26 March, 2022

Posted by Socrates in America, Obama, Obama Hussein Barack, Obamacare at 1:24 pm | Permanent Link

Some people have said that Barack Obama (not Joe Biden) is running America now, as a “shadow president.” Is this true? We don’t know, of course, but somebody does. There is one sign, however, that it could be true: under Obama’s 8 years as president (2009-2017), nothing happened. It was “8 years of nothingness” (no, wait, that’s not exactly true: there were higher medical costs for almost everybody due to Obamacare). And now in America today, there is still “nothingness.” It’s almost like a power outage in a large city. Nothing is happening. Nothing is moving. America seems “dead” just like it did under Obama. America is in a vacuum, yet again. It’s like a Twilight Zone episode, yet again.

26 March, 2022

Posted by Socrates in counterculture, jewed culture, jewed music, rock music, rock music industry, Sixties, Woodstock at 11:58 am | Permanent Link

Did Jews produce the Woodstock rock concert in 1969? Of course they did. And every other huge rock concert since then. Jews are always behind big things: Hollywood, the 1929 stock-market crash, WWII, the 2003 Iraq War. Jews never think small [1].

There are some funny stories about Woodstock. It was held on the farm of a Jew (of course) named Max Yasgur. His neighbors were angry with Yasgur ever since, because the huge crowd of concert-goers caused much damage to the whole area. Grass and bushes were trampled, piles of trash were everywhere, milk had to be thrown out since the trucks couldn’t get in, etc., etc. It was a giant mess.

Lang was one of four producers of the Woodstock festival. He had curly hair back then.

“Michael Lang, the concert impresario who helped conceive the landmark, generation-defining 1969 music festival Woodstock, died Saturday night at Sloan Kettering hospital in New York. He was 77.”

[Obituary; just learned of his death last night]. (I smiled when I learned that Lang was formerly a “head shop” owner. Of course! Jews built the 1960s hippie/counterculture movement, e.g., Abbie Hoffman, Jerry Rubin, Paul Krassner, Phil Ochs).


[1] More about Woodstock: [Here]. There was one good thing to come out of the Woodstock concert: the Santana instrumental song “Soul Sacrifice” with the great, old-school drum solo with rim beats: [Here; it begins at 2:48]; sadly for us, the Santana band is very multicultural — in fact, it’s probably the most multicultural band in rock music].

25 March, 2022

Posted by Socrates in National Alliance, William Pierce at 8:30 pm | Permanent Link

Does anybody have a .PDF file of an entire National Vanguard Books catalog from circa 2000? Such a .PDF file will have an index which will contain the list of the roughly 200 books that Dr. William Pierce recommended for White people to read. Dr. Pierce personally selected those books. A very valuable list, indeed. Homeschoolers could use that list.

25 March, 2022

Posted by Socrates in book selections, books, National Alliance, online books, Online library, white nationalism, White philosophy, White thought, William Pierce at 4:28 pm | Permanent Link

This collection of online books contains a lot of the books that were found in Dr. William Pierce’s book catalog circa 2000 (i.e., the old National Vanguard Books catalog). This collection is searchable in several different ways: by title, author, subject.

[Book catalog].

25 March, 2022

Posted by Socrates in 'social construct', 'social construction', Cultural Marxism, Derrida, Jordan Peterson, leftism, leftism as a Jewish construct, leftist/liberal hate, leftists, Liberalization Of Everything, liberals, liberals as bullies, liberals-as-destroyers, midgets, political correctness, political incorrectness, postMarxism, postmodern baloney, postmodernism, postmodernism and reality denial, postmodernism as a drug, socialism, Wittgenstein at 1:23 pm | Permanent Link

This “libraries buying leftist research papers” situation is interesting, and it’s more proof that leftism is a fraud. It seems that libraries have to buy the research papers (with your tax dollars), even though nobody reads them, and even though the papers aren’t cited (because they suck). Ever wonder how/why leftism is almost entirely funded with your tax dollars?? Contrast that to rightism, which isn’t funded by your tax dollars — just the opposite, in fact: rightism is under daily attack via your tax dollars! Amazing, isn’t it?? You’re paying for your own destruction, White man!

Re: Jordan Peterson, there’s something important that newbies can learn from his experience: even if you are “polite” and never mention the Jews, you’ll still be chased out of the universities, so you might as well mention the Jews [1]. Being polite won’t help you because, as the Left moves further and further leftward, merely not mentioning the Jews isn’t enough to save you from leftist harassment and terror.

Joe Stalin said one thing that I agree with: “Ideas are dangerous. We don’t let the people have guns. Why should we let them have ideas?” Yes! Ideas are very dangerous, such as CRT. Marxism and Postmodernism (aka, PostMarxism) are two ideas that should be totally banned in the West. They are very destructive.

