17 August, 2007

Posted by Socrates in jewish revolutionaries, Russia, Socrates at 4:29 pm | Permanent Link

Note especially the bottom of page 313 and the top of page 314 (click on any image to enlarge it):


17 August, 2007

Posted by Socrates in Africa, Lincoln, niggers, Socrates at 2:27 pm | Permanent Link

Former president Abraham Lincoln tried to ship the negroes out of America. But that plan failed, so he was forced to follow Plan B, which led to the Emancipation Proclamation [1]:


[1] about Lincoln’s repatriation plan: [Here]

16 August, 2007

Posted by alex in Alex Linder, Reader Mail at 7:56 pm | Permanent Link





A distinguished and brave South African white, a former police officer who had several run-ins with “Archbishop Desmond Tutu,” a white activist and artist, wil speak on VNN (Vanguard News Network) this Friday at 9 or 10 pm (East Coast time USA) and I will offer commentary.


John de Nugent


Read the rest of this entry »

16 August, 2007

Posted by alex in Alex Linder, Spintros at 7:01 pm | Permanent Link

Waterton Tells Kikes to Go Fuck Themselves

All it takes is organization and a smidgen of balls. Jews know how to crawl. Make them. The Armenians show the way.

Occidental Dissent

Good blog with lots of high-level discussion. Former Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke, I am really joking but that is honestly how the man is referred to in the media, gave the following speech below at the Moscow Conference a few weeks ago. Perhaps we should follow Linder’s example and preface every Jew we refer to with his ethnicity; use “Jew” as if it were a warning label from the Surgeon General, maybe with a Skull & Bones image to go along with it. Yes, you should. Why? Because attaching jew to jews makes the argument in the most succinct and effective way: It says that it is important to know that someone is a jew. It matters more than anything else about that person. You can explain for paragraphs why jews are bad or wrong or dangerous to have around, but attaching jew to their names — and how can they object? they’re a proud people, right? — accomplishes everything you seek in three easy letters. “Warning label” is exactly right – and after all, that’s exactly what they do to us. They call us racists, haters, extremists, nazis – we call them: jews. There is no viler epithet you can fling at a jew than to call him a jew. It reddens ’em every time. As Rockford said, “You know what you are? (angry) You do, don’t you? (grinning)” The gig is up, jew pigs. Here’s a good run down of the double standards at work when it comes to the media treatment of jews and gentiles.

Classic Jewing

Jew Fish explains why jews can have racially exclusive terroritory but not Whites, who must be content with their lot as cowed third-class citizens in the land ancestors built without any help from the niggers and jews who now lord it over them. NO WAY OUT BUT THROUGH THE JEWS.

Russia in the Mediterranean

Jews are worried? Good.

AmeriKwa, A Jewish Production

If it comes from AmeriKwa, it’s jewish, hence a lie. Thus something called “Radio Free” and “Liberty” can push for censorship in the wake of the execution video in Russia. Russia: Should Extremist Content On Internet Be Governed? Governed = censored. Who will be the censors? Jews. What will they censor? Anything that endangers the jewish oppression of global political control and goy slavery. Here on prison life and prisoner named Silverstein (born Conway). “I wouldn’t call ’em ‘mainstream’ any more cuz there isn’t anything mainstream about ’em. They’re just lackeys for the powers that be.” True.

Television: Simpsons

Another article, not bad, explaining the show’s meaning. There is certainly more penetrating criticism of government in this long-running cartoon than in the press. The average reporter is a government cultist.

Audio: Carol Swaim and White Nationalism

Some sort of discussion. I don’t want to listen to it; maybe you do. Here jews attack 92-year-old. Judge Wayne R. Iskra ordered that Vladas Zajanckauskas be removed to his native Lithuania because he was a member of a notorious Nazi unit that aided in the brutal killings in the ghetto in Poland… Translation: He was a solider. Jews don’t like him. They used their power to get him kicked out of the country. Preliminary conclusion: jews are vicious, vindictive and vengeful. Final conclusion: NO JEWS. JUST RIGHT.

