1 September, 2019

Sweden: Not Having a Clue, or, Doing the Detroit Thing in Europe

Posted by Socrates in 'White flight', brown crime, brown culture, Brown immigrant arrogance, Brown Man, Cultural Marxism, Detroit, dispossession & destruction, Diversity, diversity is hate, immigration, multiculturalism, Socrates, Sweden, Western civilization, Western culture, Western decline at 10:50 am | Permanent Link

Swedish official #1: “Let’s see: we flooded our White country with Brown people, and now, our country has taken a downturn. But why?”

Swedish official #2: “Yeah, I can’t figure out what went wrong.”

Swedish official #3: “Neither can I. Nothing has changed, other than the people, and to quote Paul McCartney, ‘we all know that people are the same where ever you go.’ I think Marx also said that.” [1].

Swedish official #4: “Yeah, it makes no sense. Brown people make every country better! Remember how horrible things were back in 1955? Safe streets, and all those polite White people listening to classical music? Yuck! Thank god we have ghettos, gang rape and Tupac Shakur now!”



[1] “We all know that people are the same where ever you go,
There is good and bad in ev’ryone,
We learn to live, when we learn to give,
Each other what we need to survive, together alive”
— from the song “Ebony and Ivory” (1982) by Paul McCartney

  • 3 Responses to “Sweden: Not Having a Clue, or, Doing the Detroit Thing in Europe”

    1. Wes Says:

      What will happen working class Swedes go expat?
      Massive welfare, high taxes, old folks on pensions and apemuds to do the work and pay the taxes.l
      How can White ppl be so stupid.

      Humanitarian superpower . ((Who)) wrote that slogan?

    2. Harden Long Says:

      I don’t really feel sorry for nations that commit suicide due to an overdose of the multi-kulti Kool Aid.
      Let them stew in the smelly mud utopia that they created.

    3. Joel Says:

      Trump doesn’t think Browns make a country better.