Postmodernist philosophy is dangerous since, under the “rules” of it, anything is possible. Anything. It has “flexible realities.” It says “all humans have a different reality. There are no absolutes or facts in the world. Everything is relative. Indeed, facts are merely tools of oppression invented by White males. It’s impossible to tell what is true and what is not true, since there’s no such thing as absolute truth.” As such, if you believe X, then X is true, since that’s your reality. This is pure nonsense. Pure bullshit. “Everybody has a different road map of the same area” in other words! Try getting everyone to the same destination when everyone has a different map! Some “philosophy”! More like “anti-philosophy”! Assholes!

The postmodernist Jews, Jacques Derrida and Ludwig Wittgenstein, hit upon a dangerous idea: “words can mean whatever you want them to mean.” That’s a dangerous idea. That’s why ridiculous ideas — such as trannyism — are taken seriously by some people today.

Postmodernism, while it contains a few non-Jews — like the homosexual child molester Michel Foucault — is, nonetheless, full of Jews and so it can be called “a Jewish movement” [2].

In this video, Peterson is essentially talking about the Old Left vs. the New Left. The Old Left was about class and labor issues. The New Left was more radical, and was about demonizing White men, who are “oppressors.” You see, White men are always oppressing innocent creatures: Blacks, Browns, Jews, women, gypsies, midgets, Hare Krishnas, people who eat broccoli, sweet little puppy dogs, cute kittens. How dare they!! Those evil White men!! Spawns of Satan!! In fact, shave a White man’s head and you’ll see “666” imprinted in his scalp, just like in the movie “The Omen”!! (*shudder*) .

Quoting/paraphrasing Peterson: “Jacques Derrida, head trickster for the postmodernist movement.” “It’s a post-Marxist sleight of hand. The world (according to the Left) “went from bourgeoisie vs. proletariat” (which failed after most of the working class saw through that bullshit and rejected it) to “ohh, wait, it’s no longer about rich vs. poor, no, it’s about oppressed vs. oppressor” (same thing, just slightly different. Now it included race and sex, with the White male being the bad guy, but he’s even more of a bad guy now, since his victims are even more numerous! Half of the world is female! Add to that number Blacks, Browns and queers, and you’ve got “White men oppressing most of the world.” This began circa 1960 when postmodernism began).

(I have said this myself: all of the universities must be defunded by the states until they stop teaching leftist extremism. Indeed, the Humanities courses (i.e., anything having to do with humans, e.g., anthropology, sociology, etc.) are warping White minds right now ).

[Video, 11 minutes].


[1] Peterson, a tenured professor at the University of Toronto, resigned due to relentless leftist pressure: He said, “I am academic persona non grata, because of my unacceptable philosophical positions. And this isn’t just some inconvenience. These facts rendered my job morally untenable. How can I accept prospective researchers and train them in good conscience knowing their employment prospects to be minimal?”

[2] the central part of postmodernist philosophy is social constructionism (i.e., the social construction of reality) which was a Jewish movement: it was created by Jews such as: Edmund Husserl, Alfred Schutz, Max Scheler and later Peter L. Berger (who, like Scheler, was a convert from Judaism to Christianity). Other Jews who contributed to social constructionism were Emile Durkheim and Claude Levi-Strauss. Postmodernists believe that society is an artificial, “White male construct” (in other words, all things in society are fake (even race) because evil White males created them in order to control Blacks, Browns, women, Jews and midgets. Yeah, suuuure. In this way, postmodernism is a type of Critical Theory. It’s an attack on White culture. It’s “PostMarxism” or “updated Marxism”. Lastly, postmodernist philosophy is deliberately over-complicated and wordy in order to make it nearly impossible to define, as one expert said. It’s the perfect weapon for Jews and leftists. It can be used for any occasion: just spout some Derrida to “win” any argument. Of course, you can never “win” an argument with postmodernist philosophy because there are no facts or truth! How would you “win” an argument if there are no facts or truth? Oh, dear, what a mess…words everywhere, thoughts scattered…

25 March, 2022

Posted by Socrates in Ayn Rand, Ayn Rand philosophy, Klan, leftism, leftism defining, leftists, liberalism, liberals, Nazi era, Naziphobia, Nazis at 12:07 pm | Permanent Link

Seen on the web: the claim “Nazism is leftist” [1]. I’ve seen this so many times, despite the fact that Nazism opposed Bolshevism and leftism.

Some people have odd definitions of what “leftism” is. One guy said that “if you’re an American and you oppose Israel, you’re a leftist.” Actually, the opposite is true: globalism is a leftist movement. It’s opposite — isolationism — is rightist and conservative.

One guy told me that “all collectivism is leftist” (this idea is Randian and Jewish); this means that the KKK is leftist (but I would never call the KKK a leftist movement, having met some of them). That would also mean that all churches, even the hard-core ones, are leftist. No way.

Very often, “leftism” is deliberately misused for political reasons.


[1] “Historically, most leftist religions, including Nazism, have required forcible compliance and ‘mandates’, the non-compliant being enslaved and killed, the compliant being just enslaved.” [Here].