Selling Wars for Israel

To dumb and smart alike. Either we’ll be taken over by Muslims, and forced to wear veils, or we’ll be taken over by jews and forced to be whores. See, that’s why normal Whites don’t need or want jews or muslims around. Hey, jerks, take the Izzy ‘n’ Muzzy show back to Shitstainia.


Audio: Better Than Kwallege

The Brownson Group interviews E. Michael Jones, discussing Libido Dominandi, Sexual Liberation and Political Control. Have you got a little Captain in you? Walk it the plank! This is the kind of stuff that would be taught in a real college education, if such a thing were findable these late days. It isn’t. Jones’s thesis is that vice is a cruel master. The jews who manipulate public opinion know this. They control you and you like it. You forsake long-term goals for short-term pleasure, and in many cases destroy yourself before finding your way back out. What the jews did was confuse, way back, through court decision, pornography and free speech. The two were completely separate before that. But, as with Brown vs. Board, existing law did not serve jewish interest so their court did away with it. Jones mentions the jews in Ramallah running porn over the tv stations. Why? To demoralize and degrade the host population, in order to destroy it. NO JEWS. JUST RIGHT. That’s the only way that works. “Boogie Nights” and “The People vs. Larry Flynt.” On Hesburgh, the Catholic collaborator. 1934 Cardinal Dockerty organized boycott of Warner Bros. (jew) theaters, resulting in production code. More here, EMJ discussing Sam Francis and more.

Media Change

Jew record labels taking a big hit. On the Internet, individuals have achieved a freedom not seen for a long time in this country. The Internet is inherently proWhite, pro-freedom and anti-jew. The jew’s impulse, always, is to take control and censor. The meaning of the Internet is that for the first time since jews took over the mass media, Whites can identify each other. They can spread information, uncover jewish Big Lies, and attempt to laugh down the Monster Machine they can’t destroy – yet. At all costs the Interet must be kept open, even if that means Abe Foxman starring in a beheading video. It is that important. Freedom to a jew, as we hear from EMJ above, means the untrammelled right to turn your children into whores and homosexuals. Real freedom of speech is an Aryan concept meaning the right to discuss problems, especially those created by the government, without being thrown in jail. The jewish takeover of America was achieved largely through the courts, through judicial Diktats, which in turn were only possible because the jews had wormed their way through the law schools and bought up the mass media. The last ten years of freedom on the Internet have allowed literally millions of White people to understand for the first time the why and who of their nation’s destruction. Here, dig down a bit, for some interesting comments on jew media, race and the South. Here on the growth of the web, the last 15 years of tech evolution, and now Twitter and Pownce.

Spelling is Knowledge

Correct spelling matters. Inability or refusal to pay attention to detail separates, not seperates, winners from losers.
Reading has been taught for hundreds of years; there is nothing particularly difficult about it. To complicate the process, progressives introduced bogus techniques wrapped in the lie that spelling doesn’t matter, or that it will come later, after that wunnerful wunnerful expression is achieved. Well, nursing mothers express milk; everyone else expresses shit. No one cares what’s inside you, common stuff. Ability to spell? Unusual these days. Learn. Women are mediocre. They put great stock in authority, and authority takes a thousand forms. Women believe that words like funny, creative, expressive – mean something. They don’t. In this world you go for what’s real. Knowing how to spell ‘definitely’ and ‘separate’ – that’s real. That’s valuable. Expressing yourself? Do that on the toilet. Read around on this chick Iserbyt’s site. She makes the round of the fundie radio stations, nevertheless she’s sensible. Yes, the government does want dumbed down students. If you think otherwise, you’re an idiot. If a man builds a gumball machine and it produces gumballs, he’s achieved his purpose. Public schools are not succeeding, you are failing to understand the purpose of their designers. Becoming an adult means not taking things at face value. That is the start of sophisticated. Only jeboowitizim think stupidity and gullibility and naivete are positive goods. Well, they’re not, and they’re killing us. Doubt the jew, doubt the jew’s terms, doubt the jew’s arguments, doubt the jew’s institutions, doubt the jew’s practices. In how many shuls do you suppose they teach “invented spelling”? My guess is NONE. I have mentioned many times that one of the great glories of higher civilization is that disagreement can be much sharper than in a multicultural morass, where scuffed shoes lead to grunts lead to gunfire. The government is taking our little kids and making them stupid and self-important. It feels good but the joke is on them when they leave, after 16 to 25 years of prison, and are useless to any capable enterprise because 1) they have no skills; 2) they think they do; 3) they think their opinion is importance. As a general rule, anything that humbles a man helps him. Whether hard-core religious morality or losing money gambling on stocks. These teach the real value of man, his behavior and opinions. They cast him in proper light and perspective. Nothing worth eating is served in public schoools, just carbohydrates for the mind. Bad as physical obesity is, mental obesity is worse and commoner. If you want to get up to speed on the real story behind public education, so called, the authors to read are John Taylor Gatto and a Christian named Blumenfeld (possibly a jew convert, but good on homeschooling and history of public schooling).

