Baltimore Anti-White Hate Attack Called a “Prank” by Media
Posted by Socrates in anti-White terrorism, anti-White themes, Black Cities, black crime, black culture, black flash mobs, double standards, hush crimes, jewed media, media, media control, Socrates, War On White People at 3:55 pm | 
Yeah, sure, it’s just a prank…unless Whites do it, then it’s a felony hate crime, with federal charges, that gets major news coverage. See how it works in modern America?
23 May, 2014 at 7:16 pm
lots of this american african N- word ignorance videos. Tis one here really pissed me off!
23 May, 2014 at 7:28 pm
good song for headphones. PLAY it for the anti-white zombie .308 led-forced feeding…
24 May, 2014 at 10:07 am
Just keep in mind that the Blacks and the Jews, as unsavory and destructive as they can be, are NOT our No. 1 enemy. Our biggest foes are fellow Whites…..White police chiefs, White journalists, White politicians, White church pastors, White capitalist and corporate big-shots, White race-traitors, White mercenaries, White liberal teachers and activists, White sex-criminals. Blacks and Jews can’t help themselves, they are what nature has made them. But Whites have no excuse when they hurt or betray their own kind. Therefore, when the time comes for Revolution, the first ones we’ll have to deal with will, sadly, be our own racial kinsman. And their punishment should be 100 times more severe than the punishment we will inflict on the Blacks and Jews.
24 May, 2014 at 11:19 am
play this song WITH this sob video
[ E.D] line> never have i seen a broken heart break itself so sweetly….
24 May, 2014 at 1:53 pm
Tim McGreen Says:
24 May, 2014 at 10:07 am
Just keep in mind that the Blacks and the Jews, as unsavory and destructive as they can be, are NOT our No. 1 enemy. Our biggest foes are fellow Whites…..White police chiefs, White journalists, White politicians, White church pastors, White capitalist and corporate big-shots, White race-traitors, White mercenaries, White liberal teachers and activists, White sex-criminals. Blacks and Jews can’t help themselves, they are what nature has made them. But Whites have no excuse when they hurt or betray their own kind. Therefore, when the time comes for Revolution, the first ones we’ll have to deal with will, sadly, be our own racial kinsman. And their punishment should be 100 times more severe than the punishment we will inflict on the Blacks and Jews.
24 May, 2014 at 2:36 pm
Re: who the real enemy is..precisely. The predatory J*w and the opportunistic, only-in-the-moment treegrows are just symptoms of the diseases that afflict our people; misdirected altruism and self-hatred. IT ALL STARTS THERE! If whites were 1/10 as racist as the media, the academy, and the body poli-sick
makes us out to be, the world would have become a giant snowball about 500 years ago.
Get rid of the defective whites at the top, and the rest of the vermin cease to be a problem.
Love the very creepy middle section in this…let your head go with it.
24 May, 2014 at 3:15 pm
Good stuff as usual, Mr. Brooks. That BOC song was far out. I love the artwork for their Secret Treaties LP, where they are standing alongside that Me-262 with the BOC symbols on the tail and wings.
25 May, 2014 at 1:09 am
Thanks, Tim. That’s one of my favorite album covers too, but the shepherd dogs lying slaughtered on the ground on the back cover mystified me. What’s that supposed to mean? I just saw some shitty cable documentary about what a failure the Me-262 was. Another steaming load of malarkey from the Mythistory Channel or some other purveyor tastefully-produced lies. It was a triumph, in every way but timing. Ah well.
Funny recollection:over-rated and deceased gonzo journalist Lester Bangs once asked the late Alan Lanier if he was the only gentile in BOC, Lanier told him that Eric Bloom was the only Jew. BOC got painted with the knotzi brush early on, it probably diminished their audience, the same way David Bowie (in a burst of feigned admiration) did when he said on some US talk show how he loved “Nazi Rock”, like Bryan Ferry and Roxy Music. Cleverclever bastard, that Bowie fellow.
May as well listen to the Me-262 song
Goering’s on the phone from Freiburg
Says Willie’s done quite a job
Hitler’s on the phone from Berlin
Says, “I’m gonna make you a star”
My Captain Von Ondine is your next patrol
A flight of English bombers across the canal
After twelve they’ll all be here
I think you know the job
They hung there dependent from the sky
Like some heavy metal fruit
These bombers are ripe and ready to tilt
Must these Englishmen live that I might die
Must they live that I might die
In a G-load disaster from the rate of climb
Sometimes I’d faint and be lost to our side
But there’s no reward for failure, but death
So watch me in mirrors keep in the glidepath
Get me through these radars, no, I cannot fail
While my great silver slugs are eager to feed
I can’t fail, no, not now
When twenty five bombers wait ripe
They hung there dependent from the sky
Like some heavy metal fruit
These bombers are ripe and ready to tilt
Must these Englishmen live that I might die
Must they live that I might die
M.E. 262 prince of turbojet
Junker’s Jumo 004
Blasts from clustered R4M quartets in my snout
And see these English planes go burn
Well, you be my witness, how red were the skies
When the fortresses flew for the very last time
It was dark over Westphalia
In April of ’45
They hung there dependant from the sky
Like some heavy metal fruit
These bombers are ripe and ready to tilt
Must these Englishmen live that I might die
Must they live that I might die
Must these Englishmen live that I might die
Junker’s jommo 004
Bombers at twelve o’clock high
25 May, 2014 at 3:23 pm
Yes, there can be NO mercy for race traitors, only Aryan justice. For too long we have tolerated pieces of shit like Woodrow Wilson, Bush(es), and Clinton. I’ve left out obvious jews like FD jewsevelt, Kikenhower, and L Baruch J.
