10 March, 2010

Book Quote

Posted by Socrates in Bolsheviks, books, Donald Day, Germany, history, History for newbies, Hitler, jewish terrorists & terrorism, Jewish Tyranny, Nazi era, Nazis, quotations, quotations about jews, Russia, Socrates, Soviet holocaust, Soviet Union, World War II at 10:01 pm | Permanent Link

“I also feel that in fighting the Jewish-Bolshevik regime of Russia that Germany is performing a service for Western civilization which will be properly appreciated and recognized in the future. Of course there are unpleasant features of Germany’s war for survival. I only need to mention Mr. Himler (sic). But when somebody mentions this I ask them to remember that Berija is still commissar of the GPU in Soviet Russia and that this terrorist organization has been functioning in Russia and abroad since 1921 whereas the German counter-organization only appeared a few years ago. I further ask them to remember that it is impossible to fight a forest fire with a fire engine and that the only way Germany can defend herself and Europe against the GPU is through the use of severe and stern measures.”

— from the book “Onward Christian Soldiers: 1920-1942: Propaganda, Censorship and One Man’s Struggle to Herald the Truth” (Torrance, CA.; The Noontide Press, 1982) by American journalist Donald Day, page 203.

  • 26 Responses to “Book Quote”

    1. torrence Says:

      Always refreshing to see history put into the proper perspective.

    2. nom de guerre Says:

      Germany is performing a service for Western civilization which will be properly appreciated and recognized in the future.
      Oh hum, is this the 21st century? Jes ‘ got to have patience.
      Yes, those Christards, bless their pickanninnie pickin hearts, still waiting for jeboo after 2000 years. I’m sure Germanys service will be recognized by Jeboo on his second coming

    3. CW-2 Says:

      I like the bit about the difficulty of fighting a forest fire with a fire engine. Well, despite all our hi-tech resources we seem to have about as much effect as a toy water pistol against an inferno. Very discouraging.
      However, the werhmakt and waffen ss deserve our thanks, their valor gained us a breathing space, but a what a price.

    4. torrence Says:

      “werhmakt and waffen ss deserve our thanks”

      Agreed. If only future generations will speak similarly of any modest contribution we make on their behalf. No one, however, will demonstrate the valor of those heroic Aryan warriors. Amen.

    5. mikhail1965 Says:

      Oh, well…
      English~americans innately conjoined with jews and negroes
      So sad. You has first to purge your heads from jew~ negro films, economics, general education. You have to burn “Stars and stripes”,
      american literature, films, constitution.
      You governed by B/L/A/C/K/
      Does Russia allow such Government?
      You are in a deeeep shit. I m sorry, but it is the fact.
      My only wish for you to emigrate successefully.
      US is finished.

    6. Tim McGreen Says:

      I think all us single White guys from the ‘Kwa should move to Russia and the Ukraine to help re-populate those great countries. Of course, that would mean having sexual relations with possibly dozens of beautiful Slavic girls. So be it.

    7. V. Says:

      @Tim McGreen: What makes you think you will be welcomed there?

      Regarding the original quote of this thread. Maybe Germany wouldn’t have had to “fight evil Bolshevism on behalf of all civilization” if it hadn’t first smuggled its seeds into the Russian Empire in that special train in 1917?

    8. mrcrouton Says:

      Not only did we fight the wrong nation (As Patton and Churchill both lamented) but we allied ourselves with a known genocidal maniac who committed mass murder decades before Hitler had even (supposedly) committed genocide.

      The hypocrisy and idiocy of those who believe the officail WWII we are the good guys argument is astounding.

    9. Krystian Says:

      What makes you think you will be welcomed there? – V

      Russia was a fairly welcoming place when I was there. If you’re white and racist, that’s an added plus, I guess. They’re happy to get immigrants that actually look like them, believe me, what with the nogs and sand-groids they’ve been getting. Tim McGreen’s plan ain’t the worst idea in the world, America’s future is looking pretty bleak and I’ve considered relocating to East Europe myself.

    10. Coup D'Etat Says:

      Running like a bunch of mexicans, Tim McGreen? That’s what mexicans do – run and invade another country. What have we learned thus far with these people? The mexicans think America is so much better than Mexico so they invade instead of fixing their own problems. What have they accomplished since their invasion? Did they make things better or worse overall? They made it worse. Why?

      …because they never learned how to be independent or learned how to fix their own problems. They were instead invited with open arms from traitors here in the U.S. Do you think you would be an asset to the Russians? You need to think a bit before answering.

      I’m not fleeing. When things get worse, I am/will be fighting and I’m a female. You are a male? What does this say about you?

      Not just picking on you, but I’m critizing ANYONE who thinks that fleeing is going to save your souls. I know who I am, and I know who my ancestors were. The fighting Vikings. I will be fighting with weapons and/or with knowledge.

