12 February, 2009

The Coming Crisis?

Posted by Socrates in AmeriKwa, General Decline, jewed culture, jewed politics, politics, Socrates at 3:23 pm | Permanent Link

A long but interesting essay: [Article].

  • 7 Responses to “The Coming Crisis?”

    1. Captainchaos Says:

      “Every generation of Europeans has produced men ready for the heroic life. When the opportunity arises, they will appear.

      The important thing to remember, as we enter this year of crisis, is that the future belongs to us—if we will it!” – Michael O’Meara, from the linked essay

      This is the first call, more or less, for the formation of a revolutionary vanguard that I’ve seen from the “respectable” side of WN.

      The realization that the “worse is better” conditions we’ve been waiting for is here has them upping the anti. Good.

    2. MilitiaNeeded Says:

      One thing for certain is that there will be a war between the ones striving for a one-world order and others who see the destruction.

      Today, the House has passed the stimulus bill that will encourage illegals to obtain jobs and make it easier for them to take our jobs away. The E-verify will be eliminated by these crazy, insane, people we have in the White House.

      The fiasco with elitists and jewish bankers have been a long time coming with their unending determination to turn the U.S. into a third world slave bucket. The bankruptcy of America started in the 1970’s when cutbacks involved closing military bases around the world and in the U.S. Since then, countless military bases have either closed or is presently nearing its termination. The ones that haven’t closed, many facilities offered to active and retired personnel have either closed on the bases or are have been practically turned into fast food services.

      The mortgage crises was the propulsion to force the massive trillion of dollars to go back or add to the elitist bankers’ pockets not to mention the CEO’s. They didn’t lose control of their money. They knew their money would float out there and it was all planned. Now, they are claiming they lost control. Well, that’s a lie and a big one. This was all planned to rapidly enforce illegal immigration so that businesses who say they are in trouble will be able to hire cheap labor and afford to do so. The U.S. Chamber of Commerce is dictating to the socialists in the White House that illegals should be allowed to enter the U.S. Well, we know what the U.S. Chamber of Commerce is full of, don’t we? This is just another plan and excuse to propel a socialist government and a one-world order into America. The jews will have their way if we don’t stop them.

      These people in the White House and elsewhere and people like Paul Wolfowitz, and other IMF and world bank jews have planned this to occur decades ago. These people are insane and they are very destructive. They know their jobs are secure, they know they have millions to live off of. People like Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, Wolf Blitzer. and George Soros have secured jobs or are filthy rich. Isn’t that quaint? While many people don’t believe in the OWO and are fighting to ward off the destruction, we have people like those mentioned above who are not concerned whether or not U.S. citizens get jobs or get laid off. Their only concern is to allow millions of illegals to enter the U.S. and find employment for them.

      It’s going to take a militia to turn things around. There is no other option. These people are to be removed from important positions, including all jews. They are not to work anywhere, be refused jobs, have their assets seized, and put in jail or worse. Otherwise things will only get worse and the U.S. will be in much greater danger from these psychopaths.

