21 August, 2007

Posted by Archives in Alex Linder, audio, VNNB at 7:09 pm | Permanent Link

First self-produced show. Expect errors. This show is more for technical practice than anything, but once I get it going will run down a full shopping agenda. Will NEVER waste your time with shit better unsaid, noble listener.

Discussion topics include: Leona Helmsley, Nigkultur, Derb-cum-Curbyshire’s semitically correct article on political correctness in AmComMag, the economics of publishing magazines, music not heard on other shows, and more…

21 August, 2007

Posted by Socrates in democracy, equalocracy, Neocons, Socrates, Zionism at 5:09 pm | Permanent Link

What, equalocracy doesn’t work well with neoconservative tactics? If that’s the case, then it’s funny because it was the Jews who championed democracy as the best form of government for all of the White countries. America’s founders rejected equalocracy and created a republic instead. Indeed, our founders never used the word “democracy” to describe America. Democracy means negroes voting. It means women and mexicans in Congress. Why would any White man want that? [1]:


[1] a democracy vs. a republic: [Here]

21 August, 2007

Posted by alex in Alex Linder at 2:08 pm | Permanent Link

First self-produced show. Expect errors. This show is more for technical practice than anything, but once I get it going will run down a full shopping agenda. Will NEVER waste your time with shit better unsaid, noble listener.

Plan is to run from 2:30-4 CST.

Discussion topics include: Leona Helmsley, Nigkultur, Derb-cum-Curbyshire’s semitically correct article on political
correctness in AmComMag, the economics of publishing magazines, music not heard on other shows, and more…

Probably won’t bring guests on this time but if you have questions, put them in the sticky in general discussion at VNNF or skype me at alinder5.

21 August, 2007

Posted by Archives in Aryan Matters, audio at 2:06 pm | Permanent Link

Lee Gardener and James Hawthorne engage in one hour of pro-White commentary. Topics include:

US Suckers give $30 billion to Supremacist Jews
UK: 4 in 10 homes gone to Immigrants since 1997
Voodoo now used to “calm students”, Diversity!
Idiocracy, Mobacracy, The Sham of Democracy

For more information, go to http://www.aryanmatters.com/

21 August, 2007

Posted by alex in Alex Linder, Spintros at 2:00 pm | Permanent Link

Iraq, or Snafuvia

Wrecking nations is what jews do, whether to Iraq via bombs descending through air, or AmeriKwa, with hip-hop coursing across airwaves. If the goal was to get rid of Hussein, then jews won the war. Did your kid die? What’s that to the jew? Bitch about it – you’re an America-hating anti-semite. Heads jews win, tails you lose. Jews hate reality. They shut it out and down where they can. Fisk on jew Medved. Open opposition drives neoconservatives to rage. Ya think? If you approach a given situation by asking, how can I fuck this situation up most thoroughly, you will arrive at the jew’s position every single time. Jews wreck nations. They’ve been called nation-wreckers for thousands of years. The solution is not to talk to them, the solution is to get rid of them. Not with a broom, but with a shovel. NO JEWS. JUST RIGHT. While our White teens are in Iraq, shitskins are in our heartland. Integration with Mexico means integration with one giant shitload of misery and intractable social problems. Oh well. As long as it’s good for jews, that’s all that matters. Here on the growth of shitskin population in Kansas. Earlier this year, Dodge City teacher Debby Chipman gathered a small group of her second and third graders for an English lesson. Three of them speak Spanish, one boy speaks Vietnamese, the other boy speaks only Quiche, a Guatemalan dialect. Do you remember voting to turn Kansas into the Third World? No. Doesn’t matter. Your vote isn’t required. Jews will choose the policies. What you want has nothing to do with it. Your opinion is probably anti-semitic anyway. Here from L.A. Sucks Bigtime, a discourse on just one of the obnoxious practices of the pollution called people.

Craven Catholic

Wants Dutchies to call God Allah. Now thatsa pizzament!


When the media, the cops, and the pols are on the same side, you get torture and cover-up as a result. Here Bovard on radio about Padilla. Here on the feds getting involved in the Vick case, without reason or justification. Here Sailer on Rove. The U.S. is dumping $50 billion in military goodies on the so-called Middle East, about half to Israel, and half to those who’d destroy her. You get nothing out of it. You do have to pay for it.


Making fun of idea he can’t win. Paul’s view of the Fed days these and those. Here Deep Woodsy on Paul phenonmenon/Alabama. Every dog has its day, and this day belongs to the libertarians. At the end of the day, White is where itz at. We can only win from our strong point – race, not freedom. What do niggers use their freedom to do, after all? What mexes? What jews? Nothing consonant with the civilization we enjoy, sustain, created. Much opposed to it. Yet these muddy hostiles grow larger with each passing year. Separation or domination are the only options.