White Technology: Changing Car Insurance

Quite interesting. GEICO’s good if you need a company. It’s part of Berkshire Hathaway, Buffet’s holding company. Buffet is a dumbass who’s putting his money behind Grobama. He’s bullish on the future of the Kwa. Anyone with a billion dollars who would live in Omaha, Nebrasksa, has shit for brains, no matter how much money he’s made.

16 August, 2007

Posted by Socrates in England, Jew World Order, multiculturalism, New World Order, Socrates at 2:09 pm | Permanent Link

Some American nationalists will claim that the English, being “historic race sell-outs,” sort of deserve their current circumstances. But do they really, since it wasn’t the “average Briton” who sold out England to the Jews and the egalitarians? Wasn’t it instead the greedy upper class who sold out Britain? Or are the English, as the Orwell quote seems to suggest, more race-blind than other Whites?:


16 August, 2007

Posted by alex in Alex Linder at 12:22 pm | Permanent Link


And gut ready for a special guest on Friday. Hear first-hand about the horrors of life for ordinary Whites in the New South Africa.

Special thanks to Dietrich for teaching me to do radio, so more shows coming in the future!

15 August, 2007

Posted by Socrates in Internet, jewed culture, jewed foreign policy, Socrates, War On Israel's Enemies at 11:41 pm | Permanent Link

Here’s another good excuse for the government to regulate the internet: [Article]

15 August, 2007

Posted by Socrates in Jew World Order, money, New World Order, Socrates at 7:32 pm | Permanent Link

The ghost of Max Horkheimer says: “One people. One currency. No borders. Free tacos. I like the North American Union” [1]:


[1] a mention of Horkheimer: [Here]

15 August, 2007

Posted by alex in Alex Linder, Spintros at 10:03 am | Permanent Link

Internet Killed the Judeo Star (Even Though) Jews Get Mearsheimer & Walt Speech Canceled

Listen Schmull, this medium, the internet, is going to be your coffin. The awareness about the truths behind all your crimes, like the russian revolution, the armenian genocide, the causes behind both world wars, the ‘holocaust’, the multicultural destruction of the West, which is all your work, the response to all this is going to be devastating for you. There will no place to hide for you criminals. Kikes always try to have it both ways. M&W can’t speak without opposition since they criticize Israel’s hold over our foreign policy. Does that apply to proponents of same? Of course not. It would be anti-Semitic to allow critics equal time. Jews will do this wherever they are allowed to get away with it. Whites must understand that those who say Israel is our friend, whether white or jew, are our enemy. What’s good for Whites is complete and utter separation from jews. So far the Murdoch-acquired WSJ has left the comments page intact, and you can see that, as always, Whites dominate – yet another sign that the minute the thumb of the censor is lifted, the people’s true feelings come out. Here an Israel-firster, some kike we’ve never heard of before, publicly hopes for a new “9/11” in the pages of a big-city paper. Here’s kike Podhoretz demanding we bomb Iran. In truth there is no White movement – yet. We allow a world to exist in which jews like Poddy can write openly about using our people to kill their enemies, while at the same time censoring us in the public sheets. If there were a real White movement, Poddy would be afraid of dying for writing his lies. If jews own all the means of expression and use their ownership to suppress all countering views while at the same time working to criminalize those views, fighting back physically is a natural response. The question is simple: who should run America: Americans or jews? I am a product of court-ordered-bussing. I got my ass beat down by black gangs on a DAILY basis. When I complained about it, I was sent to the school psychologist…..and was told to quit being a racist. The administration would not protect me from n****r attacks. It is, when you think about it, astonishing that jews aren’t being killed daily in this country. Because Whites are, and jews are directly responsible for it. Did you know that there are segregated highways in Israel? Oh, but it’s necessary to protect jews. And when you say, segregation is necessary in my town to protect Whites, do the jews say, yes, we fully understand! No, they call you a racist and try to throw you in jail. ONE STANDARD FOR JEWS, ANOTHER STANDARD FOR EVERYBODY ELSE. Here from James Petras on Israeli hold over our foreign policy and our curiously weak peace movement. Here The Girl on the neocons preparing to attack Iran.

