16 September, 2007

Posted by Socrates in Socrates, websites of interest at 6:19 pm | Permanent Link

It’s discussed at VNN Forum: [Here]. Thankfully, “Jew Watch” is mirrored: [Here].

15 September, 2007

Posted by Socrates in homosexual themes, jewed culture, multiculturalism, New World Order, public skools, Socrates, videos at 7:50 pm | Permanent Link

Parents object to a video shown to their kids at school. About the controversy: [Here]

About the video: [Here]

About the video’s Jewish director/producer, Chasnoff: [Here] and [Here].

15 September, 2007

Posted by Archives in audio, VNNB, VNNB-Friday at 5:01 am | Permanent Link

Join me your co-host Bud White and my co-host Mark in Cali for four hours plus of non stop TJB reporting. We’ll be reporting on a lakewood New Jersey robber who targeted jews on the sabbath, another new eruv coming to NJ, two georgia woman busted threatening a synagogue, a german tv personality fired after she praised Nazi Germany’s attitude toward motherhood, a NY rabbi who performed interfaith marriages called despicable and a new German deal Adds $250 Million In Holocaust Reparations plus a whole lot more.

15 September, 2007

Posted by alex in Lew Rockwell, Lewpus, LewRockwell.com, libertarians, plagiarism at 3:30 am | Permanent Link


FOX: ‘We Distort, You Deride’
Posted by Lew Rockwell at 01:52 PM

FOX was founded, never let it be forgotten, by neocon billionaire Rupert Murdoch; he put in charge of it Republican campaign consultant and Bush family retainer, Roger Ailes. Thus FOX’s role in fomenting a criminal war against Iraq, and its current role in formenting a criminal war against Iran. Thus also its hatred for Ron Paul, the leading antiwar figure in America. Certainly Ron doesn’t need O’Reilly, Hannity, Cavuto, Gibson, etc. Critics who allow you to speak your piece are fine, and Ron does well under the worst circumstances. But why give these malignant enemies of freedom (or these actors willing to do wrong for pay) his moral sanction, as Ayn Rand would have said? Boycott FOX.

VNN spintro: Posted by alex in Spintros, Alex Linder at 12:21 pm

Media Change: Study of Syndicated Columnist

Lefty group digs up some interesting facts. Here on Fox’s attempt, one of them, on Ron Paul. They distort. We deride.

[Not even the first time we’ve used that motto twist, best we can recall. Lewpus saw our incoming link to his blog entry and ripped it off. We don’t care, but we do observe. Stinky, Lewpus, stinky. We always make sure to give you full credit for your polyanntics. Quotation without attribution is typical of the low morals of the cowardly libertarian, who affects to prize nothing so much as individuals rights. The real but undisclosed libertarian principle is me first, me last and me all me places me in me between me me me. In fidelity to this principle limaceous Lewpus typifies his slugly ilk. Lewpus has demonstrated his willingness to dump his very best writers because they won’t toe the jewline on race. He has fired Bob Wallace, Carol Ward, and Jimmy Cantrell for speaking the unspeakable. The simple fact is that you can’t have any kind of widespread libertarianism without Whites. Lew Rockwell knows this. Ron Paul knows this. Neither dares say it. That is one of the reasons they will not win. They cannot. “White” is the only basis from which successful war against Judeo-bolshevism-2.0 can be waged. NOTHING GOES RIGHT UNTIL WE GO WHITE. Not to say we don’t celebrate the Ron Paul campaign, we certainly do. His treatment shows the farce that is the dual-wing Government Party. Ron Paul’s campaign gets smart men writing intelligently about the machine that is the System. Because of Ron Paul’s comparatively straight delivery, his answering of questions rather than animatronic soundbiting like the rest, his Aryan honesty and modesty – all these show up the other candidates and the parties and the media and the election system as a whole for just what it is – a gigantic dumb show for mass-morons. White nationalists alone can explain WHYs behind the System – in details the libertarians often know, but never reveal, as to reveal the true basis of the System would contradict their only principle: whatz good for me. Revealing that what’s “good for jews” is the basis of our neo-System is bad for libertarians. And that is why they will never win, and we, eventually, will. We’re willing to go the whole way, not just half. The Founders admired by the libertarians weren’t libertarians. They were racists. That is something Ron Paul, let alone Lewpus Rockwell, won’t tell you. Whites will. NO WAY OUT BUT THROUGH THE JEW]

14 September, 2007

Posted by Socrates in jewed culture, Socrates, SPLC at 7:19 pm | Permanent Link


More on the SPLC: [Here] and [Here].