      And, you? What will you be fighting with?

    11. V. Says:


      Well, I’m Russian and trust me we don’t want anyone in our country whose main avowed goal is to be running around screwing our women, no matter how white they claim to be. In fact, that would be very unwhite behavior.

    12. Krystian Says:

      I’m Russian and trust me we don’t want anyone in our country whose main avowed goal is to be running around screwing our women, no matter how white they claim to be.

      V, I think Tim McGreen was being a bit facetious in his remark. I could be wrong. What’s written here isn’t always meant to be taken 100% seriously. Sometimes levity is called for.

    13. Tim McGreen Says:

      Krystian, there are a lot of WNs like “V” who are wound way too tight. Everything is a deadly serious matter of life and death with them. I can assure all of you that I am not like some wildly irresponsible nigga tom-cat who goes around impregnating girls and then takes off. But it is a fact that there is a big push on in Russia to save the population. And Russian girls are very desirable. They don’t seem to have all the Puritanical hangups that White American girls have, either, so if there is anything I can do to help……..

      And as far as fleeing this country is concerned, if all the White folks just left and went back home to Europe, the Jews and coloreds would inevitably start to annihilate each other. Before long, they’be be begging us to come back and rule over them! Staying here and putting up with them sure hasn’t worked, so I say let’s leave for a while and see what happens.

    14. Coup D'Etat Says:

      So, Tim, are you trying to tell me you are forming a “lying sack of shit club?”

    15. Tim McGreen Says:

      Coup, it’s no-class broads like you who are going to be responsible for millions of White American guys going to Russia. Unlike you, their women know how to act like females. You and your kind have been thoroughly Judaized. In fact, I think I’ll start referring to you as a Sarah Silverman wanabee.

    16. nom de guerre Says:

      Russia and the Jewnited States share some striking similarities, geographically isolated either by large and uninhabitable steppe, or vast tracks of Ocean. Both have Big brother attitudes , either of the commie blend or capitalism, mass mindedness.
      I used to find it sort of interesting reading about the Soviet Unions restaurants being no.1 or no.2 without any regard to advertizement, but looking at the Kwa we basically have the same thing, an overall sameness, simply numbers. Mcdonalds 1, 2, 3,4….
      Interstate 1,2,3 4… no.1 state, no.2 state-no.50state=the same shit .

    17. nom de guerre Says:

      Amerikwa is the Titanic, by design it was equipped to grow these new cells called states, like the Titanics “watertight” hull made up of several compartments.. It was all the Freemasons madness with geometrical design that gave it its shape, don’t forget most of the founding felons were mason, and quite a few were land speculators, George Washington was a surveyor. Do you get the picture? Or better yet the ‘blue”print.
      What is Americas purpose, well its a dump, a prooving ground for one world government, but whats really beginning to take shape is a graveyard

    18. nom de guerre Says:

      The notion that the domino republic of America, can “incorporate” the rest of the world in its own image, is ludicrous, the Messicans will only produce messicos, large rubble zones , with the moronic city leaders creating inner zones of fun n’ games to delude themselves.. The Chinese and all the gooks will do nothing but create junk, with new high speed phones to transmit muddah fuggah signals to the rest of the universe, and the proles will continue to shop at Walley worlds as long as the Gas stays below 5$ a gallon.

    19. nom de guerre Says:

      The Messican, the Niggers, the jews they aren’t whats holding up the show. Its the proles and the White ‘entrepreneurial mindless idiots, that still want to buy homes and cars, and get edjewcation , and go to church and heaven all at the same time wathcing nigger ball and munching cheese balls. We really do need a rapture do get rid of that crowd.

    20. Coup D'Etat Says:

      Tim’s interpretation of having class, plus foreseeing the future where negroes and jews will annihilate each other:

      “And as far as fleeing this country is concerned, if all the White folks just left and went back home to Europe, the Jews and coloreds would inevitably start to annihilate each other. Before long, they’be be begging us to come back and rule over them! Staying here and putting up with them sure hasn’t worked, so I say let’s leave for a while and see what happens.”

      Oh, okay, we will just wait to see what happens. Wow, I’m on pins and needles. I just can’t wait to see what will happen. I surely hope they will beg us to come back to the U.S.A. Where are the lollipops?

      Another interpretation of having class. Supposedly, the statement below, in his mind, is of high caliber. I guess there is no cowardly advice here. No, of course not. Where’s the bubblegum?

      “I think all us single White guys from the ‘Kwa should move to Russia and the Ukraine to help re-populate those great countries. Of course, that would mean having sexual relations with possibly dozens of beautiful Slavic girls. So be it.”

