23 August, 2012

Scandinavian Death Metal: Anti-Jew?

Posted by Socrates in anti-racism movement, Christianity, heavy metal/death metal, music, Scandinavia, Socrates at 6:56 pm | Permanent Link

Seen: a TV show in which a European rock musician, of the “death metal” style, says (paraphrasing) “Christianity, with its Semitic origins,” must be abolished in Scandinavia. Semitic? Oy veh! Now the “anti-hate” groups will have to “monitor” the death metal movement.

  • 22 Responses to “Scandinavian Death Metal: Anti-Jew?”

    1. Kevin Says:

      Metal and death metal are more related to classical music than rock and roll.

      Rock and roll has a simple structure, and is often repetitive, and sticks to a pop structure for easy acceptance and purchase. Metal is well-written and well-played, with varying segments of the song that don’t often repeat.

      Metal is awesome, and it is Aryan. It is Viking, it is rage, power, and wrath. It shouldn’t be frowned upon. If some don’t like it, that’s fine…I like classical and metal…but we can’t all listen to Beethoven sonata’s for our whole lives.

      Metal rules. Heil:)

    2. joe hicks Says:

      Ah yes the ‘evil’ death metal . yeah right. anytime i have an MRI done the ask do you want to listen to the radio , and i tell them no the radio doesn’t have what i want to listen to . Been a big UNLEASHED fan for 20 years now , if you like odin and thor ( white gods) lyrics with some kick-ass music then i highly recommend it. If it came down to the only music that was available to listen to (forced to listen to) was rap vs. being deaf ….huh whats that ? i cant hear , i’m deaf. courage today , victory tomorrow!!

    3. Tim McGreen Says:

      If I may bring a little maturity to this discussion?

      You can’t get around the fact that Christinsanity is Semitic in origin. No doubt it’s partially based on earlier Aryan religions like Mithraism and Zoroastrianism but it’s still Jewish. Likewise it can’t be denied that Xianity has sapped the life-energy out of the Nordic-Viking peoples. 1000 years ago they were kicking ass all over the place, using severed heads for soccer balls. Now the Scandinavians are a bunch of capons. The unwholesome presence of Jews and their export version of Judaism, viz., Christinsanity, are to blame for this shameful situation.

    4. Topkea Says:

      Death metal environments are full of promiscuity and drug abuse. There are too many dykes there, too, but at least no fags. It’s rare, despite what popular media says, for Aryan Nordics to be fags. Statistically, almost 70% of nig men are on the down-low, but there are almost no Nordic fags, probably none. Sometimes, obviously, men, even Nordic men, will get together and whatever happens, happens. This doesn’t make anyone queer, especially if you’re giving, not taking. It’s just what some dudes do. The ancient Greeks did it and had the greatest civilization in the world and weren’t queer.

    5. R CROSS Says:

      While the subject is scandinavia,does any-one notice the glaring miscarriage of justice that is being perpetrated concerning the circus brevic?.It is ,or was ,customary to declare wether a defendant is sane or insane BEFORE being tried,not simultanoiusly with the verdict.The diseased “minds” of the norwegian claque,seem to have grafted the jurisprudence of the nuremburg hate trials ,directly onto thier body of law.If these pseudo “psychiatrists” could not decide before the trial,is he or is he not insane,how are they able to do so now?

    6. CW-2 Says:

      It is often said that Christianity has sapped our collective will to survive, that maybe an accurate assessment, I’m not sure, but the ‘modern’ versions of Christianity certainly aren’t helpful to the honorable goal of White survival. The religious situation in Europe is different to that in the ‘Kwa, as most Europeans pay little attention to the reverends, so perhaps we are wasting our energy condemning the eagerness with which the preachers want to jump into bed with big globalist jew?
      As an historical aside, the Normans were at least 80% Scandinavian, and Christians too, but that didn’t prevent them from being formidable ass-kickers.

    7. joe hicks Says:

      just like viking death metal , nothing beats a ‘good ol fashioned screw driver sing along with your crew. sooner or later if your white ,and you do not agree with this commie crap ( I know its not all commie but to just say all the wording that is destroying our people just takes to long so COMMIE sums up the whole cluster of bad when its a social problem) you to will be singing ” Oh no……here comes a commie !