Goyveillance = Slaveillance

A nation that isn’t a nation but is run by jews will begin to resemble jews in their behavior and mentality. As jews are paranoid, so are governments they run. Paranoid governments want to know what its gunkmuffins are doing at every moment of the day. That’s why a not-small portion of goyish taxes return to Podunk, Flyover, in the form of video cameras. Unsurveilled goyim? That sounds like anti-semitism to us. As Thomas Jefferson said, “A nation can be well photographed or free; never both.” VNN chooses freedom. The cost of videotaping EVERYBODY to catch a HANDFUL of late-night light-ignorers is TOO HIGH. Maybe that shit plays in Israel, hymie-‘n’-remoras, but not here. Since 2003, the department has handed out some $23 billion in federal grants to local governments for equipment and training to help combat terrorism. The best way to fight terrorism is free: stop being a bully. Guess who else is a big fan of Total Surveillance? Mudgabe. In countries controlled by jews, faggotry is promoted. Here Queenie McQuilter’s video on the jewy roots of the USSR.

Economics: How Hitler Did It

Labor-backed marks. The Treaty of Versailles had imposed crushing reparations payments on the German people, who were expected to reimburse the costs of the war for all participants — costs totaling three times the value of all the property in the country.

EFP, the new WMD?

IF jew, THEN lie. Political BASIC!

The Jewish Disease

Lying shit jew Gottfried blames Germans for what jews did. Generations of jewed “education” have had their effect, along with the destruction of much of the quality racial stock. The Germans must look within themselves and find their way back. As must all Whites, because we all face the same challenges from the same predatory aliens. They are called jews and they are the only enemy we must overcome. They are the thin zionist line between us and civilization. Jewed British schools teach hatred of Germany. Jews have left AmeriKwa dead in the water. Here Israel threatens to murder a journalist.

Russia: Executing Muds

Whites take law into White hands, if this video can be taken at face value. Story at title line, video here. He also said he had seen many hate-crime videos in his work, but most of those that purported to depict murders appeared to have been staged or fake. This one, he said, appeared very genuine. Be warned, this video is as hardcore as it gets. If Jesus came back, Sarah Silverman, a jew, would kill him again. She’s funny. I once took a giant crap that was visually and eipthelially indistinguishable from Abe Foxman. Unfortunately I did not then own a digital camera, so I could not record the dungy doppelganger. Stop the presses, somebody yelled at a kikess in Paris.


– There is nothing fundamentally wrong with Whites except they are ruled by jews. Remove the jews, everything gets back to normal in surprisingly short order. Every White ought to thank god for the Internet ten times daily – and swear to do whatever he can to protect it from the jews who would strangle it, as they have strangled all other media.
– Jews (in America) monger wars because there are great benefits for doing so – and zero direct physical consequences. The day that changes so will their willingness to lie to get a green light to murder. Jews are as arrogant as their host allows them to be. They can lord it over us as free-ranging dictators; so can they bow and scrape in huddled ghettos. The choice is up to us White men.

Ron Paul

Phora discusses our Ron Paul spintro. Chinese goods often aren’t safe. But they’re cheap. Smoke up, Johnny! Here on Ron Paul’s showing in Iowa. Speculation on Ron Paul and collapse of fiat money.

