12 December, 2020

New Book Says: America Is Not a Racist Country

Posted by Socrates in America, American history, book selections, books, Nazi era, Naziphobia, Nazis, race, race baloney, race-baiting, racial awareness among Whites, racism, racism accusations, Socrates at 8:51 am | Permanent Link

Yes, that’s the whole problem, folks: contrary to what the Jews and leftists say, America is not a racist country! The pivot point re: race/racism in the Western world was 1945: the defeat of Germany allowed the Jews and leftists to daily demonize “racism” by pointing to “Nazi racial atrocities” (most of which never happened).

The book is: “Racism and Anti-Racism in the World: Before and After 1945” by Dr. Kathleen Brush, Ph.D., MBA.

[Here] and [Here].

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