When the day comes we need to clean house, big time.
27 May, 2014 at 12:14 am
big time.
27 May, 2014 at 12:27 pm
Yeah, well, I hope all this talk translates into action some day soon…
Here in metro Atlanta, WSB radio, which is owned and managed by COX Media, the same group of course that runs the AJC–that total White hating, nigger cocksucking piece of shit rag, does news/weather 24 hours a day, with the conservative talk shows around the clock: Cain, Limbaugh, Hannity, Erickson, Andy Dean (who has to be the biggest loser of them all),etc. They also run someone called Monica Perez who calls herself a narco capitalist, but is really just another race denying idiot. She has a lot of Whites fooled into thinking she is something special. There are so many naive Whites…my goodness!
But with WSB, if you really listen to their newscasts and pay attention to WHAT they broadcast, the language they use, etc., you realize how much they despise Whitey. I call them and lay into them about all of this. I’d call more, but geez I’d be on the phone all day every day.
But they are a slick bunch down there in Atlanta. They have started in the last few months running these self promoting ads touting how much they care about the Constitution, rights, patriotism, etc., and the locals are being reeled in hook, line, and sinker. They tout their conservative talk shows as proof of how much they are dedicated to preserving what (White) people care about, etc. It is truly nauseating.
I know from listening to these shows occasionally, and listening to these dumb White fucks call in, that NO ONE is reading anything on their own. They are simply letting these jokers on the radio do all their research and thinking for them. The ones who annoy me the most are the ones, young and old, who call Herman Cain for advice in all matters of life.
And are you all aware of this Ben Carson? He seems to be the latest nig who is being promoted for Whites to get behind and make him the next President. He’s some doctor–not sure if he is still practicing though. Not sure if he is hetero either. He sounds like a goddamn faggot lisping nigger if there ever were one. But he’s the current darling of all the talk show hosts. He’s apparently doing the lecture circuit all over the country, touting his conservative creds to Whitey. They seem to be setting him up to run for President in the next election.
Every time you turn around, dumb Whites are putting all their eggs into the basket of yet another nigger.
We are not reaching enough people fast enough. Time is running out. Too many of us are getting old. Our country is being overrun with muds and will soon outnumber us. I know if we do it right we can win. But I am getting so worried about it all. Will enough of us awaken in time to do what has to be done?
27 May, 2014 at 12:58 pm
You’re right, Susan, those White “conservatives” are always on the lookout for some token Republican coon they can rally around, because they’re soooo afraid of being called racist by the Pinko/Leftie Democrats. They once got all excited about Colin Powell, Clarence Thomas, Congoleeza Rice, Niger Innis, Walter Williams…..and they all turned out to be just a bunch of typical niggers, no different from any others. Now it’s Doctor Ben Carson’s turn to get his Black ass kissed by those flag-waving honkies. To hell with the Blight Wing, their Jew masters and their pet Negroes.
27 May, 2014 at 1:36 pm
Lol Tim.
27 May, 2014 at 5:39 pm
You’re absolutely right Tim. Dumb Whites keep hoping that the next nigger is the Great White Hope. Who in his or her right mind doesn’t know that Herman Cain was having affairs with White females he worked with.
A nigger is a nigger is a nigger is a nigger. There’s not a nigger anywhere that’s gonna turn out to be White.
7 August, 2014 at 3:01 am
I live in a nice neighborhood in Baltimore city… I am a white male attacked by a group of young blacks and had to literally try to fight for my life. It happened 2nd ago. They hated me on sight you could see it in their eyes and hear it in their voices as racial epitaphs spit into my face with every blow. Just lucky to be in such good shape. It’s so hard not to be angry. We are taught tolerance one way and look the other way if it’s hate crimes against white ppeople. Most would kill your own child for you around here. So sad. A group of 14-16yr Olds just attacked a 4G yr old man just sitting in the grass with a spiked ball and chain. I kid you now Google it yourself. Poor guy survived to carry the emotional and literal physical holes in his face and jaw. NO ONE TALKS ABOUT IT CUZ IT’S NOT POLITICALLY CORRECT. This is so wrong. Carry. And use if you have to.
7 August, 2014 at 3:01 am
I live in a nice neighborhood in Baltimore city… I am a white male attacked by a group of young blacks and had to literally try to fight for my life. It happened 2nd ago. They hated me on sight you could see it in their eyes and hear it in their voices as racial epitaphs spit into my face with every blow. Just lucky to be in such good shape. It’s so hard not to be angry. We are taught tolerance one way and look the other way if it’s hate crimes against white ppeople. Most would kill your own child for you around here. So sad. A group of 14-16yr Olds just attacked a 4G yr old man just sitting in the grass with a spiked ball and chain. I kid you now Google it yourself. Poor guy survived to carry the emotional and literal physical holes in his face and jaw. NO ONE TALKS ABOUT IT CUZ IT’S NOT POLITICALLY CORRECT. This is so wrong. Carry. And use if you have to.