Posted by Socrates in Jewish arrogance, Jewish behavior versus White behavior, Jewish brain features, Jewish chosenness, Jewish deceit, Jewish Question, Jewish swindlers at 8:11 pm |

(Above: Michelangelo’s famous sculpture “David” [center] stands alone in its glory at the Accademia Gallery in Florence, Italy. Made circa 1504, it is 14 feet tall). If the Jews are “God’s chosen people,” how come they have created nothing since the era of Christ (except poop jokes and usury)? What? The Jew Einstein created E=MC2? […]
(Above: signs like this one were common in America in the 1920s. Today? Today Jews have “civil rights” and such a sign would get you sued, and maybe even arrested for “civil rights violations”). The poor Jews. People sometimes complain when they behave badly! (But only in private. They don’t dare complain about Jews in […]
(Above: the wooden “gas chamber door” at the Auschwitz internment camp in Poland). How was Dr. Josef Mengele “the Angel of Death” when a million Jews (including Anne Frank) survived Auschwitz? He was more like “the Angel of Life,” saving an untold number of kind, sweet, innocent Self-Chosen and thereby allowing them to escape to […]
Muslims and Whites are on a collision course in the Western world. It’s a given. And our Western “leaders” instinctively know it, but they don’t care because they’re not really our leaders. They’re myopic assholes who only care about power and money and being P.C. When Muslims come to the Western countries, they become more […]
Jews are notorious for being cruel, for only caring about themselves. Indeed, according to Judaism, Jews look down upon gentiles as “unclean animals”; and look at how the Jews treat the Palestinians in Gaza; in fact, Gaza is a giant prison camp. Jews are also notorious liars and swindlers who lack “normal” morals and decency; […]
White slavery, anyone? Usury? Communism? Socialism? How about plain old leftism? Or maybe some war-mongering, or some pyramid schemes? Genocide and oppression in Palestine and other places? Nation-wrecking in Europe? That’s just a small part of Jewish history – it gets even worse! One of the most important things that a White man can learn […]
Thanks to the internet, more and more people are waking up to the fact that the really big crooks (e.g., Bernie Madoff) are always Jews. As a people, they have such a long history of sneaky, underhanded, unethical behavior that to trust any Jew – no matter who he/she may be – is to ask […]
“Oy, veh, people are always picking on us!” cries the Jew. A clever tactic: now he’s got “the power of the victim.” The reality, however, is very different. The Jews have been wrecking nations and behaving badly since before Biblical times – in fact, the Romans had to land on them several times, such was […]
But it should really be called Glom Gyper, so hold onto your wallets during the next year, goyim! You see, after Glom Gyper, the Jews have “permission from God” to swindle non-Jews, thanks to the Kol Nidre prayer, which releases Jews from any contracts or promises made during the coming year. And watch out for […]