17 January, 2012

Ain’t No Fudge About It: Fudge-Packers Make Better Parents

Posted by Socrates in Big Fag, homosexual themes, homosexuals, jewed culture, scatology, Socrates at 8:25 pm | Permanent Link


(Above: one of your daddies wears leather but not much else)

I ain’t fudgin’ you! (“Goldberg” – is that an Irish name?).


  • 14 Responses to “Ain’t No Fudge About It: Fudge-Packers Make Better Parents”

    1. Tim McGreen Says:

      The effete liberal scum say there’s no harm in queer dads or dyke moms raising kids. In fact, it’s a good thing, they say! But how do they know that? This “same sex” parenting madness is a new phenomenon, so what the long-range effects of homosexual parenting are on kids can only be guessed at. My guess is that it will lead to a lot of kids with queer parents wanting to kill themselves.

      Notice how Stephanie Pappas, the liberal douchebag who wrote the dumb article, never uses the word “homosexual”? She uses “heterosexual” to describe normal parents, but employs PC euphemisms like “gay” and “same sex” to describe sexual deviants. Then notice how Ms. Pappas does not provide any way to contact her, so you can’t chew her ass out for being so god damn liberal.

      Ms. Pappas, you’re a bug and I’m going to step on you.

    2. John Says:

      Filthy sodomites should be sent to camps where they would be forced to work as slave labour. Allowing this filth to corrupt and destroy White society is insane.

    3. R CROSS Says:

      John,soon i think we will all be in those camps,all that we can hope for is that we are segregated from this kind of perverted filth,for the short time before our extermination.

    4. Leviticus Jackson Says:

      I can’t think there can be any advantage to being reared by two parents and reared on a regular basis! Liberals must be thinking differently from me. I guess I must have a dirty mind. Shame on me!

    5. CW-2 Says:

      No need to get too upset, the liberals are frantically digging their own graves, let them get on with it. Our task is to ready when the storm breaks.

    6. Andei the Angry Ghost Says:

      The Jews-liberals-social Marxists-non Whites-queers have always supported the Democratic party & in more recent times the Repubicunts. The Bijou Theater in Chicago is a fag theater & it’s phone number is: 312-943-5397. The queer Jewish theater owner puts out a phone message of what’s “playing” at the Bijou every week & in the queer-Jew’s message you will hear what’s playing & far left political comments. The Jew in the past has said the two best presidents have bee n LBJ & Obama. At least he’s for taxing the churches & synagogues…Listen…

    7. Sri Sreggin Das, Mystic Yogi of the Kali Yuga Says:

      When the energy flow from the base chakra to the crown chakra is impeded, the other chakras experience all sorts of difficulties.

      One of these difficulties expresses itself as homosexuality, or the furtherance of a predisposition to homosexuality, as the base chakra becomes inflamed. Promiscuous heterosexuals have a similar pattern.

      Another difficulty is an oblong crown chakra which evidently affects the psychologist mentioned in this article. Many sedentary academics are affected by this. The Chinese would put these sorts of people to working in the rice fields; the Nazis also prescribed cleansing physical labor.

      Most of us have an relatively unimpeded energy flow, but some people try to disguise their impairment with religion:


      I observe all this without judgment.

    8. mrcrouton Says:

      If homosexuality is so great, then more should be better. So it should then not be offensive to say that I want all jews, blacks, mexicans and other racial aliens to be homosexuals.

      If we learn to ignore and avoid the mass culture and opt out, that’s a good start. White nationalists (since we’re in the wilderness stage) need to boycott, and avoid the mass culture and work to subvert it.

      Meanwhile promoting homosexuality is taking the express train to demographic oblivion. It’s maladaptive and there is nothing good about it unless it’s rampant among your enemies.

    9. Sgt. Skull Says:

      The article is pure pro-lavender tripe. I don’t care what her bogus studies written by lavender sympathizers and revolutionaries say about kids suffering no ill effects by having two queer parents. Did she mention how short lived most queer couplings last or how domestic abuse rates are equal or higher among same sex couplings?

      At the rate things are going I wouldn’t be surprised if NAMBLA and La Raza gave the keynote address at the 2016 Democratic convention. Then to avoid appearing intolerant the repubs will invite both groups to its 2020 convention.

      That is, if the kwa hasn’t totally collapsed by that time. Let’s hope that it does.

    10. Tím McGreen Says:

      Sri Sreggin Das is a boop-a-doopin’ Buddha-bippy, a chakra clown contemplating his karma at the Krispy-Kreme.

      He is creepy and wierd, and withers my willie.

    11. Tim McGreen Says:

      Gentlemen, you should know by now that I do not write such waste-of-time drivel as “Sri Sreggin Das is a boop-a-doopin’ Buddha-bippy, a chakra clown contemplating his karma at the Krispy-Kreme…..” Some malevolent force or agency is at work, posting as me! This must be looked into at once. Alfred, get me Commissioner Gordon’s office. To the Bat-Cave, Robin!


    12. Bigduke6 Says:

      Tim McGreen you crack me up. Great post we need more humor like Tim’s.

    13. Bigduke6 Says:

      These “so called” studies are horseshit. They do not follow the scientific criteria for a clinical study. Nor are these studies replicated at other institutes. Just a bunch of attention whores getting themselves published.Human nature has not changed over thousands of years a healthy child needs a healthy male and female influence to be healthy.

    14. Tim McGreen Says:

      Thanks for your kind words, Big Duke, but what I don’t understand is how the “fake” Tim McGreen got any thumbs up at all. Are there really three individual viewers who found his post that amusing?