“Holocaust!” Lied the Jew

The First Amendment dissolves on the tongue of the jew. We allow them to sport with our institutions – why? Why aren’t we killing these jews the way they lie that our ancestors did? A jew is a jew is a jew. “Conservative” jew Horowitz convenes a panel of jew to discuss whether laws written by jews to jail non-jews who dispute a Big Lie pulled out of the ass of yet another jew, in this case a “communist” jew, are good or bad. Well, they exist. Men are in jail because of them. Jews defend the big lie that is the holocaust simply because it is good for jews, and that is all that matters to jew Horowitz’s panel. Funny to see the same jews who pushed relativism the last 100 years, insisting there is no Absolute Truth, flip over when it comes to the Holocaust. One jew, three lies. NO JEWS. JUST RIGHT.  Every jew a nogoodnik. The real truth is this: Despite across-the-board opposition from jew-controlled government, the truth about what happened to jews is becoming known to increasing numbers of the public, thanks to the Internet, the one communications media the jew does not control, although he is trying to. See how dogmatically the jews stick to the formulation “denying the Holocaust” – but this formulation itself is dishonest, as the assumptions embodied in the term Holocaust are precisely what are contested. You can get to the truth about the Holocaust – and for that matter the jews themselves – by working backwards. Even with all the media in their control, they still can’t make it stick. To turn what Twain said, the jews are the only people who control the media – or need to. Really, is there anything funnier, or deadlier, than a bunch of hebes inventing a word, convening a round table, making eyebrows at one another? Don’t laugh, goyim. You are never to laugh at your superiors. It might break the spell.

Germany: Doogas Under Fire

Germany has special laws that favor foreign hires, even while its own citizens expatriate. More here. Here Montana pardons WWI protesters.

Dog Bites Man

Savages apologize for eating Whites! Unbelievable. Really, no apology necessary. We have chrisslings in abundance, and they’re more use to the world processed. Here an extended consideration of the meaning of the cultures of coffee.


Niggers aren’t people, no matter what the Telecult says. Notice that everybody mocks ‘televangelists’ but no one points out that they are but a tiny subset – the more dangerous televangelists are the jews producing programs depicting niggers as civilized humans.

Radio: Scott Horton on Jewish Lies about Iran

Maybe he doesn’t call the liars jews, but they are. Horton used to be with RBN, is now with Antiwar. In the title link he’s interviewed by sympathetic talk radio.  Here William Lind on Iraq.  Here Free Talk Live, featuring April Gaede on Prussian Blue’s big trip to Europe. Here Horton interviews Ron Paul. Paul on NPR.

VIDEO: Romney Goon Has At Paul Supporters

State sen backing stuffed suit, steals, stamps sign of Paul supporter. Here on the demolition of a building in Salt Lake City, complete with video and speculation about WTC demolitions.

The Academy

Libertarian read. Dovetails with our views, you just have to snap them together. It’s not just the state that intellectuals support, it’s the jewed state, the Jewish Tyranny; a specific type of state pushing a specific type of agenda. Black or mexican “teacher”? Contradiction in terms. You can only teach what you know, and for muds that ain’t much.

Media Change

Internet threatens local papers. Here characteristically evasive Curbyshire on Political Correctness. , utterly failing to identify its roots in jewish malevolence, intended to culminate in genocide of Whites.

Books: The Jewish Century, by jew Slezkine

Extraordinary study of jews wrecking nations, altho certainly not seen that way by author. Slezkine demonstrates that the first twenty years following the Bolshevik Revolution of 1917 allowed Jews, the former betes noirs of the hated tsarist regime, to become the new ruling class of Soviet Russia in every respect, including the secret police, the Gulag camp administration, the foreign service and spy departments, the press and various news agencies, the cultural and professional elites, intellectual leadership as the party’s chief spokesmen, and a disproportionate share of the upper level positions in every commissariat. Banning smoking might have effects on literature!  Jews hate christians, but are more than happy to take their money.

Science: Race to Create Life from Scratch


21 August, 2007

Posted by Archives in audio, VNNB, VNNB-Monday at 8:50 am | Permanent Link

Join Stan Sikorski and Yankee Jim on Monday evening as we bring you “Free Talk Live.”

We’ll be discussing current TNB, TJB, TSB, TQB, OGB, etc.   and celebrating the birthday of Robert Plant.

20 August, 2007

Posted by Socrates in Congressmen, jewed Congress, Jewish politicians, Socrates at 10:01 pm | Permanent Link

Trivia: Filner was a “Freedom Rider” in the South in the 1960s [1]:


[1] a mention of Filner and the “Freedom Riders”: [Here]

20 August, 2007

Posted by Socrates in guns & goy controllers, Socrates at 3:31 pm | Permanent Link

Sometimes you have Second Amendment rights, sometimes you don’t, depending on a variety of factors – such as a certain misdemeanor conviction. In some cities, like New York, gun ownership rights have nearly vanished [1]. The mention of the 1996 law – i.e., law expansion – refers to ”The Lautenberg Domestic Confiscation Act,” which came from Jewish senator Frank Lautenberg [2][3]:


[1] there are two rights mentioned in the Second Amendment

[2] more about the Lautenberg gun law: [Here]

[3] more about gun control laws: [Here]

20 August, 2007

Posted by Dietrich in audio, VNNB, VNNB-Sunday at 12:47 am | Permanent Link

Bud White and Panzerfaust begin with the news. Mishko joins in for an interview with April Gaede of Prussian Blue, fresh from Europe.

19 August, 2007

Posted by Dietrich in Prussian Blue at 10:55 pm | Permanent Link

Prussian Blue are back from Europe. VNN Broadcasting goes live with Panzerfaust and Bud White.


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