5 January, 2008

Ron Paul in New Hampshire

Posted by Socrates in Ron Paul, Socrates at 3:35 pm | Permanent Link

Paul did okay in the Iowa caucuses, but expect him to get more support in the New Hampshire primary on Tuesday. That state has more independent voters than Iowa does:


More about New Hampshire, Paul and the Fox News debate, which Paul will apparently not appear in: [Here].

  • 8 Responses to “Ron Paul in New Hampshire”

    1. apollonian Says:

      Paul’s Radical Move Further Isolates Judeo-Conspirators, Raimondo Integral Part
      (Apollonian, 5 Jan 0

      This move against “birthright citizenship” is actually most EFFECTIVE move by Ron Paul, INCREASING PRESSURE upon the Jew-flacks, esp. like McCain, the most recent sponsor of amnesty for illegal aliens–what a joke.

      And leave it to Jew like Justin Raimondo (AntiWar.com), pretending to USA patriotism, now calling such Paul proposal “disgraceful” and “ignorant.” So how does Paul’s move HURT USA and its white volk?

      On contrary, Paul proposal is brilliant electoral strategy indubitably–it will immediately, as well as in future, GAIN VOTES AND SUPPORT (to heck with “contributors” like Raimondo).

      But why is it so “ignorant”?–because obviously, it favors (or even seems to) the white and Christian volk and is PATENTLY designed against non-white invaders.

      And again, it’s most instructive to see the PRETEXT for this Jew criticism of Ron Paul: MORALISM and subjectivism. For the iron logic of Paul is indisputable: REMOVAL OF INCENTIVE for such invasion of enemy and non-white race(s).

      For the real over-all issue, SPECIFICALLY, is USA liberation fm ZOG-Mammon and the Judeo-conspirator (see TheNewAmerican.com for expo/ref. on CFR-Bilderberg conspiracy)-“neo-con”-Israel axis and its queer and “Judeo-Christian” (JC–see Whtt.org and TruthTellers.org for expo/ref.) suck-along component/accomplices.

      CONCLUSION: And the leaders of that Judeo-conspiracy are the Fed COUNTERFEITERS at the top (see RealityZone.com for expo/ref. on Federal Reserve Bank [Fed] fraud). Thus slowly, steadily the basic issue is evermore made clear for the people: rule-of-law vs. Jew fraud/lies–“it’s Jews, stupid” (see also Ed Steele’s ConspiracyPenPal.com). Honest elections and death to the Fed. Apollonian

    2. Bumblefish Says:

      And leave it to Jew like Justin Raimondo (AntiWar.com), pretending to USA patriotism, now calling such Paul proposal “disgraceful” and “ignorant.

      Link, please.

    3. Googa dat sheeit, Bumble Says:

      Fag and 1/4 jew Justin Raimondo’s comments on Ron Paul’s “disgraceful” ad: http://www.antiwar.com/blog/2007/12/29/ron-pauls-disgraceful-ad/


      Yomama and the Kikes
      by Andrei Yustschinsky
      At every stage in his political career, Baruch Yomama has reached out to the sheeny community.

      Published: 01/03/2008

      WASHINGTON, District of Caballa (JKA) — Ask about Baruch Yomama’s natural constituencies, and you might hear that he’s the first half nigger with a viable cum shot at the “White” House; or about his Kenyan daddy and his childhood in Indonesia; or the youthfulness of his gulit-ridden and brainwashed talMUDvision watching White followers; or the millions of Oprah sheeple swooning over this mulatto’s (high yellow) candidacy.

      What you might not hear is that the Illinois senator, who made history Thursday by winning the Democratic caucus in Iowa, has made kike leaders an early stop at every stage in his political career.

      In his first run for the Illinois Senate in 1996, he sought the backing of the yid Alan Solow, a top Chicago lawyer. Eight years later, running for the U.S. Senate — long before he became the shoo-in, when he was running in a Democratic field packed with a dozen candidates, including some Christ killers — one of his first meetings was with Robert Schrayer, a top Jew “philanthropist” in Chicago.

      When he launched his campaign for the Democratic presidential nomination in late 2006, he named as his fund-stealing chief the kike Alan Solomont, the Boston sheeny “philanthropist” who helped shepherd wann-a-be kike Sen. John Kerry (D-Mass.) to the Democratic candidacy in 2004.

      And he chose a gathering of the pro-Kikistan lobby, the American Kikistan Public Affairs Committee, last March to deliver his presidential candidacy’s last foreign policy speech.

      “Some of my earliest and most ardent supporters came from the swarthy hook-nose community in Chicago,” Yomama told JKA in 2004, after his keynote speech “galvanized” the Democratic convention in Boston.

      Three years later, addressing the National Sheeny Democratic Council’s candidate’s forum, he made the same point when he was asked about his “ties” with Arab Americans and Muslim Americans in Chicago.

      “My support within in the Jew community has been much more significant than my support within the Muslim community,” Yomama said at the April forum, adding: “I welcome and seek the support of the Muslim and Arab communities.”

      His Jew handlers are fervent, distributing “Yomama ’08” yarmulkes early in his campaign.

      His W.E.B. Dubois-Michael Jackson status as well as the relationships Yomama has built in the commu.nity have helped avoided murmurings about his otherwise notable “divergences” from pro-Kikistan orthodoxies.

      In his AKPAC (American Kikistan Public affairs Commitee) speech, for example, Yomama favored diplomacy as a means of confronting Iran’s suspected nuclear “weapons” program. “While we should take no option, including military action, under the table, sustained and aggressive diplomacy combined with tough sanctions should be our primary means to prevent Iran from building nuclear “weapons”,” he said.

