Historical Artwork: the Trotsky-Monster that Ate Russia
Posted by Socrates in art, guns and gun issues, Socrates, Soviet holocaust, Soviet Union, Trotskyism at 7:45 pm | Permanent Link
It’s like a Jewish “King Kong,” but, knowing Trotsky, he wouldn’t let the girl live like Kong did. He’d rape the shiksa and then give her a “little black bean” behind the neck. (Image URL: http://www.vanguardnewsnetwork.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/09/trotsky.jpg )
23 September, 2010 at 9:37 pm
OK, where were we?….Oh, yes, the Jews…
Jew historians like to tell us that if Trotsky had succeeded Lenin (which is apparently what Lenin himself wanted), the USSR might have been a success, since Trotsky is regarded by the liberal-Jew academic axis as having been an intellectual and a visionary, not a bloodthirsty cave-man like Stalin. But I believe that if Trotsky had succeeded Lenin, there would have been even more mass-executions and forced famines than Stalin gave us. At any rate, Stalin did the world a favor by getting rid of Trotsky in 1940, Gangsta-style.
That caraciture of Trotsky is spot-on. An Asiatic-looking Jew devil whose peener is strategically hidden by the top of the castle turret. He could also pass for an Israeli pornographer or white-slavery pimp.
24 September, 2010 at 11:30 am
Who painted this artwork? Where did it come from?
24 September, 2010 at 4:57 pm
It’s an authentic poster made by the White (anti-revolutionary) Movement in Russia during the Civil War (1918-1921).
In the picture you can also see a group of squinty-eyed chinks executing a Russian. The story behind that detail is that there was a considerable number of Chinese “guest workers” in Russia’s cities at the time of the revolution. Naturally, they did not remain passive spectators, nor did they just quietly go back to China when the revolution happened, but joined enthusiastically in the Red rapine.
The entire revolution was a thoroughly ethnic affair, where all manner of minorities banded together in order to crush old, “chauvinistic” and “bourgeois” Russia. Jewish political power rested on the military power of Latvian crack battalions and that of Chinese terror squads (as well as the jewish Cheka).
More (rather watered-down) info here:
24 September, 2010 at 7:04 pm
That’s very interesting. Jews using Chinese to kill Europeans. We can’t see the details yet, but all the signs indicate that team yid is planning to use the same tactics in the next game.
25 September, 2010 at 11:23 am
Luckily I am learning Chinese. But the Chinese will compete with the Arabs.
25 September, 2010 at 1:17 pm
Jew historians like to tell us that if Trotsky had succeeded Lenin (which is apparently what Lenin himself wanted), the USSR might have been a success, since Trotsky is regarded by the liberal-Jew academic axis as having been an intellectual and a visionary, not a bloodthirsty cave-man like Stalin. – Tim McGreen
Tim is correct; Trotsky was every bit the bloodthirsty, goyim-hating, permanent-revolution-supporting, Western-civilization-despising, perverse, possessed-with-appetite-for-destruction, uber-Jew. If there was one individual in the 20th century who literally defined the devilish evil Jews are capable of, it was Trotsky. If Trotsky had come to power he probably would have tried to exterminate the entire Slavic race and perhaps wipe out all of Western civilization. He was a psychotic maniac of the first order. And the fact that modern academics love the guy … well, it tells you all you need to know about that crowd. Stalin actually deserves a little credit for whacking that fucking pig.
25 September, 2010 at 5:04 pm
Stalin needed the support of the Russian people in his defense against invading Nazi armies, but he was hated because he was surrounded by Jewish advisors. Deporting Trotsky supplied the popularity Stalin needed.
25 September, 2010 at 7:04 pm
Trostsky has been morphed by the twits of the left into a sort of a Che Guevera. Whatever, Russia was a hard nut for the jews to crack. After 70 years the jews were still back at red square one, they were being fingered more than anywhere else in the world. Talk about Yellow stars, the Russkies had the audacity to make them carry i.d cards labelling them Yids. Nuthin a roach hates more than to find himself listed on a can of pesticide.
The Kwa is a total different prey, the actions of the jew aren’t as militant, it lends more toward corruption, and bastardization of the host, but as usual the jews always have a local mud population it can sic on Whites.
25 September, 2010 at 8:45 pm
And just think, the bastards great granddaughter is in the Obama Administration! Good little Communist Jewish Bitch!
25 September, 2010 at 8:55 pm
And just think, the bastards great granddaughter is in the Obama Administration! Good little Communist Jewish Bitch! ED!
Nuthins good ’bout a jew alive or dead, wouldn’t even want a fukkin bar of soap made out of them roaches,damn thing would probably try to bore into your ass and make a home in your bowels. Good thing about all those kikes swarmin round ole bango lipz is , is it will be easier to get um all with one noose then have a nice ice pick party!
25 September, 2010 at 9:06 pm
The Problem for Russia didn’t begin until Poland was partitioned, then they inherited the worst god damn jews of the lot, the nuclei, of all that cabalistic, Now why the fuck wasn’t the Catholic church weeding out this bunch of parasites? What exactly did this flea infested shit breath rag’n bone peddalers have on um? They had to have had something, or some inside leverage to have survived the pogroms. I’ll tell you why, its Christianity that greased the wheels for jew infestation of Europe, and then America. Don’t tell me somethings not mighty fishy, when the popes only allowed jews to practice usury.
25 September, 2010 at 10:21 pm
Good point, NdG. Poland was one of the most Catholic countries in Europe, along with Austria. Yet the Jews infested both of those countries for centuries. Why was that allowed? Probably for the same reason the Jews are tolerated here, viz., the Jews provide financial and political support for the ruling class.
26 September, 2010 at 4:17 am
Austria also got a boat load of jews from its slice of Poland. Empress Maria Theresa of Austria had a jewish banker and it is said that for modesty she always wore a veil when dealing with him, however insiders in the palace said that the real reason for the veil was so she wouldn’t be offended by his ugly face.
26 September, 2010 at 8:45 am
Poor Maria Theresa, if she would have live to see her daughter the Queen of France carted to the guillotine by the jew inspire revolution, she might have had the kike bankster and the rest of the tribe ice-picked. Prussia also received a slice of the kike infested Poland, maybe the difference was it wasn’t Catholic, and there wasn’t the same greaseball jews working the wheels between the peasantry and aristocracy
26 September, 2010 at 8:53 am
Right Tim, money talks.. Call it my suspicious nature, but it looks like the money is flowing only one way now, into the hands of the jew banksters.. They got it all but they really want more, and the Kwa just don’t have it. Oh vey, whats to be done? We’ve really been too lenient with the Kwa-Goyim, spoiled lil brats, they need some ole testament justice now. Big, big bail out is comin”
27 September, 2010 at 11:11 pm
Hey he kinda looks like John Holdren!