25 March, 2022

Posted by Socrates in Online movies, Serbia, Serbs, war at 10:23 am | Permanent Link

“No Man’s Land” (2001); a war movie; “Two wounded soldiers, a Bosniak (Ciki, portrayed by Branko Duric) and a Bosnian Serb (Nino, portrayed by Rene Bitorajac) are caught between their lines in the no man’s land, in a struggle for survival.” — Wikipedia, March 2022.

(Note: wide-screen mode will end the little pop-up box on the screen).

[Video, 1 hour, 33 minutes].

24 March, 2022

Posted by Socrates in "woke", Berkeley, censorship, Cultural Marxism, free speech, freedom, leftism, leftist/liberal cruelty, leftist/liberal hate, leftists, liberal 'tolerance', liberal mindset, liberal power in America, liberalism, New Left, political correctness at 3:17 pm | Permanent Link

“Free speech is how we learn” — Jordan Peterson. (How ironic that the New Left was born, to a good degree at least, via the Free Speech Movement at the University of California, Berkeley in Fall 1964! So you can see how extreme the Left has become: leftists went from “free-speech advocacy” to “no-speech advocacy”). (The Free Speech movement began when a Jewish leftist was arrested for refusing to show ID and the police car which contained him was physically blocked — prevented from leaving — by hundreds of leftist students for 32 hours).

“A bipartisan panel on civil liberties at Yale Law School was disrupted last week when more than 100 law students tried to drown out and intimidate the speakers, who eventually needed police to escort them out of the building, according to reports.”
(You would think that law students would have more respect for the First Amendment. As someone noted: America is heading for a lawless era, where “woke” ideology trumps law and logic).


24 March, 2022

Posted by Socrates in Covid as a control device, covid as a psyop, Covid Derangement Syndrome, Covid-19, Covid-19 as a scam, Covid-19 vaccines, Covid-stupid, Covidians at 1:54 pm | Permanent Link

It’s possible. The Covidians may return just in time for the elections circa September. “OMG! A new, super-deadly Covid variant!” [Article].

24 March, 2022

Posted by Socrates in Kosovo, Madeleine Albright/Serbia, NATO, NATO pilots, Serbia, Serbs, William Pierce, William Pierce Wednesday, William Pierce's ADV broadcasts at 11:12 am | Permanent Link

To celebrate the passing of the oily Jew, “Mad Madeleine” Albright, The Butcher of Belgrade, here’s a William Pierce twofer about Maddy. No, wait, let’s do a threefer!

Mad Maddy illegally bombed the Serbs (using NATO combat jets) for 3 months in 1999, even though that bombing was not connected to America in any way. Mad Maddy wanted to play global cop and aid the part-Turkish Muslim Albanians. The Serbs were White. Of course! Maddy hated White people. NATO actually bombed the Serbs twice (because once is never enough! Ask any rabbi) [1][2].

“How different Madeleine Albright’s war against Serbia is! There’s not even a pretense that killing Serbs is serving America’s interests. The war against Serbia is the first war of the 21st century, the New World Order crowd is proclaiming. Defending national interests is out of fashion now. The fashionable thing now is to use multinational mercenary forces to compel other countries to conform their internal policies to the wishes of the New World Order folks or to rearrange boundaries to suit New World Order schemes. The people who’re running this war — nominally Clinton, but actually the gaggle of Jews he appointed to be in charge of America’s foreign policy and national security after his re-election in 1996 — never approved of patriotism, anyway. They always sneered at it. They were the crowd cheering for the Viet Cong back in the 1960s and 1970s. Now they’re cheering for NATO.”

[Here], [Here] and [Here].


[1] the UN “Security Council” voted to have its “armed big brother” (NATO) drop bombs on the Serbs in Bosnia and Herzegovina in 1995 (it was called “Operation Deliberate Force”), which NATO did for 21 days, killing lots of civilians. NATO later attacked the Serbs again, in 1999, without any UN “approval.” The UN had zero authority to order up a bombing campaign in Europe. The UN is an illegitimate “global parliament” founded in 1945 by Marxist Jews, such as Leo Pasvolsky, Harry Dexter White, Harold Glasser, Irving Kaplan, Nathan Gregory Silvermaster, Victor Perlo, Solomon Adler, David Weintraub and Abraham G. Silverman. Humorously, the 1999 NATO attack on the Serbs was so ridiculous that 5 guided bombs accidently hit the Chinese embassy in Belgrade on May 7; the Chinese were, of course, outraged; the attack was organized and directed by the CIA, which apparently got the wrong address programmed into the bombs. Oops!

[2] the part-White Muslim Albanians started the violence against the White Serbs, beginning with Albanian student uprisings at Pristina University in Kosovo in 1981, which led to widespread anti-Serb violence. But when the Serbs retaliated, the West only focused on – you guessed it – the Serb response. If you’re White, you’re not “allowed” to defend yourself.