Archive for the 'racism' Category

4 March, 2021

Posted by Socrates in "systemic racism", 'social construct', 'White privilege', 'White racism' myth, Dolly Parton, racism, racism accusations, Socrates, Western civilization, Western culture, Western decline at 11:42 am | Permanent Link

The essay, written by a Black woman, is called “The Dolly Moment: Why We Stan A Post-Racism Queen.” (My comments are in bold text). There are a lot of empty words here, in my opinion. What is the author trying to say? That Dolly isn’t a “racist”? We knew that already. She has never given […]

3 March, 2021

Posted by Socrates in "race police", "racism police", 'hate', 'hate' haters, 'hate' laws, books, Books recommended by Dr. William Pierce, Jewish deceit, jewish hate & hypocrisy, Jewish racism, judaism, Judaism As a Group Evolutionary Strategy, racism, racism accusations, Socrates, William Pierce at 1:38 pm | Permanent Link

Jews “monitor racism” in Britain, France, America, Canada — all over the West. They work closely with law enforcement officers to “fight hate and bigotry.” Yet, it was the Jews themselves who invented racism back around 500 BC! Jews were the first people to make racism part of their everyday lives, as their official doctrine! […]

12 February, 2021

Posted by Socrates in anti-racism movement, anti-White themes, Cultural Marxism, leftism, leftist/liberal hate, leftists, liberalism, liberals, Marxism, racism, racism accusations, Socrates, War On White Males, War On White People, Western civilization, Western culture, Western decline at 2:02 pm | Permanent Link

Government race hustler: “It’s time for your child to learn about racism!” White mother: “But, she’s only 2 months old! She can’t even walk or talk yet!” Government race hustler: “That’s no excuse! We have to nip Nazism in the bud! We must teach your child to hate herself! If you don’t cooperate, I’ll be […]

10 February, 2021

Posted by Socrates in Bell Curve, jewed politics, Jewed science, Jewish 'experts', Jewish 'science', Otto Klineberg, race, race as a social construct, race baloney, Race Denial, racial differences, racism, racism accusations, Socrates at 3:12 pm | Permanent Link

(Above: the Jew, Franz Boas [1858-1942]: the godfather of race-denial). (This article was originally published elsewhere in 2019, but it’s relevant now, of course. Big surprise: Angela Saini is a Brown person). “Saini’s book comes at a time when race science is making a startling comeback.” Comeback? It never left — although the Jewish “race […]

8 February, 2021

Posted by Socrates in ancient Greece, ancient Rome, anti-racism movement, anti-White themes, racism, racism accusations, Socrates, War On White Males, War On White People, Western civilization, Western culture, Western decline, White identity, White inventions, White literature, White philosophy, White thought at 1:46 pm | Permanent Link

Western culture is about race. Period. Nothing else. Western culture is White culture. It’s not Brown culture, or Black culture, or Asian culture. It’s the world built by White people from ancient Greece onward (i.e., from 700BC until today). So, when someone says “let’s fight racism,” they are really saying, “let’s fight White culture” (even […]

22 January, 2021

Posted by Socrates in "civil rights", 'class action', black behavior, black behavior vs. white behavior, Black Cities, Black mentality, Blacks as a failed race, Blacks as child-like, Blacks as worthless, Blacks in America, laws, lawsuits, racism, racism accusations, Socrates at 1:02 pm | Permanent Link

Race: they always say “it doesn’t matter.” But if race doesn’t matter, why do they mention it every day? It obviously does matter, very much so! Here, Blacks are suing McDonald’s, via a class-action lawsuit, because some Black restaurants failed. (Class-action lawsuits are unconstitutional. They are “gang lawsuits” often involving hundreds of plaintiffs who smell […]

19 January, 2021

Posted by Socrates in America, Britain, Canada, Diversity, diversity is hate, immigration, race, racism, racism accusations, Socrates, welfare payments, welfare programs, Western civilization, Western culture, Western decline, White inventions, White philosophy, White thought at 12:23 pm | Permanent Link

The West is, of course, a White region: England, Canada, France, Germany, the USA, etc. But all we hear about in the West is how awful the Blacks and the Browns have it here. “Oh, it’s such an evil, racist place!” they say. If the West is so darn racist, then why does every “Black, […]

3 January, 2021

Posted by Socrates in Cultural Marxism, dispossession & destruction, Diversity, diversity is hate, Klan, race baloney, Race Denial, racism, racism accusations, Socrates at 11:36 am | Permanent Link

At least the Klan is trying to do something constructive. This happened in Tulelake, CA. (I noticed that the city’s leadership is 99% White, with only one obvious Hispanic. Is that “diversity”?). Did you know that the KKK was anti-Catholic for years? Apparently it had to do with the Vatican, which is of course a […]

12 December, 2020

Posted by Socrates in America, American history, book selections, books, Nazi era, Naziphobia, Nazis, race, race baloney, race-baiting, racial awareness among Whites, racism, racism accusations, Socrates at 8:51 am | Permanent Link

Yes, that’s the whole problem, folks: contrary to what the Jews and leftists say, America is not a racist country! The pivot point re: race/racism in the Western world was 1945: the defeat of Germany allowed the Jews and leftists to daily demonize “racism” by pointing to “Nazi racial atrocities” (most of which never happened). […]

27 October, 2020

Posted by Socrates in communism, Cultural Marxism, jewed culture, jewed language, Jewish behavior versus White behavior, Jewish brain features, Jewish genetics, Marxism, Marxism as anti-White, political correctness, race baloney, racism, racism accusations, Socrates, Soviet propaganda, Soviet Union, Trotsky at 9:43 am | Permanent Link

Popularized (if not actually invented) by the Jewish communist/mass-murderer Leon Trotsky, the word “racist”/”racism” is bogus [1]. How so? Here’s a good example: the old University of Texas song, called “The Eyes of Texas” is now being called “racist,” even though the song does not mention, or even hint at, race, nationality or ethnicity. Nearly […]