    8. bjt Says:

      Scandinavians are a bunch of capons???
      No Tim, these people have the foot of the juden and
      the juden controlled american military on their necks.
      You can’t fight this kind of force with stone axes
      and bronze swards.
      The juden have them and they know it.

    9. Tim McGreen Says:

      You know, it’s OK to listen to other typeof music besides black death metal. Ted Nugent, Deep Purple and AC/DC (especially from the Bon Scott era) are plenty hard rocking enough for me. There’s also the great Johnny Cash, a guy who sang about the White working man. But that other stuff? It’s more like anti-music, something that the Jew Arnold Schoenberg might have spit up, if he had used electric guitars instead of symphonic orchestras.

    10. CW-2 Says:

      The reason big jew is frantically stuffing nigs and muds into Scandinavia is to destroy Nordic blood at its source, the very fountain head of Aryan beauty, courage and intelligence.
      Jews haven’t changed a bit in 3000 years, their holy book is full of tales of stuffing dead donkeys down wells.

    11. David Says:

      I’m in contact with some very serious Odinists on Facebook and have butted heads with them as I am a Christian Identist, which refutes the Jews on the grounds that they AREN’T the real Hebraic Semites, as we see the White race as those original anti-misogynist Israelites. They have a really hard time even hearing OUR true Christianity as it is stuck in their heads that Semites are Jews. So yes, they are hardcore, perhaps too hardcore to consider Whites with any adherence to Yeshua as allies. While we in CI agree that the typical Judeo-Christian is a major problem, the majority of Christians probably don’t put any real stock in their faith and could be allies once they are convinced of enough Jewish criminality to finally wake up. The Judeo-Christian bozos are great moral people and will have to be retrained in the future

    12. David Says:

      I’m in contact with some very serious Odinists on Facebook and have butted heads with them as I am a Christian Identist, which refutes the Jews on the grounds that they AREN’T the real Hebraic Semites, as we see the White race as those original anti-misogynist Israelites. They have a really hard time even hearing OUR true Christianity as it is stuck in their heads that Semites are Jews. So yes, they are hardcore, perhaps too hardcore to consider Whites with any adherence to Yeshua as allies. While we in CI agree that the typical Judeo-Christian is a major problem, the majority of Christians probably don’t put any real stock in their faith and could be allies once they are convinced of enough Jewish criminality to finally wake up. The Judeo-Christian bozos are great moral people and will have to be retrained in the future

    13. David Says:

      Not for nothing, but Vikings were raiding their fellow Whites, not Arabs. The whole point of Christianity in Europe was to UNITE Whites against the racial threat of the Jews and their pets. The entire Bible’s subtext is about the division of races and loving YOUR OWN. You would have to read a good translation and use your BRAIN to comprehend what it is saying, unlike the Romish church and the Protestants that get a lot of their “spiritualizing” of evil in their doctrine. Evil is GENETIC in the Bible as Eve was seduced by the Serpent and had Cain by him. He killed his brother Abel, who was of Adam, and is “the MURDERER from the beginning that Jesus mentions in his discussion with the sadduccees and pharisees. Judea was no longer an exclusively Israelite nation by the time of Christ. 400 years prior to that they had started incorporating Edomites, Canaanites during the Maccabbee period. It is probably why Mighty Mel (a Catholic) is making a movie about the Maccabbee period. Will he get THAT fact in, thus exposing who the Jews really are? They themselves state that they are part Edomite and Canaanite.

    14. CW-2 Says:

      David, I can see what you’re getting at, but CI is just a jew constructed dead-end road. No way were ‘Israelites’ of Aryan stock. No offense intended.
      However, you are correct about the Vikings. According to Michael Grant in his book, ‘In Search of the Dark Ages’, Vikings traded White slaves to Arabic Spain and made Rouen in northern France a major trans-shipment center.
      To those liberals who deny the historical reality of White slavery, let them consult an honest dictionary. The word slave is derived from Slav, the Baltic peoples who were the main source of slaves during the Viking age.

    15. Tim McGreen Says:

      CW did not deserve that thumbs down. His post was spot on.

      Whenever Christianity shows up there’s trouble. I’ll bet the pagans never had endless doctrinal disputes over Dionysus and Aphrodite, they just worshiped the Gods without all the dumb bickering that Christians engage in.