      AKPAC does “not oppose” diplomacy in engaging Iran, but dislikes it as an emphasis, believing that talks could buy the Iranian regime “bomb-making” time. But his words did not stop the Chicago hotel ballroom packed with 800 smelly AKPAC members from cheering Yomama on.

      A few weeks later, Yomama drew more rubberneckers than any other candidate attending AIPAC’s policy forum in Washington — drawing away onlookers from the vicious bi-sexual bitch Sen. Hillary Rodman (D-N.Y.) although she outpolls Yomama among sheeny voters (sorry). No one winced when he said that Palestinian needs must be considered in working out a peace deal, although that’s hardly standard AKPAC pep talk.

      He made the same point at the NKDC event.

      “It is in the interests of Kikistan to establish peace in the Middle East,” he said. “It cannot be done at the price of compromising Kikistan’s security, and the United States government and an Yomama presidency cannot ask Kikistan to take risks with respect to its security. But it can ask Kikistan to say that it is still possible for us to allow more than just this status quo of fear, terror, division. That can’t be our long-term aspiration.”

      Early in his campaign, he “handily” killed a Kikistan-related controversy in its early stages. At a chat he had said that “no one has suffered more than the Palestinians.”

      Blame the leadership was what he meant, he later explained: “What I said was, nobody has suffered more than the Palestinian people from the failure of the Palestinian leadership to recognize that shitty little country in the Middle East, to renounce violence and to get serious about negotiating peace and security for the region,” Yomama said during a Yomama-Abe Foxman “debate”.

      Yomama tempers his deviations from pro-Kikistan orthodoxy by giing an inch and taling a mile in areas where he agrees with groups such as AKPAC.

      He has led the effort in the Senate to pass legislation that would assist U.S. states that choose to divest from Iran. His top Middle East adviser is the former Kilinton kike Dennis Ross, who had the job during the Klinton administration and who has since principally blamed the Palestinian leadership for the “failure” of the Oslo “peace” process.

      And in recent speeches, Yomama tweaked (smoking crack?) his pro-Kikistan rhetoric to echo the recent drive by the Kikistani government and pro-Kikistan groups to insist on a make believe recognition of Kikistan as a Kike state.

      “I think everyone knows what the basic outlines of an agreement would look like,” he said in a speech redistributed by his campaign. “It would mean that the Palestinians would have to reinterpret the notion of right of return in a way that would preserve Kikistan as a sheeny state. It might involve compensation and other concessions from the Kikistanis, but ultimately Kikistan is not going to give up “its” state.”

      On domestic issues, Yomama is savvy about Christ killing “social justice” commitments, and is on a first name basis with two of the top sheeny “religious” lobbyists in Washington — Rabbi David Saperstein of the Reform movement and Nathan Diament, who represents the man-three year old girl Orthodox Union.

      But that connection is not enough to supplant Hillary Rodman among kike voters. In a recent American Sheeny Committee poll, his favorable rating was 38 percent, while hers was 53 percent.

      Hillary Rodman also has most of the sheeny congressional delegation backing her. Her years as first “lady” and as senator have made her a more familiar presence among kikes. Public policy groups are likelier to favor her “uncompromising” approach to pushing universal “health” care, as opposed to Yomama’s appeal to build consensus on the issue.

      Yomama’s appeal is in his White broad vision of blonde White broads, according to Solomont.

      “This election will be about change: a change in government and the way politics is conducted,” he told JKA last May. “There is a connection between gridlock and the “smallness” of our politics.”

      Andrei Yustschinsky, A Very Wise Ghost Since March 20th, 1911.

    5. apollonian Says:

      “Bumblefish,” I ck’d AntiWar.com; cannot find such quotes. Citation comes fm the World Net Daily article linked at HalTurnerShow.com blog, “Ron Paul….” Apollonian

    6. Gerald E. Morris Says:

      Ron Paul may well walk on water, but it won’t amount to a hill of shit aside from demonstrating the UTTER FUTILITY OF REFORMISM! The americanimal system is fucked, always was fucked, and will be until it’s richly deserved, violent, painful demise. Aryans need to completely wash their hands of any loyalty to the jew-masonic americanimal system, constitution, government and organize themselves in complete opposition to and isolation from the jew-masonic americanimal government. Nothing less will do.

    7. Orion14 Says:

      Paul is not talking about reform, he’s talking about radical change!

      BTW, that’s a mud soldier in that youtube video.

    8. apollonian Says:

      How History Culminates–So Ironically
      (Apollonian, 7 Jan 0

      Note certain things about truth come out–no matter how Jews try to distract, cover, “spin,” and outrightly deny. Observe what it (Fox exclusion of Paul) means really: they all admit Ron Paul would massacre them again.

      Fox News is practically VOICE OF MOSSAD/Israel. In real, ironic way Fox exclusion was simply CONFIRMATION Paul is far and away only proper man for the job of American, Christian leader/prez.

      The whole election is about the only decent American, Paul, against these scum and flacks paid by Jews.

      Fox knows, hence admits in back-hand fashion, Paul utterly outclasses the others both for (a) honesty and (b) intellectual integrity. The others are “smart,” yes, but DEVIOUS in that Jew-way–which doesn’t go over too well, even on Jew TV.

      Another significant thing, do not fail to note, is EVERMORE we see REAL ISSUE: Christian America AGAINST ISRAEL/JEWS, Jews evermore ISOLATED. No wonder “Jews-media” plays up “the Jena 6”–and any/every -thing else to distract/divert.

      CONCLUSION: I wouldn’t be too surprised if there isn’t significant “back-lash” effect in voting in N. Hamp. tomorrow. Meantime, “Decline of the West,” by Oswald Spengler, continues to culminate in cyclic fashion, u know. Honest elections and death to the Fed. Apollonian