    21. nom de guerre Says:

      negroes and jews will annihilate each other:
      Oh yeah, I can see a Jesse Jackson Fuhrer operating a crematorium for skinned yids, or jews running the ole plantation. I’m sure it would all turn out for the worst, mostly a bunch televitzevangelists trying to explain what happen’d to all dem white folks

    22. Coup D'Etat Says:


      It’s getting mighty thick in this forum with you know what.

      non de guerre:

      A rapture huh? Your blaming Whites for the misfortunes of the falling USA is rather shallow.

      It’s the JEWS who formed central banks, stole the gold from the general populace, formed communists parties internationally, started the filthy open immigration to form it’s agenda in White Europe and America, established affirmative action policies through the illegal civil rights propaganda that’s led to millions of Whites jobless, started NAFTA where now approx. 40 million illegal mexicans have invaded America, took control (still does) of the media in the early 1900’s and brainwashed the public with either misinformation or lack thereof, brainwashed (still are) children in public schools not to learn much about the different Germanic tribes during Roman Empire or the history of the Germanic tribes except to pin them as “barbarians” so the public will not be interested in learning more, brainwashed the public to concentrate on the Middle East instead so we will be more apt to fight wars for the JEWS and on it goes.

      There is a certain responsibility that Whites should take to avoid falling for the JEWS’ traps. I agree on that level. And, I’m also the type that doesn’t have much patience for idiots as well. But, when the basic truth of a central accomplice is involved for all the brainwashing, it has to be taken care of first. You can claim a big rapture for everyone and so on, but if the ROOT OF THE PROBLEM is not taken care of thoroughly, the bullshit will continue.

      You seem to avoid that aspect of your analogy. And, Tim is for all Whites to leave the USA. He thinks that is the answer to our problems. Radical mexican organization want the Whites to leave. Tim reminds me of the sort and very possibly more the way he wants to elaborate against individuals and call them names.

      “The Chinese and all the gooks will do nothing but create junk, with new high speed phones to transmit muddah fuggah signals to the rest of the universe, and the proles will continue to shop at Walley worlds as long as the Gas stays below 5$ a gallon.”

      That’s what the JEWS want. They want China to make junk for us to consume. There are at least two reasons why. One, so the JEWS can make a 100% profit or more. Secondly, it’s a form of suppression for the rest who are consumers. A suppression that furthers the existing suppression commonly called Communism. When the general populace is without and they see some have more, they want more…and more…and more… That’s how consumers are made –you want more you buy more… the the prices go up…but still you want more and you buy even more. Until either the person becomes bankrupt or commits suicide from losing everything the person has.

      Who is really responsible for this? The Whites? The Whites are following along with the many decades of brainwashing and the cowards in the WH. Who created the usury? Who created the central banks? THE JEWS.

      The only rapture to be referred to here are the JEWS. After that is accomplished the rest will be taken care of.

      “It was all the Freemasons madness with geometrical design that gave it its shape, don’t forget most of the founding felons were mason, and quite a few were land speculators, George Washington was a surveyor. Do you get the picture? Or better yet the ‘blue”print.”

      There are two distinct groups — the Masons and the Illuminaties. Both are NOT the same. They both have different symbols. One is the ruler and the compass, and the other is the pentagram symbol which the JEWS have on their flag which symbolizes Illuminaties. The same symbol on the back of the dollar bill with the pyramid and the eye within the small triangle where the two triangles meet. However, you don’t see the second triangle because the second triangle is pointing downward, which means power to Satan, the devil, Hades, the underworld of chaos and destruction. Whatever you want to call it.

      The Masons were the other class of people totally opposite from the negative, chaotic bunch. They represented the Republic of a nation where laws do not conflict, where individuals had more freedom to say and vote what they want or don’t want and their free speech was allowed and taken seriously. However, some were scrutinized because they were some that were troublemakers and were working illicitly to turn the Republic into Communism.

      Yeah, I get the blue print from your message. I read your kind of message all the time in the general media.

    23. Tim McGreen Says:

      Whoa there, Sarah Siverman Jr.! I guess Aunt Flo is visiting with you a little bit longer this month?

    24. Tim McGreen Says:

      “Sarah Silverman Jr”…..Permit me to chuckle at my own comic genius, won’t you?

    25. nom de guerre Says:

      Put your fat ass in Amerikwa ,and your brain in a chinese made jew tube

    26. Tim McGreen Says:

      For what it’s worth, I am NOT one of those middle-aged, pot-bellied guys who can’t find any nookie in this part of the world so he has buy a mail-order Phillipina or Russian bride from a catalog. I’m surprised no one here has accused me of such wretchedness. No, when I go to Russia I’ll be like Mickey Roarke at a Vegas strip club. I don’t know what that means either.