long-missing “right”! “Look, there, on the floor, next to the bathroom: a wadded-up, yellowed piece of paper. It’s obviously very old, and obviously torn out of the original constitution by…somebody. Let’s see what it says: hmmmm…it’s the right to a ‘gay marriage’! It’s been sitting there for…what? Many decades! Yes! We just somehow failed to notice it until now! What are the odds??”


  • One Response to “Your Long-Lost Right To Marry a Man, Man! They Found It By Accident!”

    1. Sonderkommando SS Says:

      As part of The Great Leap Forward the Kwanstain discovered anal sex.
      What an indispensable gift to the world.
      The United States of Zimbabwe is a third world turd.