Superman Today
Posted by Socrates in Asia, Asians, Asians vs. Whites, China, chinks, comic books, comic-book characters, gooks/chinks/slants/yellows, Klan, Socrates at 9:57 am | 
The Ku Klux Klan has, what, 75 members today? (if you don’t count the 30 undercover federal cops). Why would Asians fear the Klan? It’s a paper tiger (get it? Ha-ha! That’s a Chinese expression)[1].
Why doesn’t Superman tackle a real problem: violent negroes murdering, robbing and raping White people every day in America? That’s a genuine problem. (Trivia: superheroes, and the comic book industry, were created by Jews).
As for Superman being an immigrant: he was an involuntary one. As a baby, he was sent to Earth inside of a meteor-type device.
Finally, why are there millions of Asians living in America today? Don’t they have their own countries to live in (e.g., China, Korea, Japan)? Why are they here? How would the Chinese react to millions of White people moving to China? Guess how they’d react. One guess!
[1] “Paper tiger” is a literal English translation of the Chinese phrase zhilaohu — Wikipedia