Tiger Woods
Posted by Socrates in AmeriKwa, media, media heroes, multiculturalism, pop culture, Socrates at 11:44 am | 
One minute Woods was a multiracial Jesus, and the next minute he wasn’t [1]. Funny! But not to worry. After the media gets done with the Tiger scandal, he will return to being a god:
[1] Woods is part-Black, part-Asian, part-American Indian and part-White
13 December, 2009 at 2:26 pm
Tiger really let down the negro community when he was on Oprah back in 97. That was when he said he wasnt black, but rather black-asian-Indian-White, he had some made up word for it. A lot of blacks never forgave him, and arent coming to his defense today. Plus a lot of black females might have a bit of animosity towards the Tiger because of his (surprise) racial preference when it comes to his women.
Still, Tiger is very important to the jews because of his multiracial background and the fact that he has dominated the traditionally “lily white” country club “sport” of golf. Something that was unthinkable 20 years ago.
Very funny to watch him fall from grace. It is hard to keep your balance up on a pedestal.
13 December, 2009 at 3:12 pm
Maybe this will come as a timely wake up call for sports mad Whites to stop and think why do they, not only accept, but demand sports ‘heroes’ from the MSM jew machine. Are average Whites so needy that they accept conditioning like a puppy dog and look up to glitteratti and celebs whatever their race?
Who gives a sh*t if some over paid ni**er gets a hole in one?
The only people deserving our admiration are those White men and women who are advancing the cause of our people.
13 December, 2009 at 3:13 pm
Woods is toast.
Here’s a typical exercise the guys in Marketing used to do:
Take The Following Words And Make A Sentence:
“Tiger Woods” “Whores” “Threesomes” “Orgies” “Drugs” “Las Vegas” “Accenture” “Gillette’
Which words do not fit with the rest?
Why is that?
I enjoy this, as Accenture is supposed to be a consulting firm.
Nike is kind of stuck with the Tiger, because he is their sole public face.
Don’t think for a moment someone in Nike, which really KNOWS sports marketing and law, isn’t looking at a way to “clawback” a lot of the money they paid Woods on the grounds of his violating a moral clause in the contract – every such contract has a “morals clause.”
There are phrases using the terms “business opportunity” that are well known in business law, so I won’t bore you with the details.
Suffice to say, any sentence you can make with the words “Tiger Woods” “Whores” “Threesomes” “Orgies” “Drugs” and “Las Vegas” simply spells an end to the career of Tiger Woods.
Rest assured, NIKE, et. al., are looking for the next Great Black Hope in sports marketing.
I don’t think it will work for golf – not anymore.
They tried it in swimming, with some black guy who can’t get out of his own way when he’s in the water with guys like Phelps, so it might just one end of one era.
The Purpose Of Judaism is The Genocide of the White Race.
13 December, 2009 at 3:27 pm
One side note:
The Tiger was pretty much the public face of “one leg in the grave” Buick, which has since gone on to be a favored model in China, and nowhere else.
I don’t watch television.
Anyone seen any adds for Buick lately with the Tiger in them?
Anyone going to watch some televised upcoming PGA broadcast and see if Buick (1) advertises at all, and (2) with The Tiger?
Should be interesting.
The Purpose Of Judaism is The Genocide of the White Race.
13 December, 2009 at 3:27 pm
2009: Bad year for the public nigger.
Oprah announces retirement.
Michael Jackson – dead.
Whitney Houston fails at last chance comeback.
Tigger Woods shown to be Just Another Nigger.
Bottom drops out of Obama’s popularity. Even liberals are admitting he’s a hapless, weak spabook.
The jungle beat goes on regarding sports “””heroes””” including esp. basketball players, who are known as felons.
There are many more examples, but why should you be bored reading about them?
The point is, sit back and enjoy this blip of nigger blowups. Itz entertainment for the educated as opposed to the merely edumacated.
13 December, 2009 at 3:45 pm
I like what CW-2 said about Whites not just accepting, but demanding sports “heroes” from the jew media machine. I heard someone on the radio, or saw on TV, cant remember, complaining that Tiger was “letting down” all these young people that supposedly look up to him as a role model. It is pathetic that White parents (fathers mainly) have only sports stars (mostly colored) to offer to their kids as role models. Obviously, the parents should be the childrens main role models, but outside of the family, we Whites have such a rich tradition of great men and women who have achieved great things.
Instead of giving junior a poster of Jamal Jones the ball player for Christmas, how about a poster of say, William Shakespeare, or Charles Lindbergh, or Edmund Hillary, or Beethoven, etc? If it must be an athlete, at least make it a White one, as “uncool” as that may be.
Sadly, sports have become a religion for millions of White men.
13 December, 2009 at 4:30 pm
He represents Jew values. Woods did nothing that Jews don’t do to their gentile white trophy wives. Maybe Woods will convert to Judaism like Whoopi Goldberg?
Somebody should mount a (verbal) attack on the all-Jewish media entertainment world where the real money is behind the camera in the studio office. Good luck with that. Probably be found face down dead in one of the LA canyons with a baggie of white powder for the police to find whether you were a drug user or not.