Alaska the Crooked

The kind of thing you see written about on our excellent local affiliate Alaska Pride. Do you get your news from jews? Why? There’s no need any longer. WE HAVE OUR OWN MEDIA.

Not Just L.A.

Blacks and mexes at each other’s throats in Chicago.

Political Correctness is Semitical Correctness

The gap between words and reality is greater than at any time in American history. Loxist jews have set up a liberal cult for whites. Refusal to join this cult, the foremost proof of which involves speaking plainly about plain things, means social disapproval to fine to prison to murder. Muttculturism is bad for Whites. SPLC attacks James Edwards of the “Political Cesspool.” Edwards appeared in the CNN story occasioned by our first Knoxville rally. SPLC is run by jews and pedophiles who affect to speak for America. Here on waking up from the Big Lie that is the Holocaust.

Google Censors White Blogs

Not only was my blog given a content warning but it was “de-listed” by blogger/google. Being de-listed means your website doesn’t show up on any search engines. The story told by Detroit Is Crap has been told by others: Google won’t link to White sites that become too popular. That is, it disincludes White sites that get enough complaints. These are the best and most active sites. The jews who run Google have already shown their willingness to yield to China’s demand for censorship, and it is without a second thought that they go along with their own race’s program for outlawing criticism of itself. Here on public attitudes toward media.


Of Men and Paleocowards


E. Michael Jones recounts the brouhaha that was his speech to Friends o’ Canny, namely the hysterical reaction from Camp Brimelow. Rich amusement, this.

Germany: Turk Spouses Must Speak German

Many are illiterate in Turkish, if that’s a language.

Niggers Always Try to Pimp White Girls

Whether in South Africa or in England. Until jews and coloreds fear Whites, nothing will change. It will be raping and murdering – business as usual in Mudworld. Rathithm be everywhere. Rathitht is Lenin’s smear for those who respect the fact that racial differences exist. After decades of jew media control, no one thinks it abnormal that at the same time Whites are discriminated against by law everybody furiously seeks to spot and eliminate racism, institutional and otherwise.

Religion: When Did Feeble Humor Become Christianity’s Calling Card

Go with your strong point. You’ve got a savior who can absolve sin and new-and-improve humanity. So why the limp humor? Why do I know that every time I drive past some ant-architected Protestant Int’l House of Jizzbo I’m going to be assaulted and insulted by some feeble joke? Make it stop, you Jeboo jerks. Review of von Balthasar book.

Science: Titrot Be Racis’ an’ Shit

Cancer eats niggers like niggers eat carp.

Books: The Controversy of Zion

By Douglas Reed. Review of jew Hart’s Understanding Human History. Here on Neoconned!

Movies: ‘Bourne Ultimatum’

Libertarian review.

Media Change: Time Mag Subs Down 17%

From paid circ of 4m down to 3.4 million. Time magazine remains the nation’s largest newsweekly, but its lead over archrival Newsweek has narrowed considerably… Founded by CIA twink and all-around Christian pud Luce, Time magazine has always sucked. Nobody reads papers. Well, older Whites males still do. White males are the only demographic that buys papers in big numbers yet at the same time the only sector papers dare to offend. Everytime you pay a jewsmedia agent you’re underwriting Eurocide, White man.

White Archaeology: Stone Age Settlement Under English Channel

Last ice age ended 10,000 years ago; settlement is 8,000 years old. Lobsters mucking around the seabed at the site about 10 years ago revealed a cache of Mesolithic flints, prompting further excavations that uncovered two hearths (ancient ovens) dangling precariously from the edge of an underwater cliff. Here a 2,000-year-old Etruscan tomb, intact, is discovered.

14 August, 2007

Posted by Socrates in AmeriKwa, jewed culture, Socrates, tv, tv shows at 6:24 pm | Permanent Link

A new television series will feature male full-frontal nudity [1]. Another new show, called “Swingtown,” features wife-swapping. Of that show, a TV executive named Tassler said that they’re going to “push the envelope” with that series [2][3][4]:

[1] [Article]

[2] Tassler quotes: [Here]

[3] according to this article, Tassler was raised Jewish: [Here]

[4] more about the entertainment industry: [Here]