14 September, 2007

Posted by Socrates in George Washington, Iran, jewed foreign policy, Socrates, Zionism at 4:41 pm | Permanent Link

America already took action against Iran in 1953 when it helped install the Shah as ruler of that country [1]. Will the U.S. again take action against Iran? Didn’t George Washington say, in his farewell address, that America should avoid foreign entanglements? [2]:


[1] about the 1953 Iran coup: [Here] and [Here]. More about the Shah: [Here]

[2] George Washington’s farewell address (note his comments on “foreign influence” and ponder how he would feel about the relationship between America and Israel): [Here]

14 September, 2007

Posted by alex in Michael O'Meara at 12:46 pm | Permanent Link

Drieu on the Failure of the Third Reich

by Michael O’Meara

TRANSLATOR’S NOTE:  The powers threatening our people became hegemonic in May 1945, when the liberal-Communist coalition known as the “United Nations” imposed its dictatorship on defeated Germany. This dictatorship — whose defining characteristic, East and West, is its techno-economic worship of the Jewish Moloch — was subsequently imposed on the rest of Europe and, in the form of globalization, now holds the whole world in its grip. For white nationalists, the defeat of National Socialist Germany is both the pivotal event of the 20th century and the origin of their own movement. Opposing the powers which are one generation away from exterminating their race, white nationalists resume, in effect, the struggle of the defeated Germans. But they do so not uncritically.

As an idea and a movement, National Socialism (like Fascism) was a product of the late 19th-century political convergence that brought together elements from the revolutionary anti-liberal wing of the labor movement and elements from the revolutionary anti-liberal wing of the nationalist right.  Hitler’s NSDAP was the most imposing historical offshoot of this anti-liberal convergence, but one not always faithful to its origins — which bears on the fact
that Hitler shares at least part of the responsibility for the most devastating defeat ever experienced by the white race. 

It is not enough, then, for the present generation of white nationalists to honor his heroic resistance to the anti-Aryan forces.  Of greater need, it seems to me, is to identify and come to terms with his failings, for these, more than his triumphs, now weigh on our survival as a people.

The following is an excerpt from a piece that Pierre Drieu La Rochelle wrote in the dark days after August 1944, after the so-called “Liberation” of Paris and before the suicide that “saved” him from De Gaulle’s hangman.  It was written in haste, on the run, and never completed, but is nevertheless an illuminating examination of Hitler’s shortcomings (even where incorrect).

The central point of Drieu’s piece (and it should be remembered that he, like many of France’s most talented thinkers and artists, collaborated with the Germans in the hope of creating a new European order) is that Germany alone was no match for the combined powers of the British Empire, the United States, and the Soviet Union.  Only a Europe recast on the basis of National Socialist principles, he believed, could triumph against the Jew inspired coalition.   Hitler’s petty bourgeois nationalism, critiqued here by Drieu, prevented him from mobilizing the various national families of Europe in a common front, proving that his distillation of the anti-liberal project was inadequate to the great tasks facing the white man in this period.



I was shocked by the extreme political incompetence of the Germans in 1939, ’40, and ’41, after the victories [which made them Europe’s master].  It was in this period that their political failings sealed the fate of their future military defeat.

These failings seem even greater than those committed under Napoleon [in the period 1799-1815, when the French had mastered Europe]. The Germans obviously drew none of the lessons from the Napoleonic adventure.

Was German incompetence the incompetence of fascism in general?  This is the question.

The imbecilic maxim guiding Hitler was: “First, wage and win the war; then, reorganize Europe.”  This maxim contradicted all the lessons of history, all the teachings of Europe’s greatest statesmen, particularly those of the Germans, like Frederick and Bismarck.  It was Clausewitz who said war is only the extension of politics.

But even if one accepts Hitler’s maxim, the German dictator committed a number of military mistakes:

1. Why did he wait six months between the Polish campaign and the French campaign?

2. Why did he squander another ten months after the French campaign?

3. Why in late 1940 did he wage a futile aerial assault on England, instead of striking the British Empire at its most accessible point, Gibraltar?

After July 1940 [when no European power opposed him on the continent], he could have crossed Spain, destroyed the [English] naval base at Gibraltar, and closed off the Mediterranean.