13 December, 2009 at 4:33 pm
Suffice to say, any sentence you can make with the words “Tiger Woods” “Whores” “Threesomes” “Orgies” “Drugs” and “Las Vegas” simply spells an end to the career of Tiger Woods.
Anyone seen any adds for Buick lately with the Tiger in them?
Two very good observations from NA. One can only imagine the kind of debauchery that coon has engaged in since becoming famous. Give a nigger a little authority, money or fame and it’ll go apeshit, guaranteed.
And yes, I have seen those Buick ads featuring Woods and his racially polluted family. Buick deserves to go out of business for using that half-caste in its ads. I doubt that ad campaign has brought any new customers into Buick showrooms.
13 December, 2009 at 4:46 pm
This Just In:
Accenture has just dumped Woods totally, and doesn’t mince words, blaming it on “the events of the last two weeks.”
He’s toast.
The Purpose Of Judaism is The Genocide of the White Race.
13 December, 2009 at 4:48 pm
I hope that Tiger pulls an OJ on his Snow Whore. Terrible Tommie will make him an Honorary Aryan if he does.
13 December, 2009 at 5:28 pm
He needs some oriental liniment:
13 December, 2009 at 7:53 pm
Accenture dumped Woods. I think Nike would be the last to dump him. Morals doesn’t figure into any company with “just do it” for slogan.
13 December, 2009 at 7:54 pm
Most of the products Woods pumps are aimed at richer white men, not niggers or women. It makes sense a consultant would dump him because his behavior undercuts image of stability and good judgment. For the other stuff, consumer products, doesn’t matter so much.
13 December, 2009 at 8:25 pm
in reply to alex:
Your second post is well taken.
I suspect the larger issue for Tiger’s target demographic revolves around the idea that he is the Black Man the White Man can trust with his daughter (ha! ha!), and that he will not make you look bad for supporting him.
Years ago, the company I worked with routinely overpaid for IBM mainframes, and the IT guys said, “Nobody ever got fired for buying IBM.”
Well, we did, replacing them with DEC VAXen, which we then clustered – another story of shifting market dynamics, when a critical mass of smart enough people decide to Do Something About It.
I suspect a real backlash is developing against the colored; between the Mocha Messiah in the White House, and the unWhite Prince on the gold links, the speed with which they have fallen suggests that the White Race thinks it has paid its dues, and is tired of seeing Pedestal Negroes being placed in first place by a controlled media, the System Press.
Let’s see:
Obama – DOWN
Woods – DOWN
Sarah Palin – UP
Yes, I see a pattern developing.
The Purpose Of Judaism is The Genocide of the White Race.
13 December, 2009 at 8:29 pm
That should be “golf links,” and not “gold links,” in the above post.
Although, come to think of it.
Students of Marketing should keep a close eye on GM’s advertising for Buick and Cadillac, just to see if the New Management decides to build sentences using the words “Tiger Woods,” and “whores.”
Can they do this?
Yes they can!
The Purpose Of Judaism is The Genocide of the White Race.
13 December, 2009 at 9:44 pm
I think it was Alex Linder that said some years back that “A nigger is a life support system for a penis that goes around sniffing everything to see if he can eat it, have sex with it, get lifted off of it, or destroy it!” I have worded that statement as close as I am able to remember. I have never come across a better definition of a black man ever! From Marching Looting King to Tiger Major Wood they are all the same. I have been waiting for this mud race avatar to screw-up every since he came on the scene. After all there are only three kinds of nigger, one that has chimped out, one that is in the process of chimping out, and one that will chimp out in the future! OK, so a nigger mix plays pasture pool, makes a bazillion bucks, buys a yacht and makes every dumb blond wet with desire. The Jews can’t get enough of this kind of crap because as we know all too well, Jews are shit freaks, and niggers do as niggers are…
14 December, 2009 at 12:14 am
14 December, 2009 at 10:48 am
Ther goes da myth dat white females love to mate with da brothas cuz them got big hoses….until the animal cheats on her.
Betcha Elin was depressed and in low self-esteem, as is ALWAYS the case whenever a white woman falls for nigger lip. So deserved.
14 December, 2009 at 3:22 pm
These White whores will never learn. It’s sad to say, but when they see money all sense, loyalty, and morality go out the window. This mixed-up hybrid coon will survive this ordeal somehow and he will date more White whores in the future after the firestorm dies down. Remember OJ? Even after his trial and the fact that anyone with a bit of intelligence knew he was a cold blooded murderer, blond White whores were lining up to date him. WTF.
14 December, 2009 at 4:04 pm
Paula Barbieri and Gretchen Stockdale will eventually have to answer for their Crimes Against Nature.
16 December, 2009 at 5:07 am
…and basically the nigger gene always prevails in the end. So much for Tigger being part Thai or what not…Imagine how much round the clock effort it must go in the controlled press to surpress the TNB outbursts by their beloved chimp-in-chief?