      Christianity has divided Whites against each other like nothing else ever has. But I understand that in another 130 years or so the Age of Aquarius will begin. And when that happens Jesus Christ, a mythical god who represents the Age of Pisces, will be out of a job. Too bad I won’t be around to celebrate that event.

    16. Ray F. Bateson Says:

      Somebody notify the astrologers to update the piscean glyph with gefilte fish.

      Meanwhile, stick jesus in the oven and turn it up to ‘clean’.

      The age of the kike needs to fucking die.

    17. Tim McGreen Says:

      I stumbled across the headless, mutilated corpse of Christian Identity boy David this morning while walking my iguana in Gotham City Park. How in the world did David manage to stumble into that giant wheat threshing machine that was inexplicably left in the park overnight? If I didn’t know better I’d say someone kicked David’s ass a few times before tying him up in a trash bag and tossing him into the thresher…while he was still screaming for help…

      Anyway, there was a crumpled up message in Headless Dave’s pants pocket. It seems he was going to post it on this site. After reading it I think you’ll agree that he was a real tool:

      Inside a men’s room stall at the Fort Worth Trailways bus terminal, approx. 4 a.m. Saturday morning. As Dave is scribbling, A negro janitor asks him to hurry the hell up so he can mop the god damn floor already:

      “Dear Vanguard News Network.com: I am always right about everything, including the FACT that OUR LORD Yeshua Bar Joseph Einsatzgruppen was really German. His Holy Identity Family were from Dusseldorf on holiday visiting Palestine when Our LADY started going into Divine labor, making the FLOOR slick with her HOLY Christian Identity amniotic fluids. So you see Yeshua von Richtofen was not a Satanic Edomite at all, you see. No, you’d have to be a real MACCABEAN to believe that.

      “Kings Jereboam, Rehoboam, Ahaziah, Jehoahaz, Jehospohat, Zedekiah…all Krauts, I tell you. No Canaanites in Canaan for me, thank you velly much! Oh, it’s grand to right about everything all the time…Except for Mighty Mel, who is a WHore of Babylon loving number of the Beast Romish pope-ish False Prophet. Only MY church is the TRUE church of Yeshua the Teuton,you unbelieving HEBREW-ITES.”

      See? What did I tell you about this guy?

    18. Sri Sreggin Das, Mystic Yogi of the Kali Yuga Says:

      Those who praise Vikings for kicking severed human heads as if they were soccer balls, cannot then damn them for selling Aryan captive women into slavery.

      To despise the image of the divine in the one, is to have contempt for it in the other.

      That is what religion, in its highest form, attempts to do–to draw a seamless holy fabric over all of human life. This does not deny differences in sex, race or age.

      A magnanimous spirit exhibits itself in acts of valor in battle without stooping to engage in degrading displays of macho-perversion.

      One might even say that the karma of these acts made the Vikings what they are today. The subconscious mind is always recording, and it judges without regard. To kick an opponents severed head is to declare to the subconscous mind that one’s own head (or person) is unworthy, in the same wise. To sell an enemy’s women into prostitution is to declare that the universal feminine (and human) is of no regard. It is to declare to the Universe, We have no values, no concept of the Holy. Without a concept of the Holy, there never emerges an undergirding philosophy, a transcendent value system, and one falls for whatever invasive system puts forth such a philosophy, however flawed.

    19. Thom McQueen Says:

      Holy ONe, right on! you nailed it! but I also think you are also talking about Prince Harry?

    20. Justin Huber Says:

      I have to be honest here. Most of the death metal I’ve ever heard was awful. Even if it was supposedly pro-white. Maybe I’m just too old.

    21. Tim McGreen Says:

      No, Justin, you’re not too old. Most “death metal” is awful. I’m sure if those bad-ass death metal nihilists got confronted late at night by some Black gang-bangers with guns they would beg the niggers to spare their miserable lives and then start blubbering like homos. “Man, these muthafukkin white boys are pathetic. Let’s get the fuck outta here.” So much for death metal and the faux nonconformist rebels who dig it.

    22. Karen Says:

      Tim, your CI made me laugh so hard I had to just go and enjoy the rest of my day. Strenght through joy!!!