    3. The Red Skull Says:

      This Article was an exellent essay by Mr.O’Meara.I’m a little surprised there aren’t more comments here on such a relevant issue.It is looking like the “worse is better” scenario is starting to come true.I have been avidly reading when time allows most anything on the economy I can find.No one seems to have a very positive outlook on it or they are outright predicting disaster.It could very well be the case.I have a strong personal feeling that our Nation is entering a political crisis period on the level of 1860 or 1776.To my mind as a student of History,this is quite scary,as anyone who’s paying attention should be very concerned.
      Big changes are always scary as mere humans we cannot entirely predict,prepare,or know just how these “big changes” will affect our lives.The informed people I know are rating the chances of a societal breakdown/civil war at 70% or more.Many are making plans for this as we speak.The atmosphere of
      tension in the country is palpable.No one I know of likes the Federal Gov’t or has faith in it anymore.I would venture to say that most Whites feel that way.”Fuck the Fed” is a sentiment I hear across the board.Its no wonder as the “Fed” has decided to screw us all except the Financial Elite and Politicians in general.Revolution and dissent are in the air,and its just begun.The disconnect in Washington from the People has grown too vast to be bridged.The DC Criminals dictate to the States as if they are mere serfs,there to carry out the will of their Overlord.
      This has resulted in several of the States re-declaring their Sovereignty through various State proclamations.This HUGELY Important Fact has gone unreported(as far as I can tell) in the Controlled Media.The FedZOG has been almost Completely Unresponsive to the wishes of the American People,either ignoring us outright,or passing “legislation” thats to our detriment(as a nation and culture) behind our back.It seems like the only time they listened at all recently,was when they tried to ramrod the damn illegals down our throat with their “comprehensive Amnesty” bullshit,and the outcry from normal Kwans was so fierce they had to abandon the effort(for awhile).Don’t worry though,the Magic Monkey and Insane McCain will be back at it in no time,granting Corporate America their wish for millions of uneducated,economic Slave Labor brown peasants to flood the land and replace overpaid and benefit spoiled “whitey”.
      When do Empires and Nations Fall?When their subjects quit believing in them,and/or that they have a Profitable stake in that Nation/Empire.As James Madison said “the Revolution was in the Hearts and Minds of the People long before it came to pass in actuality”.The more corrupt,inefficient,taxing and distant Rome became to her subject peoples,the less they believed in the Empire.The same thing is going on here now.No one I know believes there will be any social security available to us when we “retire”.Whats there will be robbed by the Criminals in DC,or given away to the muds by then.Why bother going to college for an advanced Math or Engineering degree when Microsoft Bill and the rest of Criminal Corporate America want to give that job to some wog they can pay 1/3 of the salary instead.White America is being attacked and torn down from every angle.I won’t even make a short list,because even that would be too long,and the enlightened all know what those angles are.
      America was a beautiful German Brown Trout,now,thanx to the Jews and Traitors in our own Gov’t,she is a Gutted Fish,in the last throws of life.The NWO crowd sliced us from stem to stern,pulled out our guts(manufacturing) and replaced what we had with all their crap and poison and bile,and somehow we are still supposed to “swim just fine”.I don’t remember a country/nation/empire in history ever being so successfully “de-constructed.”The US “elites” don’t give a damn about White America,and O’Meara is right.They have sold their souls for profit,under the watchful eye and guidance of Big Jew.The NWO pattern has been,-they create the “crisis”,then after some turmoil,they offer the “solution”.Is the solution this time going to be the NAU and the new Amero Currency?Supposedly,they are secretly minting the Amero at the Denver Mint already.Give up your sovereignty and your guns and come along quietly Mr/Mrs Doe.
      I think the time of reckoning is at hand.Soon we will see how many of us out there really believe in “Freedom” and “justice”,as they seem fully intent on carrying out their little “plan”.Somehow,I don’t think its going to turn out like they planned.Live Free or Die is the New Hampshire state motto-it certainly is mine.I and everyone I know refuses to be their slave.If enuff people think like this,we will have a good chance at foiling their insidious design.Many States are putting the Feds on notice with these resolutions,and the Warning to the Corrupt,Criminal Assholes in Washington is straight from 1776-“DON’T TREAD ON ME”.Rattlesnakes are small,but they strike quickly and without medical treatment you die.Take the Warning Fed.-By the way-to all the ZOG fucks and Stooges out there reading this,which side will you be on?Your Friends and Families and Neighbors,or your Satanic Alien-Run Employer?As the great patriot Thomas Paine said:”these are the times that try men’s souls.”We should all be prepared to either give our lives or take others,in the name of “FREEDOM FROM TYRANNY”.The Founding Fathers fought an 8 year war doing just that.Will WE,do WE,still have that Courage and Commitment flowing in our veins?I have an oppressive feeling in my heart we will soon find out.SIC SEMPER TYRANNUS!-Death to Tyrants!