The armistice with Pétain [which led to the establishment of the Vichy regime] was [another] German disaster.  If the French had followed [Paul] Reynaud [the last Premier of the Third Republic who advocated continued resistance from France’s North African colonies], the Germans would have been forced to do what was [militarily] necessary to win the war.  For once master of Gibraltar, Hitler would have rendered [the English base at] Malta useless, avoided the Italian folly in the Balkans [which doomed Operation Barbarosa in Russia], and assured the possibility of an immediate and relatively uncostly campaign against [English occupied] Egypt.  Rather than bombing London, he should, instead, have seized Alexandria, Cairo, and Suez.  This would have settled the peace in the Balkans, avoiding the exhausting occupations of Greece and Yugoslavia, [it would have cut England off from her overseas empire, and guaranteed Europe’s Middle Eastern energy sources].

These military failings followed from Hitler’s total lack of imagination outside of Germany.  He was [essentially] a German politician; good for Germany, but only there.  Lacking political culture, education, and a larger tradition, having never traveled, being a xenophobe like many popular demagogues, he did not possess an understanding of what was necessary to make his strategy and diplomacy work outside Germany.  All his dreams, all his talents, were devoted to winning the war of 1914, as if conditions [in 1940] were still those of 1914. . .  He thus underestimated Russian developments and totally ignored American power, which had already made itself felt in 1914.

He did understand the importance of the tank and the airplane [whose military possibility came into their own after 1918], but not in relationship to the enormous industrial potential of Russia and America. He neglected [the role of] artillery, which was a step back from 1916-1918.  He is least reproachable in his estimation of submarine warfare, whose significance was already evident in the Great War.  But even here, the Anglo-Saxons [i.e., the Anglo-Americans] deployed their maritime genius in a way difficult for a European continental to anticipate.

Hitler’s political errors [, however,]  were far worse and more thorough-going than his military errors.  He hardly comprehended the problem, seeing it in terms of 1914 — in terms of diplomacy, national states, cabinet politics, and [rival] chancelleries.  His understanding of Europe did not even measure up to that of old aristocrats like Bismarck and Wilhelm II, who never forgot the traditions of solidarity that united Europe’s dynasties, courts, and nobilities. . .

It is curious that this man who knew how to inspire the masses in his own country, who always maintained the closest contact with his people, never, not for a second, thought of extending his [successful] German policies to the rest of Europe.  He [simply] did not understand the necessity of forging a policy to address Europe domestically and not just internationally.  Diplomats and ambassadors had lost command of the stage — it was now in the hands of political leaders capable of winning the masses with the kind of social policies that had succeeded in Germany and could succeed elsewhere.

Hitler didn’t understand this.  After his armies invaded Poland, France, and elsewhere, he never thought of implementing the social and political practices that had worked in Germany . . .  He never thought of carrying out policies that would have forged bonds of solidarity between the occupied and the occupiers. . .

These failures lead me to suspect that the Germans’ political stupidity . . . owed something to fascism — that political and social system awkwardly situated between liberal democracy and Communist totalitarianism.

In the fascist system there was something of the “juste milieu” that could not but lead to the Germans’ miserable failure.  [A French term meaning a “golden mean” or a “happy medium,” “juste milieu” is historically associated with the moderate centrist politics (or anti-politics) of bourgeois constitutionalists — first exemplified by France’s July Monarchy (1830-48) and subsequently perfected in the American party system].

The Germans have no political tradition.  For centuries, most of them inhabited small principalities or cities where larger political forces had no part to play.  There was, however, Vienna and Berlin.  In these two capitals, politics was the province of a small [aristocratic] caste.  The events of 1918 [i.e., the liberal revolutions that led to the Weimar and Viennese republics] abruptly dislodged this caste, severing its ties from the new governing class.

Everything that has transpired in the last few years suggests that Germany remains what it was in the 18th century . . . a land unable to anchor its warrior virtues in politically sound principles . . .

[Part of this is due to the fact that] the German is no psychologist.  He is too much a theoretician, too intellectually speculative, for that.  He lacks psychology in the way a mathematician or metaphysician does.  German literature is rarely psychological; it develops ideas, not characters.  The sole German psychologist is Nietzsche [and] he was basically one of a kind. . .  Politically, the Germans [like the French] are less subtle and plastic than the English or the Russian, who have the best psychological literature and hence the best diplomacy and politics.

