Posted by alex in Alex Linder, media at 8:51 am |

If jews were in our position, they’d put together all kinds of programs and packages using the new technologies. They’d have “The Nigger Channel,” (“tonight!: TNB on TNC – must-see ‘boovision”) featuring non-stop nigger criminal behavior intercut with hours of niggers being niggers. “Watching paint dry,” a documentary on the porch monkey. The supply of fresh material is unquenchable, as each nigger generation is larger than the last, and the legal/social context niggerier than ever.
They’d also produce a 24-part series: “How the Jews Murdered America,” featuring the jewroot of open borders, civil rights, affirmative action, foreign warmongering, holo-mythmaking, etc. Could be documentation of the black-on-blonde meme, and explanation of the loxist genocide promoting it. There could be channels featuring exposes of the eretzim, the Orthodox jews. Explaining that they are not conservatives, they are loxist scamsters, disgusting in appearance, wicked in behavior – real subhuman detritus. Topical ‘magazines’ could address the jew angle in stories such as Lo Abramov, that we never seem to run out of.