    4. Junghans Says:

      You are right Red, O’Meara’s article is very prescient and well written, and has been basically ignored here. Perhaps he is ‘singing to the choir’, that is, familiar songs that are already heard here every day. I always enjoy his insight, though, and appreciate his exceptional vision. Your comments, by the way, are spot-on, and well taken too.

    5. The Red Skull Says:

      Thanx Junghans!Its nice to know some others appreciate my comments,as they are truly heartfelt.Its my opinion that once a person “awakens” to Race Reality,they cannot look at life the way they once did-under the hypnotic spell of Big Jew,materialism,and consumerism.Yes,he(O’Meara) might be “preaching to the choir” here,but remember,thousands of newbies seeking the truth,are also here,and they need all the priming they can get.It has to be a collective awakening amongst a certain percentage of Whites,to realize that the Country many of us(including myself)grew up to love, no longer loves us.We are expendable as a Race and Culture,to Corporate America and ZOG.When more of us come to grips with this reality of our situation-we are slated for extermination,then things will really begin to unfold.
      This part of his essay grabbed me in particular-
      “For though the US elites(Corporate Criminals and Jews)have not the slightest interest in the welfare and security of the White Majority,the majority was willing to be bought off as long as the Elites provided the material benefits to ensure its allegience.Today we are rapidly entering an era when that ability to deliver the goods may be rapidly deminishing.”-skip ahead a bit to
      “For this reason,I believe CATASTROPHE ALONE will cause White Americans to abandon their allegience to the existing system and to see the elites controlling it as their real enemies”-That sentence culminates my thoughts also,as its only when “Joe 6-pack” has little or no money(or lots of worthless money) in his pocket,no beer in the fridge,and maybe even no roof over his head,before he FINALLY starts to see the light.With the Commies(pardon me-Democrats) in complete control,it will go from bad to worse,as they spend like drunken sailors to get out of the hole THEY created for us.I am by no means an economist,but most sensible folks can see we are in a losing financial game.We always will be as long as the Jews run the game.Even tho Dr.Paul was negated by ZOG media and political leverage,he did bring into the public debate,the need to do away with the FedReserve,which seems to be picking up steam,and is supposedly writing a book to be published on that topic,which will bring the issue even more into focus.Whats nice about the whole “system” is that due to its own inate corruption,it WILL Collapse on its own accord.We “Nationalists” don’t even have to lift a finger.Notice the Magic Monkey never said HOW they plan on financing the Deficit,that will be the real trick,and as the Japs and Chinks already have trillions of our debt,it won’t be them.Printing the money will be the only alternative which in turn will devalue the Dollar even more.Weimar Inflation might not be far behind,especially if we lose Reserve Currency status.No,its looking more and more like all of King Obongo’s Horses and Men won’t be able to put Humpty Dumpty back together again.
      All we have to do,besides personal preparation,is await the fall of Humpty D. and be ready top offer a Racialist/Economic Solution to our disillusioned kinsmen.Of course,I make it sound easy,it won’t be,but there will be life on the other side of the collapse.I really believe that there could even be another country somewhere that shows the way with a Nationalist Coup,like Germany in the 30’s.People who have lost everything ain’t got nothin’ to lose.The forces of economic break-down,racial rivalry,Corporate Greed,Gov’t corruption,and long bitterness are working inevitably to tear this nation apart at the seams.
      Worse is Better is here now,and the Worst of the Worst isn’t here yet.Guns,ammo,food.Guns,ammo,food.If we combine Preparation,Perseverance and the Will to Win,we will salvage the day.When the change in conciousness of enough of our people occurs,that is when “Change we can Believe In” will happen.

    6. The Red Skull Says:

      Thanx Junghans!And a Big Sieg Heil to you too!

    7. CW-2 Says:

      Now is the critical time to focus on planning and preparation. Remember the old saying, “planning and preparation prevents piss-poor performances”.