Hitler’s behavior reflected the backward state of German, and beyond that, European attitudes.  This son of an Austrian custom official inherited all the prejudices of his father’s generation (as had Napoleon).  And like every German nationalist of Austrian extraction, he had an unshakable respect for the German Army and the Prussian aristocracy.  Despite everything that disposed him against it, he remained the loyal Reichwehr agent he was in Munich [in 1919]. . . If he subsequently became a member of a socialist party [Anton Drexler’s German Workers’ Party] — of which he promptly became the leader — it was above all because this party was a nationalist one. Nationalism was always more important to him than socialism — even if his early years should have inclined him to think otherwise . . .

Like Mussolini, Hitler had no heartfelt commitment to socialism.  [Drieu refers here not to the Semitic socialism of Marx, with its materialism, collectivism, and internationalism, but rather to the older European tradition of corporate socialism, which privileges the needs of family, community, and nation over those of the economy] . . . That’s why he so readily sacrificed the [socialist] dynamism of his movement for the sake of what the Wehrmacht aristocracy and the barons of heavy industry were willing to concede.  He thought these alone would suffice in furnishing him with what was needed for his war of European conquest. . .

Fascism failed to organize Europe because it was essentially a system of the “juste milieu” — a system seeking a middle way between communism and capitalism. . .

Fascism failed because it did not become explicitly socialist.  The narrowness of its nationalist base prevented it from becoming a European socialism . . .  Action and reaction: On the one side, the weakness of Hitlerian and Mussolinian socialism prevented it from crossing national borders and becoming a European nationalism; on the other, the narrowness of Mussolinian and Hitlerian nationalism stifled its socialism, reducing it to a form of military statism. . .

Source: Pierre Drieu La Rochelle.  Textes retrouvées.
Paris: Eds. du Rocher, 1992.

14 September, 2007

Posted by alex in Alex Linder, Spintros at 12:21 pm | Permanent Link

White Genius: Super Filter

“Clean air, clean water,” shriek government and so-called evironmentalist nitwits. Who comes up with something? Some guy working on his own. It’s always that way. Mr Pritchard’s bottle can clean up any water – including faecal matter – using a filter that cuts out anything longer than 15 nanometres, which means that viruses can be filtered out without the use of chemicals. The chink copies, the jew steals, the nigger stares, the White solves. America has diversity and no jobs – just like the turd world!

Yad Vashem – Lies Spewed by War Criminals

Lithuania tracks one down. More here.  Here on the racial origins of Political Correctness.  Tiny, sick, vicious Israel – the world is catching on, says Pilger. Here Paul Findley on liberating America from Israel.

Divorce Works

Belgian thinking about dividing. More here. Here from Yid’s Own NY Sun. Fact is, central government isn’t necessary – see next spintro.

One Size Does Not Fit All

Somalia doing better without central government. UN in a tizzy. One size does not fit all, not even for niggers, especially not for Whites, the most individuated race on the planet. Which is the problem. Our good point is our bad point when we’re under attack by teeming racial teams. What we need is a racial dictatorship that can clean up the racial problem for all time, then a ‘libertarian’ devolution of power to allow genius to flourish and PIGS to work the fry hopper at McDonald’s like God intended.

Pigs Bein’ Pigs

COPS is fantasy. The reality is “Super Troopers.” The fish rots from the head down. Bushy is a lying war criminal who deserves to be stood up against a wall and shot.

Fox Contra Paul

MP3 of Gibson interview with Ron Paul, conducted with Fox honesty.


Saith twink Raimondo: When communism collapsed, a few smart crooks—now they go by the name oligarchs—grabbed most of the state assets and moved their ill gotten gains to Britain and Israel, where they laundered their billions by buying football teams, palaces, yachts, planes and what have you. (Ninety percent of the oligarchs are Jewish). They charge that Putin has appealed to voters through tacit anti-Semitism.  This is a blatantly false accusation, but it plays well among the neocon crowd. It is true, however, that the richest man in Russia, Mikhail Khodorkovsky, a Jew, was summarily imprisoned two years ago on political grounds. The neocons and the oligarchs are all jews. They share an agenda. Making jews the richest, most powerful group on earth. Anyone who gets in their way will be smeared or murdered. NO WAY OUT BUT THROUGH THE JEWS.

Guns Are Freedom

They symbolize the Aryan man’s refusal to be enslaved by jews, and that is why the jews are always the most prominent pushers of laws to do away with the Second Amendment. Those jews have nothing against guns — their staffs are loaded with them — they have everything against goyim. Israel attacks Syria, ostensibly to prevent arms delivery.

STEELE: Dollar in the Punch Bowl

The dollar falls below 80, the jews gear up for nuclear war. Great time to be alive, itz. Here on Ron Paul and the disappearing M3. More new Steele here.

Media Change: Study of Syndicated Columnist

Lefty group digs up some interesting facts. Here on Fox’s attempt, one of them, on Ron Paul. They distort. We deride.

Mini Movie Reviews

“Blades of Glory” – Two Aryan males pair up to win skating gold. How faggy. Some funny spoofing of Olympics, skating and tv coverage, but doesn’t outweigh the white male as fag theme. Want a good skating movie, see “The Cutting Edge,” which has some solid stuff. “I only do two things well. Skating is the other one.”

“Winter Passing” – waste of time. NY actor girl goes back to upper Michigan to visit drunk great-writer dad and his kooky housemates and emote over suicided mom. Miss it.

“Maxed Out” – somewhat interesting story of excessive debt in America. Paints cc companies as villains; excuses the credit sucks. The correct view is that the debt-laden are stupid, lazy, greedy, and dishonest, taking one with another. The cc banks are greedy panderers. The do-gooders whining for government to step in and exacerbate things are their typical worse-than-useless selves. Perhaps the best thing in this movie are snippets from an educational film shot in the fifties, “The Wise Use of Credit.” This film alone would lay out the real story, and not take two hours doing it. Loose credit is a moral problem. As one woman interviewed in this documentary says, back in 1972, she and her husband both worked 40 hours, and when they applied for credit, they were denied. But her daughter can go off to college today and get all kinds of offers. The cc companies give away t-shirts and other tschotschkes to get students to yield their personal information. The fundamental problem, as we say, is moral: banks shouldn’t loan money to the uncreditworthy. The uncreditworthy shouldn’t desire credit, they should desire to make themselves creditworthy. Neither of those shoulds will ever happen until the current Judeo-System gives way to a Moralitarian regime inflicting a New and Welcome Hardness on The People. Until then it’s every consumer for itself.

“The Wicker Man” – Good horror movie filmed in Scotland in early ’70s. Upright Christian copper investigates disappearance of young girl, winds up getting up-close view of island paganism, from tit to torch. Features every bit of Britt Ekland.

Books: “The Israel Lobby and US Foreign Policy”

Review of Walt and Mearsheimer’s book. Here updated version of Civil War II, free online.

14 September, 2007

Posted by alex in Letters, N.B. Forrest at 11:00 am | Permanent Link

Like you, I take delight in good news of scientific breakthroughs (not that I claim to understand them). I’d read about Kanzius’ salt water burning a few months ago. Here’s a couple more very promising developments on the clean energy front:
Drive 500 miles – after a 3-4 minute electric charge?
“There’s been nothing big or disruptive, and we’re due for it,” says Nicholas Parker, chairman of the Cleantech Venture Network, which tracks investment in so-called clean technologies. He says energy storage is one of the hottest areas for venture capital funding right now. “Right across the board, better energy storage is essential.”
“Among EEStor’s claims is that its “electrical energy storage unit” could pack nearly 10 times the energy punch of a lead-acid battery of similar weight and, under mass production, would cost half as much.”
“It’s the holy grail of battery technology,” said my source. “It means you could do a highway capable electric city car that would recharge in three or four minutes and drive you from Toronto to Montreal. Consumers wouldn’t notice the difference from driving an electric car versus a gas-powered car.”
Hydrogen in the Home
“Sheffield-based ITM Power has developed an electrolyser that will generate hydrogen for domestic energy use and will be put into production next year.

ITM’s electrolyser uses new low cost materials, which significantly outperform and undercut those previously used and was developed and patented by the company’s research centre.

‘ITM power is developing products which will not only revolutionise energy sources for the home, but make a significant contribution to cutting CO2 emissions.’ said company CEO Jim Heathcote. ‘Hydrogen has an important role to play in bringing ‘green’ technology to the housing market and our development work, which will reach the production stage next year, has ensured it will arrive much sooner than many dreamed possible.’

‘With stored hydrogen’s ability to provide not only fuel for heating and cooking but power, either through a conventional generator or a fuel cell,’ Heathcote added. ‘The prospect of energy self-sufficiency without the dependence on fossil fuels has moved dramatically closer.’ “


Cheap Paint-On Solar Cells:


N.B. Forrest

13 September, 2007

Posted by Socrates in Germany, jewed culture, political correctness, Socrates at 11:38 pm | Permanent Link

The West is under the heel of political correctness [1]. Duke talks about it:


[1] about political correctness: [Here]